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Feature count in area: 28, all in Kerry,
OSI/LPS Maps: 78, 79, EW-KNP, EW-R
Highest Place: Mangerton 838.2m
Starting Places (30) in area Mangerton: Cummeenboy Stream, Derrycunihy Church, Dunkerron Mid, Garries Bridge, Gowlane School Ruin, Hidden Valley Pet Farm, Inchimore West, Kenmare Bridge, Killarney Hiking Parking Lot, Knockanaskill N, Knocknsallagh Bridge, Loo River Junction, Looscaunagh Lough W, Lough Barfinnihy CP, Lough Guitane E, Lough Guitane SE, Lough Guitane W, Lynes Farm, Mangerton Walk N CP, Mangerton Walk Start, Molls Gap, Muckross Lake S, Old Rail Level Crossing, Poulacapple, River Roughty, Rossacroo na Loo Forest, Sahaleen Bridge, Shaking Rock W, Shronaboy Farm MTB, Torc Waterfall CP
Summits & other features in area Mangerton: Cen: Dromderlough: Dromderalough 650m, Dromderalough NE Top 648m, Dromderalough NW Top 625m, Knockbrack 610m, Knockrower 554m, Shaking Rock 402m Cen: Inchimore: Inchimore 256m Cen: Mangerton: Glencappul Top 700m, Mangerton 838.2m, Mangerton North Top 782m, Stoompa 705m, Stoompa East Top 608m NE: Crohane: Bennaunmore 454m, Carrigawaddra 425m, Crohane 650m, Crohane SW Top 477m NW: Torc: Cromaglan Mountain 371m, Torc Mountain 534.8m, Torc Mountain West Top 479.4m SE: Esknabrock: Esknabrock 406m SW: Peakeens: Derrygarriff 492m, Derrygarriff West Top 382m, Foardal 409.8m, Knockanaguish 509m, Peakeen Mountain 554.7m, Peakeen Mountain Far NW Top 525.5m, Peakeen Mountain North-West Top 522.7m, Peakeen Mountain West Top 538.7m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Crohane, 650mMountain An Cruachán A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. An Cruachán [OSI], 'little stack'), Cruachán Mór, Kerry County in Munster province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam, Irish Highest Hundred Lists, Crohane is the 199th highest place in Ireland. Crohane is the second most easterly summit in the Mangerton area.
Grid Reference W04972 82969,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 79 Place visited by: 253members, recently by: StJohn, alanf94, orlaithfitz, compassman, Nailer1967, rosduke, garybuz, Paddym99, Aidan_Ennis, discovering_dann, maoris, Sweeney, Arcticaurora, farmerjoe1, Marykerry
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.384065, Latitude: 51.991186, Easting: 104972, Northing: 82969,
Prominence: 385m, Isolation: 1.1km ITM: 504945 583031 Bedrock type: Rhyolitic lavas, (Lough Guitane rhyolites) Notes on name: This peak has the classic hay-stack shape which is typical of mountains whose names in cruach/cruachán. Near Lough Nabroda are some crags with rhyolite formations which, though less spectacular, resemble the organ pipe formations at the Giant's Causeway.
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Crhn, 10 char: Crohane Linkback:
Gallery for Crohane (An Cruachán) and surrounds
for Crohane (An Cruachán):
Distinctive Killarney peak - the gateway to some very rugged terrain.
Summary created by simon3, JohnA, markmjcampion, Colin Murphy
26 Aug, 2022
Picture: Crohane from the SW
East of Killarney, Crohane is a pointed, stand-alone peak in between civilisation to the N and remoteness to the S. It has great views over Lough Guitane, Stoompa, the Paps and the isolated terrain S of Bennaunmore.
NW. Park with permission at a meadow at Lough Guitane SE (W03356 84074) (ignore Private Road sign at the start of the minor road). If there's been a lot of rain this meadow can get v soggy and in this case maybe park further back at approx A (W03609 85001).
