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Sorrel Hill: Ridge walk with fine views

Inishkeel: Head over at low tide for wonderful view of Nairn beach

Argentina - Bariloche - Mirador Lago Guttierez

Sorrel Hill: An easy walk

Argentina - Bariloche - Cascada Nivinco

Lugnagun: Superb Blessington Lake Views

Lugnagun: Dogs not allowed on Mass Path

Argentina - Bariloche - Cerro Llau Llau

Hillbagging with fear of exposure

Argentina - Mendoza - Cerro de la Gloria

Hill of Ward: There must be a key somewhere hereabouts...

Near Barnastooka, West Cork Mountains (Ireland)

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Maamturks Area   S: Maumturks S Cen Subarea
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Binn Mhairg Mountain (Ir. Binn Mhairg [TR], 'peak of woe') Galway County in Connacht Province, in Arderin Beg, Vandeleur-Lynam, Irish Best Hundred Lists, Pale quartzites, grits, graphitic top Bedrock

Height: 612.4m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 37 Grid Reference: L90245 52016
Place visited by 261 members. Recently by: maitiuocoimin, Hjonna, nupat, NualaB, RonanS, Aidan_Ennis, discovering_dann, bandre, RosieMc, farmerjoe1, TipsyDempy, andalucia, PiotrR, maoris, Prem
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Longitude: -9.654969, Latitude: 53.506864 , Easting: 90246, Northing: 252016 Prominence: 21.92m,  Isolation: 0.5km
ITM: 490219 752038,   GPS IDs, 6 char: BnMhrg, 10 char: Bin Mhairg
Bedrock type: Pale quartzites, grits, graphitic top, (Bennabeola Quartzite Formation)

Has been called Slievenaroy.   Binn Mhairg is the 264th highest place in Ireland.

COMMENTS for Binn Mhairg 1 2 Next page >>  
Follow this place's comments Picture about mountain <i>Binn Mhairg</i>  in area Maamturks, Ireland
Picture: Binn Mhairgh extends north from the main Maamturks ridge
Rocky northern ridge end, impressive cliffs to 3 sides
Short Summary created by simon3, wicklore  3 Jul 2022
Binn Mhairg or ‘Peak of Woe’ has a slightly off-line location. Situated as it is at the end of a ridge extending 500 metres north from Binn Chaonaigh, it is just that bit too isolated to attract many walkers traversing the main Maamturks ridge. However it is well worth a visit for the exceptional views across a huge corrie to the Binn idir an dá Log massif.

Binn Mhairg can be reached from Maumeen, the col between Binn Mhòr and Binn Chaonaigh. The upper levels of these mountains are pure quartzite, so good footwear is needed to walk on the fields of shattered stone and narrow trails carved out by countless boots. The approach from Maumeen can be started from the car park at L893 495 starA. From the car park it is a climb of 150 metres up to the col. Follow the good track up to the col, where there is a Chapel and Holy Well.

The direct route from Maumeen is to head approximately north for around 1.2k until you reach the ridge that extends east from the summit of Binn Mhairg. Then head up this ridge to the top.

You can also go up Binn Chaonaigh from Maumeen over initial steep grassy slopes and then shattered rock. Care is needed throughout the walk as some sections are steep. From Binn Chaonaigh head NNE for 500 metres, dropping slightly before climbing to the small summit of Binn Mhairg.

Any walk in the Maamturks should be undertaken with care as there are few escape options if bad weather descends or you get tired. Good navigation is required as there are steep drops and cliffs waiting to greet those who lose their route. Linkback:
A well worthwhile but neglected scramble .. by IainT   (Show all for Binn Mhairg )
Didn't bother with Binn Mhairg (I was in a group .. by csd   (Show all for Binn Mhairg )
Nice little loop walk .. by fkaatje   (Show all for Binn Mhairg )
07/02/09 - The Coum between Binn Caoinigh/Mhairg .. by aburden   (Show all for Binn Mhairg )
Seven years later, I finally made it down those l .. by csd   (Show all for Binn Mhairg )
COMMENTS for Binn Mhairg 1 2 Next page >>
(End of comment section for Binn Mhairg .)

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Open Street Map
(Main supplier OpenTopoMap)
Height layer: © MapTiler
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British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc