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Feature count in area: 38, all in Donegal,
OSI/LPS Maps: 1, 11, 2, 6
Highest Place: Errigal 751m
Starting Places (29) in area Derryveagh Mountains: Aleahan Lough, Altderry Bridge, An Chúirt Hotel, Astelleen Burn Waterfall, Derryreel Lough, Dunlewy Lough E, Dunlewy Lough Viewing Point, Errigal Hostel, Errigal Parking, Glenveagh Bridge, Glenveagh National Park SW, Glenveigh Castle, Keel Lough N, Losset North, Lough Acrobane Farmhouse, Lough Ascardan, Lough Barra Slipway CP, Lough Barra W, Meenagoppoge Burn Bridge, Mín Uí Bhaoil, Muckish Gap Shrine, Muckish North Access Road, Nabrackbaddy Lough, Procklis Lough, River Barra Bridge NE, River Barra Bridge SW, Sand Lough NE, Sruhancrolee Bridge, Stranamarragh Bridge
Summits & other features in area Derryveagh Mountains: Cen: Dooish: Dooish 651.5m, Dooish SW Top 528m, Dooish SE Top 553.9m, Saggartnadooish 506.4m, Saggartnadooish East Top 478.9m Cen: Errigal: Errigal 751m, Mackoght 555m Cen: Glenveagh Upper: Crockfadda 485m, Crockfadda East Top 454m, Crockballaghgeeha 480m, Crockmulroney 430m, Staghall Mountain 486m, Croaghnasaggart 480m, Maumlack 480m Cen: Lough Keel (Meencorwick): Crockglass 489m, Addernymore 416m, Grogan More 457m, Crocknafarragh 517m, Crocknafarragh SE Top 470m Cen: Slieve Snaght: Crockfadda 529m, Crockfadda NE Top 502m, Crocknasharragh 495m, Drumnalifferny Far NE Top 535m, Bingorms 578m, Drumnalifferny Mountain 596m, Drumnalifferny Mountain NE Top 585m, Slieve Snaght 678m N: Aghla: Aghla Beg 563.9m, Aghla Beg South Top 602.3m, Aghla More 581.2m, Ardloughnabrackbaddy 472.5m, Crocknalaragagh 470.6m N: Muckish: Muckish 667.1m, Croaghaderry 222m, Crockawama 238m, Derryreel 232m S: Doochary: Croaghleconnell 266m S: Dungloe: Crovehy 315m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Dooish, 651.5mMountain An Dubhais A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. An Dubhais [DUPN], 'the black ridge'), Donegal County in Ulster province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam, Irish Highest Hundred Lists, An Dubhais is the 196th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference B98215 21035,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 6 Place visited by: 234members, recently by: Sperrinwalker, orlaithfitz, rosduke, markwallace, compassman, Nailer1967, knightsonhikes, Aidan_Ennis, Jimmy600leavey, discovering_dann, Moirabourke, ChrisC, Arcticaurora, benjimann9, Claybird007
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.028698, Latitude: 55.036706, Easting: 198215, Northing: 421036,
Prominence: 376.5m, Isolation: 0.8km ITM: 598165 921020 Bedrock type: Coarse biotite granite & granodiorite, (Main Donegal Granite) Notes on name: Dooish overlooks Lough Beagh and the Glenveagh National Park. Divis Mountain, overlooking Belfast, shows a different anglicisation of the same name. It is also possible that Dubhais is itself a re-interpretation of an earlier name, especially as other colours do not appear to combine with ais in hill -names. Something akin to Welsh diffwys meaning ‘steep slope’ or ‘desolate area’ would seem apt both for Divis in the Belfast Hills and to Dooish in Glenveagh.
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Dooish, 10 char: Dooish Linkback:
Gallery for Dooish (An Dubhais) and surrounds
for Dooish (An Dubhais):
A fine rocky highpoint of the hills above Glenveagh.
Summary created by markmjcampion, simon3, march-fixer, scapania
06 Mar, 2021
Picture: The summit of Dooish from the west
Dooish is the highpoint of a jumble of peaks beside Lough Veagh. Its N slopes are boggy, steep and inhospitable but the summit is rocky and a pleasure to walk. The views are stunning esp. of Errigal, the Aghlas, Muckish and, further afield, the Bluestacks and some offshore islands. You will need to head to its SE top to get a view of Glenveagh. Watch out for golden eagles too.
NW. Park at about Sand (B96522 21277), head across the bog, and climb steeply aiming for Dooish SW Top. From here follow the obvious ridge to Dooish over easy, pleasurable terrain - a mixture of flattish rock and grass with a few defiles en route. Allow 1 – 1.5 hours.
