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Sperrin Mountains Area , NW Cen: Glenelly North West Subarea
Feature count in area: 64, by county: Derry: 34, Tyrone: 39, of which 9 are in both Derry and Tyrone, OSI/LPS Maps: 12, 13, 6, 7, 8
Highest Place: Sawel 678m

Starting Places (21) in area Sperrin Mountains:
Altinure Road, Banagher Glen Nature Reserve, Barnes Gap Car Park, Crocknakin, Drumnaspar Picnic CP, Glenchiel Road, Glenedra Bridge, Glenelly Road, Parkreagh, Goles Road, Lough Ouske, Moneyneany Village, Moydamlaght Forest, Moydamlaght Road, Mullaghmore, Mullaghbane, Spaltindoagh, Sperrin Hamlet, Sperrin Heritage Centre, Sperrin Heritage Centre W, Sperrin Road, Barnes Top, Sperrin Road, Glashagh Bridge, Sperrin Road, Sperrin

Summits & other features in area Sperrin Mountains:
E: Magherafelt Hills: Slieve Gallion NE Top 493.6m
E: Magherafelt Hills: Slieve Gallion 526.6m
N: Claudy Hills: Crockdooish 321m, Curradrolan Hill 270m, Eglish 277m, Letterlogher 249m, Mullaghmeash Hill 244m, Slieveboy 259m, Straid Hill 303m
NE Cen: Glenelly North East: Barnes Top 456m, Craigagh Hill 460m, Crockbrack 526.1m, Knockanbane Mountain 441m, Meenard Mountain 620m, Meenard Mtn W Top 480m, Mullaghaneany 627m, Mullaghash 480m, Mullaghsallagh 485m, Oughtmore 569m, Spelhoagh 568m
NE: Glenshane North: Benbradagh 465m, Boviel Top 454m, Carn Hill 448m, Carntogher 464m, Moneyoran Hill 414m
NE: Glenshane South: Bohilbreaga 478m, Coolnasillagh Mountain 423m, Corick Mountain 430m, Crockalougha 407m, Mullaghmore 550m, White Mountain 537m
NW Cen: Glenelly North West: Dart Mountain 619m, Dart Mountain North-West Top 525m, Learmount Mountain 489m, Learmount Mountain South Top 492m, Mullaghasturrakeen 581m, Mullaghcarbatagh 517m, Mullaghclogha 635m, Mullaghclogher 572m, Mullaghdoo 568m, Sawel 678m
NW: Maheramason Hills: Clondermot Hill 220m, Gortmonly Hill 218m, Slievekirk 370m
SE Cen: Glenelly South East: Carnanelly 562m, Carnanelly West Top 503.4m, Mullaghbane 467m, Mullaghturk 416m
SE: Cookstown Hills: Cregganconroe 300m, Fir Mountain 362m, Oughtmore 382m
SW Cen: Glenelly South West: Clogherny Top 408m, Craignamaddy 385m, Crocknamoghil 335m, Mullaghbolig 442m, Spaltindoagh 420m
SW: Mullaghcarn: Curraghchosaly Mountain 416m, Mullaghcarn 542m, Mullaghcarn South Top 525m
SW: Newtownstewart Hills: Bessy Bell 420m, Mullaghcroy 242m
W: Strabane: Balix Hill 403m, Knockavoe 296m, Owenreagh Hill 400m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Dart Mountain, 619m Mountain An Dairt A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. An Dairt [OSM], 'the lump'), Derry/ Tyrone County in Ulster province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam Lists, Dart Mountain is the 257th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference H60254 96308, OS 1:50k mapsheet 13
Place visited by: 241 members, recently by: PaulC93, orlaithfitz, jjbireland700s, Aidan_Ennis, markwallace, discovering_dann, bowler, rhw, Prem, trostanite, Bob-the-juggler, ronanmckee, ToughSoles, Beti13, ChrisC
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.063641, Latitude: 54.810951, Easting: 260254, Northing: 396308, Prominence: 89m,  Isolation: 1.1km
ITM: 660191 896294
Bedrock type: Psammite & semipellite, (Dart Formation)
Notes on name: Cloudberries are found on the western slopes. This rare alpine plant resembles the strawberry plant, to which it is related. The fruit are like orange pearls. The OS Memoirs derive the name from Ir. dart, 'a lump', explaining that When viewed at a distance, it looks like a a lump on Sawel. However, Daigart is the name of a district mentioned by Tírechán in the Tripartite Life. O'Ceallaigh reviewed this information, along with MacNeill's assessment of it, and concluded that Daighart was probably the mountain country of Gleann Fhoichle (Glenelly), in the parish of Both Domhnaigh (Bodoney) and at the bottom of Samhail (Sawel) (Gleanings from Ulster History, Séamus Ó Ceallaigh, p. 23).
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: DrtMnt, 10 char: DrtMntn

