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Slieve Mish Area , Cen: Baurtregaum Subarea
Feature count in area: 16, all in Kerry, OSI/LPS Maps: 71, EW-DC, EW-DE
Highest Place: Baurtregaum 849.7m

Starting Places (16) in area Slieve Mish:
Caherconree Scenic Route, Derrymore West Trail, Doonore South, Emlagh Cross, Emlagh Wood, Feighatidura Cove, Fybagh School, Glanaskagheen Wood, Greenlawn Cross, Laharn Viewpoint, Lougher, Maum Cross, Maumnahaltora Cross, R561 Lissaroe, Tonavane Cross, Tonavane Walk Kerry Camino

Summits & other features in area Slieve Mish:
Cen: Baurtregaum: Baurtregaum 849.7m, Baurtregaum Far NE Top 601.2m, Baurtregaum NE Top 818.5m, Baurtregaum NW Top 723m, Caherconree 835m, Castle Hill 599m, Gearhane 792m
E: Barnanageehy: Barnanageehy 561m
W: Aughils: Beenduff 515m, Caherbla 585.2m, Emlagh 483m, Knockbrack 459m, Knockmore 565m, Lack Mountain 465m, Moanlaur 566m
W: Camp: Corrin 332m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Caherconree, 835m Mountain Cathair Conraoi A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cathair Conraoi [OSI], 'Cú Roí’s stone fort'), Kerry County in Munster province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam, Irish Highest Hundred Lists, Caherconree is the second highest mountain in the Slieve Mish area and the 27th highest in Ireland.
Grid Reference Q73317 07260, OS 1:50k mapsheet 71
Place visited by: 371 members, recently by: Josephineobrien, Nailer1967, Alatar78, rosduke, kburke96, patman1974, RosieMc, Aidan_Ennis, discovering_dann, DarrenY, farmerjoe1, endaodowd, kelleher, rhw, Deirdreb
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.853696, Latitude: 52.203029, Easting: 73317, Northing: 107260, Prominence: 129m,  Isolation: 0.9km
ITM: 473296 607314
Bedrock type: Aeolian sandstone, (Kilmurry Sandstone Formation)
Notes on name: A narrow but easily passable ridge connects this peak to its higher neighbour, Baurtregaum. Caherconree is named after a stone fort situated two-thirds of the way up its western flank, overlooking the mountain road called Bóthar na gCloch ('road of the stones'). This is an inland promontory-fort, consisting of a natural projecting ledge surrounded on three sides by steep cliffs, the fourth side being defended by a stone wall. In legend this is the fort of Cú Roí mac Daire, hero of Munster, who was able to make it spin around at night to perplex any attackers looking for the entrance. The best known story connected with it relates how Cú Chulainn attacked the fort with the aid of Blathnaid, the daughter of the king of Man, whom Cú Roí had taken, none too willingly, for his wife. Blathnaid taunted Cú Roí that his fort was too small for such a magnificent chieftain as himself, and when the walls were down during the construction of bigger fort, she poured milk in a stream (now the Finglas River, from Ir. An Fhionnghlaise, 'the white stream') as a signal to Cú Chulainn that the moment was right to attack. For a fuller account of the story, see The Dingle Peninsula by Steve MacDonogh, pp. 31-33. Nor is this the hill's only legendary association. The summit is known as Fin Mac Cool's Table, while a rock feature on the northern ridge connecting to Gearhane is called Fin Mac Cool's Chair.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Chrcnr, 10 char: Caherconre

Gallery for Caherconree (Cathair Conraoi) and surrounds
Summary for Caherconree (Cathair Conraoi): Fine grassy peak with promontory fort and extensive views
Summary created by markmjcampion, scapania 17 Aug, 2023
   picture about Caherconree (Cathair Conraoi)
Picture: The mountain on a crisp November day
Caherconree is the last big peak on the Slieve Mish ridgeline before it tails down to the sea near Inch. It's noted for its extensive views looking W to Beenoskee and SW to Iveragh and the fine valleys on either side as well as the promontory fort high on its SW spur. Care should be taken when the winds are up and when navigating in mist.

W. Park at A (QA (Q71597 05585)) and follow the marked path E up the valley and onto the ridge veering left to the impressive promontory fort at B (Q72485 06565). Then head NE up the gentle ridge to the summit cairn. Allow 3hrs+ for the return of 5k with 600m+ ascent.

N. Park at DerMor Tr (Q74255 10717) a little W of Derrymore Bridge. Aim, via the Dingle Way, for the Derrymore river and follow the feint trail on its W side. At the 2nd lake head right to a flattish area called Fionn Mac Cool's Table; here head left up through bands of rock to reach the col with Baurtregaum. Then go right to the summit, summiting after 2 to 2.5 hrs. Descend the same way or via Gearhane (ascending via Gearhane is a good alternative esp. if you want extensive views en route) unless you intend taking in Baurtregaum.

S. Park near FeiDura Cv (Q71814 03086) and walk north up the road, veering off right on to the southern spur of Caherbla at the first opportunity. Head up the obvious NNE spur to Cagerbla, drop gently to the saddle at C (Q72754 05958) and join the route from the W. Allow 4hs for this 10k return with 900m+ ascent.

Notable tracks incl. track/2634 which is a 15k loop from the N.
Member Comments for Caherconree (Cathair Conraoi)

   picture about Caherconree (Cathair Conraoi)
Picture: Narrow grassy ridge going NE.
simon3 on Caherconree
by simon3 9 Nov 2005
You can select from various ways to reach Caherconree depending on circumstance and weather. For long interesting Kerry views of far off mountains over shimmering seas go high level via Gearhane or Baurtregaum. For a fabulous enclosed glacial valley as mentioned by ssmith, walk upstream beside the Derrymore river. For history and the quickest route go up from Beheenagh D (Q713 063) past the promontory fort.

