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Doughill Mountain: Approach from the west

Two unlinked tracks from the west

Scattery Island: A very pleasant day out

Poor service from OSNI

Mweelrea: Mweelrea west access, descent

The Blue Eye, Albania.

Inishbiggle: A Great Day Exploring

Small but spectacular

Bagging Benfree

Outage on MV now over.

Inishlacken: Heaven on Earth

Coomnacronia Finnararagh Coomura Mountain Knockmoyle Knocknagantee

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Brandon Group Area   S: Brandon Ridge South Subarea
Place count in area: 15, OSI/LPS Maps: 70, EW-DC, EW-DW 
Highest place:
Brandon, 951.7m
Maximum height for area: 951.7 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 934 metres,

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Brandon Peak Mountain Barr an Ghéaráin A name in Irish, also Géarán Mór an extra EastWest name in Irish (Ir. Barr an Ghéaráin [OSI], 'top of the fang') Kerry County in Munster Province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam, Irish Best Hundred, Irish Highest Hundred Lists, Rhythmically bedded sandstone Bedrock

Height: 840m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 70 Grid Reference: Q47207 09481
Place visited by 580 members. Recently by: pinchy, Aidan_Ennis, discovering_dann, davidrenshaw, DarrenY, knightsonhikes, Zenny, Glengirl, RosieMc, farmerjoe1, jackos, jellybean, Nomad691, Dee68, kelleher
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -10.236348, Latitude: 52.216359 , Easting: 47207, Northing: 109481 Prominence: 190m,  Isolation: 0.8km
ITM: 447190 609534,   GPS IDs, 6 char: BrndPk, 10 char: BrndnPeak
Bedrock type: Rhythmically bedded sandstone, (Ballymore Sandstone Formation)

From the vicinity of Cloghane church there is a strange optical illusion whereby this peak seems higher than the summit, though it is actually over 100m lower.   Barr an Ghéaráin is the 25th highest place in Ireland.

COMMENTS for Brandon Peak (Barr an Ghéaráin) << Prev page 1 2 3  
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Interesting ridge to the east .. by Onzy   (Show all for Brandon Peak (Barr an Ghéaráin))
A big one for me, in every sense. .. by Colin Murphy   (Show all for Brandon Peak (Barr an Ghéaráin)) Picture about mountain Brandon Peak (<i>Barr an Ghéaráin</i>) in area Brandon Group, Ireland
Picture: Sheep
Woolly jumper
by Colin Murphy  17 May 2016
I had to include this shot of a thrill-seeking sheep who seems to be enjoying the view of Loch an Mhonain. Linkback:
Your Score: Very useful <<  >>Average
May 2020 Covid 19 lockdown walk (it is within my .. by liz50   (Show all for Brandon Peak (Barr an Ghéaráin))
COMMENTS for Brandon Peak (Barr an Ghéaráin) << Prev page 1 2 3
(End of comment section for Brandon Peak (Barr an Ghéaráin).)

OSi logo OSNI/LPS logo
Some mapping:
Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2400 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc