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Central Dingle Area , Cen: Annascaul Lake West Subarea
Feature count in area: 25, all in Kerry, OSI/LPS Maps: 70, 71, 78, EW-DC, EW-DE, EW-DW
Highest Place: Beenoskee 826m

Starting Places (34) in area Central Dingle:
Anascaul Village, Annascaul Lake, Ballyduff Grave Yard, Brandon Village, Cloghane Community Centre, Conor Pass, Doonore South, Doorah, Dromavally Mountain SE, Emlagh Cross, Emlagh Wood, Farrannakilla School, Glan Mountain, Glanteenassig Lane, Glanteenassig Wood CP, Glennahoo River, Hostel Cloghane Village, Killiney R560 Junction, Kilmore Lodge, Lios Pole Church, Lisduff Rath, Lough Camclaun, Lough Caum, Lough Doon CP, Lougher, Maum Cross, Maumnahaltora Cross, Minard Beach, Mullaghveal Farm, Owenascaul Estuary, Pedlars Lodge, Pilgrimage Trail Owenmore River, Sauce Creek Walkway Dingle Way, Teerbrin

Summits & other features in area Central Dingle:
Cen: Annascaul Lake West: Cnoc na Bánóige 641.6m, Cnoc na Bánóige North Top 447.6m, Knockmulanane 593.2m, Knockmulanane West Top 563.5m
Cen: Dromavally: Cummeen 477m, Dromavally Mountain 552m, Knocknakilton 423m
N: Annascaul Lake North: Coombane 610m, Beenatoor 592m, Beenoskee 826m, Stradbally Mountain 798m
N: Carrigdav: Carrigadav 240m
N: Fermoyle: Farrandalouge 144m
S: Annascaul: Beenmore 252m, Brickany 374m, Knockafeehane 301m, Knocknanacree 286m
W: Ballyduff: Slievenalecka 458.4m, Beenbo 476.7m, Slievenagower 485.8m
W: Slieveanea: An Cnapán Mór 649m, Knockmoylemore 493m, Croaghskearda 608m, Slievanea 628.7m, Slievanea NE Top 670.7m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knockmulanane, 593.2m Mountain Cnoc Mhaoilionáin A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cnoc Mhaoilionáin [OSI], 'Mulfinan's hill' [OSNB]), Kerry County in Munster province, in Arderin, Irish Best Hundred Lists, Knockmulanane is the 308th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference Q56816 04876, OS 1:50k mapsheet 70
Place visited by: 132 members, recently by: SeanPurcell, Krzysztof_K, jackos, farmerjoe1, Deise-Man, chelman7, DeirdreM, maoris, Tuigamala, Jai-mckinney, Oscar-mckinney, Carolyn105, johncusack, a3642278, farmerjoe
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -10.093907, Latitude: 52.177584, Easting: 56816, Northing: 104876, Prominence: 51.4m,  Isolation: 0.9km
ITM: 456797 604931
Bedrock type: Rhythmically bedded sandstone, (Ballymore Sandstone Formation)
Notes on name: The legend is told of Loch an Scáil, the mountain lake. The word scál… has associations with Lugh, but in this legend it is the name of a woman who lived near the lake. Scál Ní Mhurnáin she was called. A giant was about to carry her off and she sent word to Cúchulainn to defend her. Cúchulainn stood on top of the mountain to the east of the lake [Dromavally Mountain]. The giant was on the summit of the opposite western mountain [Knockmulanane]. They exchanged challenges in verse-form and then began their battle which consisted of throwing rocks at each other across the valley. It lasted for a week, at the end of which Cúchulainn was hit and moaned with pain. When Scál heard the moaning she thought her defender was killed and she leaped into the lake and was drowned (Máire MacNeill, 'The Festival of Lughnasa' , pp. 208-09).
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knc593, 10 char: Knckmlnn

Gallery for Knockmulanane (Cnoc Mhaoilionáin) and surrounds
Summary for Knockmulanane (Cnoc Mhaoilionáin): Airy ridge with sea and upland views. Cliffs to the east.
Summary created by simon3, Colin Murphy, jackill 23 Jan, 2022
   picture about Knockmulanane (Cnoc Mhaoilionáin)
Picture: From the summit of Cnoc na Bánóige
From the east: start from the car park beside Lough Annascaul AnScaul L (Q58253 05092) and ascend directly up the steep eastern slope. This becomes tricky around 400m elevation when you must ascend through a narrow gully which involves some climbing - and a warning - this can be a little dangerous in wet conditions. After that continue directly west for about 500m to reach Knockmulanane. From carpark to cairn took 1 hour 20 mins.
From the west: Start from the car park at the Connor pass Conr Ps (Q49054 05587).
Cross the main road and head due east uphill following a distinct track for 200 meters, then keep east and had for An Cnapán Mór and then to Cnoc na Bánóige and An Cnapán Mór.
The summit has great views to the sea of Dingle Bay to the south, to the north and the rough upland plateau of central Dingle and to the east towards Dromavally and the eastern part of Central Dingle.
Member Comments for Knockmulanane (Cnoc Mhaoilionáin)

   picture about Knockmulanane (Cnoc Mhaoilionáin)
Picture: Central Dingle from Knockmulanane
jackill on Knockmulanane
by jackill 29 Jun 2005
What a day! the old legs were certainly tested at times.I started at the Connor Pass and struck up the side of Slievanea following the track initially until it turns to the right. There are two tracks one marked by a line of intermittent white stones and one that follows the line of a sheep fence .At the top of the Mullaghanablagher cliffs is a small stone semicircle and from here its a short 450 mtrs to the grassy summit of Slievanea.For a touch of vertigo look down at Loch Doon from Slievanea's summit. From here I followed the cliffs around to Coumanare and a summit that is marked by a small pile of stones, look out over the valley of the Coumanare lakes from here and , as they say, wonder at the beauty of it all.
I turned around and headed back down towards the source of the river that drops away into Loch Iarthair, then over to the "pyramid" shaped summit of Croaghskearda and up the broad shoulder of Gowlane Beg to its stoney summit. Next it was on to the Windy Gap(yes it's windy) and a steep 130 mtrs climb to point 609 mtrs before reaching Banoge North. From Banoge North it's a two kilometer walk along a broad col to the summit of Knockmulanane.
I descended at Knockmulanane to the valley (very steep - be careful) and had my lunch at Loch Thuairin Mharta.I walked back along the valley to the Coumanare lakes along a stoney track that doesn't seem to have had much use of late. I climbed the north side of Gowlane Beg and struck back across the bog to meet the track, at A (Q495 052), that leads back to the Connor Pass.The photo was taken on Knockmulanane looking back along my route, behind(extreme right) you can see Gearhane Brandon Peak and Mount Brandon. 22 kms and 7.5 hours Linkback:
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GregFM on Knockmulanane
by GregFM 28 May 2007
Climbed this mountain yesterday with a view to walking the ridge line back towards the Connair Pass. Started at the car park at Lough Annascaul but walked back along the road to avoid the cliffs above the car park. The ascent to the skyline was tough going to begin but got easier the higher I got up. However when I reached the ridge which is quite narrow and very steep with only grass I was hit by NW gales gusting 45 knots. As this was a solo trip the after doing the Brandon ridge I decided to descend and wait for a less windy day. The view are stunning though, across to the reeks and all of the mountains on the Iveragh penninsula. I could even see the Skelligs. I'll definitely be back to finish what I started. Linkback:
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three5four0 on Knockmulanane
by three5four0 1 Oct 2009
We Parked at AnScaul L (Q582 051) in the small car park by Lough Annascaul, there is a notice with a map, which has the route up Knockmulanane marked on it by the local walking club, which meets in Hanafins Pub in Annascaul (good place out for a pint & to find out info on the local hills). Study it closely as there is some steep ground to negotiate, suffice to say you level the track around B (Q576 057) by a small hut with a sign on it, and arc uphill by a minor re-entrant to the north of the 2 streams (& steep ground) marked on the map. You should end up at C (Q569 053), at an ill defined ridge leading steeply up hill, arriving just east of the summit.

From the summit we continued west over pt563 and descended into a high col before climbing up to Cnoc na Banogie.
(see Cnoc na Banogie for continuation) Linkback:
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evanewan on Knockmulanane
by evanewan 12 Feb 2007
Parked the car at a small parking area beside Lough Annascaul D (Q582 052). Acended directly up a steep gulley immediately from parking point on a bearing directly for Cnoc Mhaoilionáin E (Q568 049). Gulley is steep, (ascending over 400 metres in less than 1 Km), but underfoot is mostly solid, though it gets a bit trickier in very wet conditions. From the top of the gulley continue on the same bearing with a further stiff climb to the summit. with good visibility there are excellent views of the Annascaul gorge, Beenoskee, Stradbally, Dromavalley, and over to Annascaul village and the coast. From here take a bearing heading westerly to 563 @ F (Q560 049) taking account of the cliffs to your right hand side. Continue on a westerly bearing to Cnoc an Bhánóg 641 @ G (Q548 048). You gradually descend into a col at about 500m and rise again to the summit. The views here open out even more to include Brandon bay and the majestic brandon range. You are positioned just east of the Windy Gap at this point and it is well named, so it may not be the best place to stop for tucker. You could at this point if time/transport permits push on westward to An Cnapán Mór and the Conor Pass, but we dropped off at this point to complete a loop circuit onto a bearing for 445 @ H (Q552 061). This route decsends quite comfortably, but becomes very boggy. From 445 take a bearing on 383 @ I (Q563 066). This section is very boggy and in wet weather may involve crossing several gushing streams. Great fun though ! From this point take a bearing North East until you pick up the way marked track. Follow this track until it becomes a narrow road and then all the way back to the cars at the lake. The views on the way back are excellent with waterfalls and gushing mountain streams everywhere, (assuming recent rain of course). There are bridges along the way, so there is no need to ford the river. All told a very satisfying walk, steep ascent, good views, good variety ,a gentle slope home, and of course good company helps! Linkback:
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   picture about Knockmulanane (Cnoc Mhaoilionáin)
Picture: The ridge pictured from the north
Fairly level topped ridge
by Bunsen7 21 Apr 2022
One interpretation of the Irish name is "flat-topped hill". This picture, taken from the north, would suggest that description is apt. Once you attain the ridge line, there is no significant effort required to summit the neighbouring top to the west. Linkback:
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EDIT Point of Interest

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