From the meadow take the obvious track SE and pass a few farm gates collecting a lot of muck as you go. After the farm buildings you've 2 main choices.
a) Head E over a low fence and pick your way on fairly dry ground up to approx. B (W04993 83669) and follow the N spur to top out slightly E of the summit. Allow 1.5 hrs
b) Make a bee-line for Bennaunmore but before reaching its very steep slopes follow a trail that takes you up an awe-inspiring, V-shaped valley to Lough Nabroda. Pass the lake to near C (W03938 81397) and head for Crohane SW top - from here follow feint trails to gain the S spur from where ascent is straightforward. Allow 2 - 2.5 hrs
N. Park just shy of the farm at approx. Shronaboy Farm MTB (W04203 85118). Ask the farmer for permission and assuming an affirmative follow the obvious track which will take you past the MBK circuit and eventually onto the N spur mentioned previously. 1.5 hrs+
SE Park at LooRv Jnc (W08321 81238) and ascend via Carrigawaddra. 1.5hrs+
Notable tracks that may make for a long day out incl. track/1502 and track/4337.
Shortly after driving over the county bounds from Cork to Kerry you will see the majestic spine of Crohane looming up to the left. It is not a high mountain, just 650 metres, and as such is less popular than the more tempting uplands of Mangerton, The Reeks, etc. It is well worth a visit though as it affords some magnificent views westwards to Lough Guitane, Lough Leane, Killarney, The Reeks, and Mangerton; eastwards to The Paps and the Cork/Kerry border; and southwards to the country beyond Bennaunmore.
As you head west to Killarney take the first turn left beyond the village of Glenflesk. (Look for the signpost to Lough Guitane and an art gallery). As you reach the art gallery take the first turn left immediately beyond it. Drive to the end of the road until you come to a yellow farmhouse. Good manners dictate that you ask permission to park in the yard and on the couple of occasions I’ve been here I’ve not been refused.
Take the path leading up behind the house and stay with it. Very soon you will be afforded magnificent views of Lough Guitane, Bennaunmore, Mangerton and beyond. Continue on the path until it peters out in marshy ground. Head for the barbed wire a short distance away and stay with it until the short climb on to the spine of Crohane that we saw as we drove down. From there it is a short walk to the summit where you can exult in some of the finest views in the Killarney area. Total walking time including time on the summit is only two and a half hours. Linkback:
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mart on Crohane
by mart
30 Oct 2002
I started from a small road near the Glenflesk Art Gallery (on the Glenflesk to Muckross Road) The road passes a few farms and then winds up a long way onto the shoulder of the mountain as a good bog track. You can head straight for the top when the path runs out. At one of the farms there is a dog that likes to accompany people up the mountain (a large longhaired labrador/retriever type). His owner kept him while I passed but I met him up there later all the same.
Apart from that, a lovely peak with good access, a dramatic summit, and plenty of wild land to the south and west. Linkback:
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pdtempan on Crohane
by pdtempan
7 Dec 2003
Crohane seen from Bennaunmore. The simplest approaches to Crohane are from the north. The glen between Crohane and Bennaunmore is beautiful and there are some columnar rock formations to be seen on the cliffs. However, it needs caution as the same sharp-edged rock makes for slow and awkward going underfoot. Linkback:
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Picture: Crohane
Lynchieboy on Crohane
by Lynchieboy
21 Jul 2009
Just a picture of Crohane to go with my earlier comment from about this fine mountain. You can actually see it from the county bounds aswell. It really is a gem. Nothing too hectic, but it is remote. The surrounding valleys are home to herds of wild goats. I have oodels of pictures of them but here is crohane from the Cork-Killarney road. Head into Lough Guitane from the N22, swing a left when confronted by the lake, park and up you go. The only way I've ever gone up is from this point at D (W037 835) but I'd love to have a go from Glenflesk itself right from the post office. I recommend Crohane to Carrigamhadra, breakfast at Lough Nabroda and an exit through the cappagh river valley. Its some valley and not worth coming at Bennaunmore or Stoompa from the south to miss it. What I'm saying is don't miss out on this valley. Stompa can be navigated at a challenge from Lough Nabrean too. This way one can get to walk the valley twice. Also don't ever miss the chance to do Bennaunmore from the North head on. This mountain of a hill has three peaks to reach the top and has loads of secrets. It is in a word unique in my experience for such a little fellow. Linkback:
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