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Partry & Joyce Area , W: Devilsmother Subarea
Feature count in area: 27, by county: Mayo: 15, Galway: 15, of which 3 are in both Galway and Mayo, OSI/LPS Maps: 37, 38, CBE, EW-CON, MSW
Highest Place: Maumtrasna 682m

Starting Places (57) in area Partry & Joyce:
Aasleagh Waterfall CP, An Móinín Mór, Ballydoo Lough, Barrevagh Bridge, Bealanabrack, Bealanabrack River Tributary, Black Rock, Bohaun, Bracklagh, Buckaun, Bunduvowen, Cammanagh, Carraig Bar, Carrowrevagh Lough, Clonbur, Cummer, Derrassa, Derrinkee Wood, Doon Rock, Erriff Bridge, Failmore River, Finny Church, Fooey River Road, Glendavock, Glenmask, Glennacally Bridge, Glensaulmore Trailhead, Glentraigue, Gowlaunlee Lake, Keelkill North, Killeennimat Burial Ground, Knockaunnabausty (Cnocán na bPáistí), Knocknafaughy SW, L Mamwee, Lecarrow, Leenane, Leenane Hotel, unuseableLeenane R336, Lough Nambrackkeagh, Maum Bridge Road Lower, Maum Bridge Road Mid, Maum Bridge Road Upper, Mount Gable CP, N59 Junction, Otter Pool, Owenbrin Bridge, Owenbrin Tributary, Owenduff River, Red Island, RIC Barracks Ruin, Rinavore East, Rinavore SW, Shanafaraghhaun Cross, Sheeffry Pass, Tawnyard Lough, Teevinish West, The Larches Pub

Summits & other features in area Partry & Joyce:
Cen: Finny: Glenbeg East 372m
Cen: Knocknafaughy: Knocknafaughy 254m, Rinavore 426m
Cen: Maumtrasna: Barnahowna 516m, Buckaun East 495m, Glennagleragh Mtn 617m, Knocklaur 518m, Maumtrasna 682m, Maumtrasna North-East Top 572m, Tullymorehill 279m
N: Ballintober Hills: Bohaun 393m, Corveagh 233m, Croaghrimkarra 271m, Keelkil 239m
SE: Cornamona: Mount Gable 417.8m, Bohaun 424m, Knocknagussy 456m
SW: Bunnacunneen: Ben Beg 560m, Bunnacunneen 575m, Bunnacunneen South Top 539m, Bunnacunneen SE Top 479m, Lugnabrick SW Top 494m, Lugnabrick NE Top 494m
W: Devilsmother: Devilsmother 645m, Devilsmother South Top 509m, Devilsmother North Top 595m, Devilsmother Far North Top 601m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Devilsmother Far North Top, 601m Mountain Magairlí an Deamhain A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
Ir. Magairlí an Deamhain [], 'the demon’s testicles’, Mayo County in Connacht province, in Vandeleur-Lynam, Arderin Beg, Irish Best Hundred Lists, Magairlí an Deamhain is the 286th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference L91998 64336, OS 1:50k mapsheet 37
Place visited by: 182 members, recently by: davidrenshaw, MeabhTiernan, colinpurcell, finkey86, geohappy, Blackstar, Aidan_Ennis, discovering_dann, farmerjoe1, Hjonna, taramatthews, srr45, Jimmy600leavey, PiotrR, Carolineswalsh
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.632854, Latitude: 53.617823, Easting: 91998, Northing: 264336, Prominence: 26m,  Isolation: 1.1km
ITM: 491969 764350
Bedrock type: Sandstone & conglomerate, ignimbrite, (Mweelrea Formation)
Notes on name: This hill is named Mogarlyandoon on William Bald's map of Co. Mayo (1830). This is clearly from Ir. Magairlí an Deamhain, 'the demon’s testicles', (see Devilsmother). The name appears to refer to hillocks on this ridge. There is another instance of this colourful name in Glencalry (between Slieve Fyagh and Maumakeogh) on Bald's map, where it appears as Moggerlyandoon. There is also Magairle, a western spur of An Chailleach in the Twelve Bens, marked on Tim Robinson's map of Connemara.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: DvlsFr, 10 char: DvlsmtFrNr

Gallery for Devilsmother Far North Top (Magairlí an Deamhain) and surrounds
Summary for Devilsmother Far North Top (Magairlí an Deamhain): From sea to summit.
Summary created by Colin Murphy, simon3, wicklore 31 May, 2016
   picture about Devilsmother Far North Top (Magairlí an Deamhain)
Picture: Looking along the Devilsmother ridge to Devilsmother North Top
Devilsmother North Top is the summit at the north end of a long ridge stretching north from the main Devilsmother summit. The summit is up steep slopes, which when wet will present quite a challenge and you must consider how to get back down as well as how to ascend. also as this route starts near sea level near Killary Fjord, be prepared for a 600 metre climb!

One place to start is on a layby next to the bridge at A (L935 655) on the N59 road. Go through a gate and cross river to access a track. Follow the track for 400 metres before turning SW to head for the mountain. The steep climb begins at B (L92960 64850). Some respite is reached at C (L92402 64867) where terrain levels off. After continuing SW for 200m there is a final steep climb of 130 metres to the summit.

Another option is from Otr Pl (L91269 65068), also on the N59, with advantage that it is nearer to Devilsmother. Go through a gate and keep to right of large gully. See Track 1843 for detail, including a return using one of the somewhat easier to descend spurs off the Devilsmother.

There are breathtaking views of dozens of summits from summit. After such a hard won summit, it is a relatively easy walk along the wide ridge to the main Devilsmother summit about 2kms distant. For those with several more hours to spare, the ridge connecting Devilsmother to Knocklaur and Maumtrasna is at about D (L920 630).

Video short summary:
Member Comments for Devilsmother Far North Top (Magairlí an Deamhain)

   picture about Devilsmother Far North Top (Magairlí an Deamhain)
Picture: Breathtaking views from the Devilsmother ridge
Have you seen the Devils bits?
by wicklore 1 Dec 2010
Above Leenane on the Galway/Mayo border sits the Devilsmother ridge. This ridge is home to both the main Devilsmother summit and the Devilsmother North Top which sits at the northern end of the ridge overlooking the Leenane – Westport road. Devilsmother North Top has also been known as Magairlí an Deamhain, or ‘The Demons Testicles’. There is a theory that this actually refers to a couple of knobbly bumps on the ridge as opposed to the northern summit itself. What is clear is that ‘Magairlí an Deamhain’ definitely refers to something here, as evidenced by early 19th century maps.

So how did ‘The Demons Testicles’ end up being translated as ‘Devilsmother’? While I haven’t been able to confirm the origin of this mistranslation, I can offer an anecdotal story about it. In the 19th century British surveyors came to this area.

“What is that mountain there called?’ they asked the locals.

“Magairlí an Deamhain”, they replied.

“What does that mean?” asked the surveyors, keen to get English names for their maps.

“The Demons Testicles”, replied the locals.

“What!” spluttered the offended surveyors. “What kind of unholy name is that? We can’t call it that! We shall have to change it to ‘Devilsmother’ instead. That will be a more acceptable name to have on a map”.

(It is unknown if the locals were being honest about the name, or whether they were just sticking it to the British surveyors!)

Devilsmother North Top can be accessed by parking at a lay by beside a bridge at A (L935 655). This gives access to the Glenacally valley, which is bounded by the Devilsmother ridge, Maumtrasna and Knocklaur. I was told by a local farmer that access to the valley is permitted. Cross the river and follow a fence into the valley for several hundred metres before heading directly up the steep slopes to gain the Devilsmother ridge. Concentration is needed not to slip on the sodden grass. After climbing 400 metres a level area is reached, with a further 130 metres steep climb to the summit. There are amazing views in all directions of all the main Connemara and Mayo mountains. After such a hard won summit (having had to climb most of its 600 metres), it is a relatively easy walk along the wide ridge to the main Devilsmother summit about 2kms distant. This is well worth the walk as you can then definitely claim to have walked on ‘Magairlí an Deamhain’, as you cross the knobbly bumps along the way! Also the spectacular views of Killary Fjord and points beyond open up as you travel along the ridge. For those with several more hours to spare, the ridge connecting Devilsmother to Knocklaur and Maumtrasna is at about D (L920 630).

One final word of caution: All the slopes facing into the Gennacally valley, whether from the Devilsmother ridge, Knocklaur or Maumtrasna are very steep, or even cliffs in places. When planning a walk here, ensure you plan the return journey with great care, as it’s easier to climb a wet slope than descend one. Linkback:
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   picture about Devilsmother Far North Top (Magairlí an Deamhain)
Picture: Red line shows the route
Descent route from Devil's Mother North Top
by mcrtchly 22 Jan 2013
This photograph shows the descent route that we took from the Devil's Mother North Top as viewed looking north across the Glennacally valley. Navigation is trickly and very steep with dangerous cliffs nearby. For description see route 2060 Linkback:
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   picture about Devilsmother Far North Top (Magairlí an Deamhain)
Picture: Rough north face of Devilsmother N Top.
Why you need to research your way up this one.
by simon3 6 Jul 2012
The extreme roughness of Devilsmother North Top can be seen in this picture taken from the north. There are bands of cliff so it is not surprising that, so far, the two main routes described in MV start from the NE or NW. Linkback:
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Dan on Devilsmother Far North Top
by Dan 15 Oct 2004
Did this on a beautiful September day this year (2004). I borrowed a map from a friend and don't have it anymore, so i can't give grid references. Started from the Westport Leenane road. To the north east of the mountain there is a track that starts at the road ( I think its marked on the OS maps). The track is quite obvious from the road, theres two gates at the start of it. Followed the track south as far as a very straight new barbed wire fence and then turned just north of west and followed a wide gully up a few hundred metres. Theres a lot of cliffs on the north face (The North Face, eh!!!), so this gully looked like the best way to avoid them. When I got to the top of the gully, I headed toward the peak, which was to the south west. The view from on top of this, like the view from the Devils Mother is amazing on a good day...particularly the views of the Twelve Bens and The Mweelrea Mountains. The ridge across to the Devils Mother is a nice easy walk. Linkback:
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