Gallery for Dart Mountain (An Dairt) and surrounds
Summary for Dart Mountain (An Dairt): Easy summit in the shadow of Sawel.
Summary created by simon3 13 Sep, 2010
   picture about Dart Mountain (An Dairt)
Picture: Dart from Learmount S Top
The obvious way to climb Dart is from the road at A (H5894 9691), where there is a limited amount of parking. This point is at around 438m on the crest of a road that goes across the Sperrins. The walk to Dart is around 1.4k over rough heather and coarse grass.
Another way to reach Dart is from Sawel which is nearly 2k to the east.
The northern side of Dart has some crags. Views from the summit are substantial though Sawel is in the way to the east.
Dart has a cairn on the summit
Member Comments for Dart Mountain (An Dairt)

   picture about Dart Mountain (An Dairt)
Picture: Dart Cairn with Sawel in the distance
Colin Murphy on Dart Mountain
by Colin Murphy 20 Oct 2008
If you can arrange two cars, traversing Dart-Sawel can be a pleasant afternoon's walk. There is room to park a couple of cars directly to the west of Dart at grid ref B (H590 970) and also to the East of Sawel at Sperrin Road, Glashagh Bridge (H639 975). The approach to Dart from the west is about the most interesting and easiest terrain you will find in the Eastern Sperrins - rocky with short grass mostly, with the Dart summit having the honour of being one of the only mountains in the range to be marked by a cairn (see pic). While many of the Sperrins have a Wicklow-ish roundness to them, Dart Mt has something approaching a defined summit. Enjoyable walk, from west to east, car to car taking about 3 hours , and that was at a leisurely pace. Linkback:
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   picture about Dart Mountain (An Dairt)
Picture: looking to Dart across col from slopes of Sawel
by gerrym 27 Feb 2014

Dart is invariably tied at the hip with its bigger sibling (Sawel) and the join between the two is a defining feature in views of the Sperrins. Sawel has the kudos of highest and two county tops - somewhat greedy perhaps in taking the attention from those who may venture this way. All I can say is that they are at their best when experienced together.
Start at Sperrin Heritage Centre carpark ( Sperrin Heritage Centre (H607 936) ), turn right and follow road along Genelly Valley for 10 minutes until come to a lane on the right ( C (H597 933) ) with a dead end sign. Climb up this lane and views quickly open out over the southern side of the valley.

As it levels out at around 300m the mountains of the northern side come into view, with the parallel road to Dart Pass below ,across Oughtboy Burn. Cross gate and strike off right onto open hillside for the shoulder of Dart. The climb is by way of a couple of steps between level areas before the short climb over rockier ground to the summit cairn, reached in 1h 20 mins.

There is a great view in all directions but especially west to Mullaghclogha and its steep slopes. Head north east with a short drop down into a broad col - with 1 km before the climb up the large bulk of Sawel, following the fence for short while but continuing straight when it veers off right.

The climb up Sawel is straight forward and on reaching the trig point the view west to the remainder of the range comes into sight. There is a long but gentle drop down from the summit to the road at Sawel Pass. The going all along was firm due to the recent dry spell but it would be a different story under normal conditions.