The summit has a small cairn, nothing much, but great views on a good day.

Much of the rock here is red sandstone, however there are a couple of variations of this. Immediately to the north of the top is sandstone with bits of various heat changed rocks. However around 500m north of the summit, there's a band of sandstone with roundish white quartzite stones, a bit like golfballs. As this erodes, these hard golfballs freed from millions of years being incarcerated in sand, start to roll around, no doubt to be washed down to the sea where, yes, they get stuck in mud or sand for another half billion years. Interestingly also, there is a huge fault line passing the summit and the north of Derrymore Lough which can be found extending 20km SW. The geological layers to the south of the summit are far lower than those to the north.

The photo shows the route NE towards Baurtregaum. As Seán Ó Súilleabháin says perhaps best not to visit in mist, though I would be more concerned about high winds. Linkback:
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   picture about Caherconree (Cathair Conraoi)
Picture: Sunrise panorama taking in a number of peaks
views on a clear morning
by mh400nt 26 Nov 2022
Having been up Caherconree a few times over the last 12 months(i'm relatively new to this walking) and its 50/50 for clear views.

for me, the easiest ascent is coming up via the fort, starting at A (Q71597 05585)
You can set your target for the fort, then depending on the weather and how you're feeling you can push onto the summit.

Up through the Derrymore valley is spectacular, but the pull out the back of the valley is tough going as i am not the fittest by any stretch of the imagination.

Attached panorama has Gearhane, Caherconree and 3 of the Baurtregaums. It was a beautiful clear, calm morning.
(1st post, hope its ok) Linkback:
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   picture about Caherconree (Cathair Conraoi)
Picture: Dingle Bay shimmers beyond the snow covered fort of Cú Roí
In the Snowy Footsteps of Cú Chulainn
by ciarraioch 23 Oct 2011
During the Big Freeze on 2 January 2010, I slid to a halt by the traditional starting point on Bóthar na gCloch E (Q716 056) at around 12.35, perhaps a little late to be starting given the short days. Following the line of poles, tramping upwards in snow was much more pleasant than the usual boggy slog, although the snow was nearly a metre deep in places. Eventually I gained the summit in weak mid-winter sunshine in Siberian temperatures. The batteries of the camera had to be warmed after every 10 seconds or so and removing gloves to do so was well-nigh impossible. The sacred mountains of the Kingdom were visible in their snowcapped majesty, from the Breasts of the Goddess Dana (Dá Chích Danann aka The Paps) to the south east, Drung Hill and Cnoc na dTobar to the south west, and Brandon to the far west. I sometimes wonder whether the visibility of these aforementioned summits, themselves the focus of prehistoric religious cults, may have influenced those who built the awesome promontory fort on the flanks of this mountain. I returned in fading light, the snow covered fort of Cú Roí an eerie sight as the sunset reflected in icy-calm Dingle Bay. I went for a more southerly line of descent towards the starting point, the deep snow facilitating what would otherwise have been too steep under normal circumstances. I arrived back at the car at 15.30, two attempts being required to get the car up the hill to on the return route to the south! Linkback:
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   picture about Caherconree (Cathair Conraoi)
Picture: The mountain on a crisp November day
View from Knockbrack
by Colin Murphy 27 Nov 2014
Snapped the accompanying pic from the slopes of Knockbrack - unfortunately the wider view is spoiled by the presence of a small quarry and a large ugly, building with corrugated iron roof in the valley to the north of Knockbrack. Linkback:
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   picture about Caherconree (Cathair Conraoi)
Picture: Cú Roi's Mighty Ramparts
Jeremiah King's Capital of West Munster
by ciarraioch 29 Nov 2011
Jeremiah King, that eccentric encyclopaedist of Kerry of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, was obsessed with Caherconree fort and its supposed links to the 'Tuatha Sen Erann', or the indigenous people of the southwest. Some excerpts from his extremely lengthy entry for Caherconree in his tome 'Kerry Past & Present' (written in the British Library ) are as follows:
'Caher Conroi, Caherconree, on Sliab Mis, is two acres in extent, on a triangular spur of the mountain, 2050 feet above the sea level, with two cliffs 200 feet deep. The rampart is 350 feet by 14. It is one of the three old forts of Erin, with Dun Sobairche and Dun Cearnmna. In the tale of Cath Fintraga it is called cathair na Claenraithe, because of its sloping garth...Below the fort is the ogham stone marked Conuneatt moqi Conuri and Fect Cununi...Cathair Conraoi was built by Ciagdorn, who was the cashel builder to Curoi Mac Daire...Caherconree is built of uncemented stones. Curi Mac Dara lived in the first century AD and is one of the chief characters in several ancient tales of the Red Branch knights....The tuath sen Erann, or people of old Erin, made temair Erann on cathair Conroi, their headquarters in West Munster...Conroi and Lugaid mac Conroi were kings of West Munster, a line from Cork to Limerick cities...Lugaid Mac Conroi, the sun hero, slew Cuchulainn, who killed his father Curoi by treachery at Cathair Conroi....'
The fort which lies some 700 feet below the summit is more than reason enough to climb this mountain. The labour involved in its construction at this height suggests that this must have been an extremely important site in preChristian Ireland, and this importance is reflected in its place in the old Gaelic sagas. Linkback:
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EDIT Point of Interest

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