Or, more directly, start anywhere along the R251, head steeply through similar terrain aiming for the obvious col and deer fence at A (B97231 20738). Head E along easy terrain to the summit. Allow 1.25hrs+
N. Park at approx. B (B98371 22731). cross the river and make a beeline for the summit of Saggartnadooish. Drop SW to the col by a lake and then head W for Dooish. 1.5hrs+
Also from Saggart. you can head E taking in its E top as well as Dooish SE top before ascending D. The terrain is easy enough in this region. 2.5hrs+
S. Get to approx. Astleen (B99345 18281) either by bicycle or bus from the Park Visitor Centre or park at C (B97098 15812) and walk NE along a trail. From the starting point, head N, crossing the river and walk up the steep slopes to Dooish SE - from here it's an easy stroll to D. 1.5hrs
Notable tracks incl. track/2765 and track/3872
Used carpark at Errigal, crossing road and following stream downhill before crossing bog SE over river and then climbing the slopes of Maumlack. The ground was wet but no real problem and there are great views across the valley to Errigal & Mackoght and across Dunlewy Lough out to the Atlantic. The ground levels out and have to take off pack to squeeze through the deer fence. Rocky summit area and beehive cairn of Maumlack reached in just under one hour - panoramic views over the very sizeable plateau, SW to Slieve Snaght and NE to Dooish. Steep drops to N as skirt around Croloughan Lough below. I took a bearing on group of little loughs nestled just before the climb up Dooish which could prove useful in poor weather. Meet the deer fence as climb again and can follow before turns sharply to the L (in need of some serious repair along the top of Edenadooish). Final climb to the summit is mostly over rock and is a pleasure with big views all around. To the N the line of hills from Errigal to Muckish lie across the valley, to the S the rugged outline of the Bluestacks, to the W the coast and Slievetooey, to the E the further Slieve Snaght and just about the Sperrins. Dropped down 200 m to NE for Snaggartnadooish (see for next part of walk). Linkback:
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paulr50 on Dooish
by paulr50
3 Feb 2005
The picture below is of a golden eagle, taken on the descent from Dooish. If you are into wildife, Dooish is a great one to climb from the Glenveagh side. It has quite a long approach accross rough ground to get to it, but the scenery makes it well worth it. This is one of the most isolated places in Donegal for a hillwalk, no chance of hearing a distant car, the only thing you may hear if you take this route in the Autumn is the deer, which can give you a good fright if you are not prepared for it. Autumn is the rut season. Do not venture this walk from the Glenveagh valley side if you dont have a map and compass, once the clouds come down you could be in a lot of trouble, as I found out once! Linkback:
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zeaphod on Dooish
by zeaphod
26 Aug 2003
Straight across the bog from the valley road - passable easily after such a dry summer. Tougher going as the incline picked up, then easy going across the rocky tops. Wasps nest in the summit cairn! Great views. Linkback:
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Picture: Errigal, Mackoght, Altan Lough and Aghla More from the slopes of Dooish
paulocon on Dooish
by paulocon
22 Nov 2009
Started from the layby on the R251. Although only a short walk distance wise, Dooish makes you work right from the very start as you are immediately onto boggy ground as soon as you leave the roadside. Squeeze through the deer fence and aim to the left of Dooish to avoid the cliff blocking direct access to the summit.
Having climbed Muckish beforehand, I found the going up Dooish very tough right up to the col after which a steep but short climb leads to the rocky summit area and the very welcome sight of a beehive cairn. Excellent views across to Errigal, Makoght and Altan Lough as well as back across to Muckish. Decided to descend the other side of the mountain and came across a strange weather station with an onboard data-logger just below the summit. Made back towards the road - care is needed on the descent as it's quite steep in places with several slabs to be avoided. Up and down in two hours with several stops for photos. Perhaps a poor relation of Errigal and Muckish but a rewarding climb nonetheless. Linkback:
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Picture: Glenveagh from Astelleen Waterfall
Approach from Glenveagh
by peter1
30 Jul 2018
Approach to Dooish from the South is very 'Doo-able'. There is a small building (possibly an old school?) at the Western end of the lake with an easy crossing of the river.There are a number of ways to get here, one of which is to cycle from the car park at the entrance to Glenveagh. This is around 7.4k. Another, shorter approach is from the West, down the track at the bend in the R254 road.
If using this route to Dooish, (see track 3872),I would recommend ascending/descending by the waterfall, NOT the route of ascent I used. This is very hard work and filled with potholes, boulders and long grass. Linkback:
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