Turn right and follow the road down into the hamlet of Sperrin and then it is around 3 km back along the main road to the carpark. In all took around 4.5 hours and did i meet anyone else ? NO but i did see some bootprints! Can also climb from the direction of Sawel - see for a different approach. Linkback:
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   picture about Dart Mountain (An Dairt)
Picture: The western flank of Dart Mountain.
csd on Dart Mountain
by csd 21 Feb 2009
Having had a rather late start (avoid going through Cookstown on a Saturday, the traffic is a nightmare), I chose the easy option: park the car at the pass on the road to Park at D (H58950 96912), and follow the fence east to the summit of Dart Mountain. There's room for three or four cars here by the cattle grid, and you'll be up at the summit in half an hour if you don't dally. Unfortunately the clouds came down as I started my ascent, so I only got a taster of the views. Linkback:
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   picture about Dart Mountain (An Dairt)
Picture: A backwards glance at Dart on the way down via the forest track
dr_banuska on Dart Mountain
by dr_banuska 15 Jun 2009
Like many other people, I combined Dart with its slightly higher neighbour, Sawel, the two tops being on my wish list ever since an abortive attempt last year. After reaching the latter's summit from the usual approach from the east (see entry on that page), I crossed over the fence close to the trig point and headed down towards the broad ridge joining the two mountains. As I said before I had naively imagined a small drop and narrow col when in fact it's quite a steep drop and a wide col. This made the thought of climbing Dart a bit more daunting but I decided to go for it anyway (I originally thought it would be a simple case of dropping down, taking a leisurely stroll along the narrow ridge, up a little bit to Dart, down again the same way, up a little bit to Sawel then all the way down the other side to where I started... all in 40 mins or so!).

I ran a good bit of the way down, which probably wasn't a good idea as I ended up on my back facing the wrong direction, with my dog running over to see was I ok! The view on the descent and rise is an interesting one, different from ascending Sawel: for one thing Dart has a more distinctive, craggier peak. Like Sawel it's rather boggy in parts and called for a few jumps. Towards the top I followed the line of the same fence, which I realized I probably could've followed the whole way, but I had fancied a straight drop and rise, peak to peak. There is a small cairn at the summit with views somewhat similar to Sawel e.g. Binevenagh, Lough Foyle and Inishowen to the north, although here there were better views west towards Mullaghclogha. I was able to pick out the minor road running north from the tiny village of Cranagh towards Park (Co. Derry), and slightly to the east, the forest track that others have mentioned. Once again, I crossed the fence and headed towards the track. The were some dramatic views on the way down this west side of the mountain, and a nice view down towards Cranagh with its pretty yellowish chapel. It started to rain and I hurried across sometimes awkward terrain before finally meeting up with the track (again I had to cross the fence, and again realized I could've followed it down). From here it was a gentle walk down towards the B47 Glenelly Rd, just east of Cranagh. I would recommend taking two cars if possible, as others have said, and parking them east of Sawel and west of Dart. Alll in all this circular route, while certainly an enjoyable day's hiking, is very long and requires a lot of road walking; the B47 is pretty busy. Linkback:
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   picture about Dart Mountain (An Dairt)
Picture: View towards Mullaghclogha from Dart
A Rare Rugged Sperrin
by Aidy 9 Mar 2015
I had walked several of the mountains in this area before, and on Sunday decided to visit a few in the middle that I'd missed out - Dart, Learmount Mtn S Top and Learmount Mountain. Dart is the most impressive of the three, and was my first call. I had looked down on it from Sawel in the past, and it can be reached from there, but due to my other targets for the day, I approached it from the west. It is easily accessible from the Park/Tamnagh Road between the villages of Park in the north, in Derry, and Cranagh in the south in Tyrone. There are a few lay bys near the cattle grids around the high point of the road for parking, and it is a short walk from there. The ground was also fairly firm and easy to walk on. The top is marked by a cairn, and signs on the nearby fence marking the Tyrone and Derry border. The views were excellent in all directions on the clear bright day I visited, and Dart itself was rockier and a bit more rugged and craggy than most in the range.

The Sperrins are not as dramatic as many other ranges, but they do get under your skin, and keep drawing me back with their own charm. Linkback:
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