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Twelve Bens Area , SE: Glencoaghan Loop Subarea
Feature count in area: 34, all in Galway, OSI/LPS Maps: 37, 44, EW-CON, MSW
Highest Place: Benbaun 729m

Starting Places (48) in area Twelve Bens:
Angler's Return, Barr na nÓran Road, Ben Lettery Hostel, Bogville Road, Bridge St Clifden, Bundorragha Estuary Cross, Bunnageeha, Cannaclossaun, Connemara Mountain Hostel, Connemara National Park Visitor Centre, Dernasliggaun, Doire na bhFlann North, Doughruagh CP, Emlaghdauroe Bridge, Emlaghdauroe South, Fee Lough SW, Foher, Glasbeg Stream, Glashmore Bridge, Glencoaghan River Bridge, Glencraff Road End, Gleninagh River, Illaunroe North, Illaunroe South, Inaghbeg Path, Kylemore Abbey Exit, Kylemore River, Letterfrack Lodge, Lettergesh Beach, Lough Anivan Bend, Lough Auna S, Lough Fee East, Lough Nacarrigeen S, Lough Tanny, Muck Lough NW, Nambrackkeagh Lough, Owen na Baunoge River, Owengar Bridge, Owenglin River, Owenwee River, Pollacappul Lough E, Pollacappul Lough W, Shanvally, Skeaghatimull, Ten Bens Cottage, Tooreennacoona River, Western Way Cnoc na hUilleann, Western Way Inagh Cottages

Summits & other features in area Twelve Bens:
Cen: Lough Auna Hills: Cregg 297m, Townaloughra East Top 216m
Cen: Polladirk: Bencullagh 632m, Maumonght SW Top 454m, Diamond Hill 442m, Knockbrack 442m, Maumonght 602m
E: Glencorbet: Benbaun 729m, Benbrack 582m, Benbaun 477m, Knockpasheemore 412m, Benfree 638m, Muckanaght 654m
N: Doughruagh: Altnagaighera 549m, Benchoona 581m, Benchoona East Top 585m, Currywongaun 273m, Doughruagh 526m, Doughruagh South Top 525m, Garraun 598m, Garraun South Top 556m, Letterettrin 333m
SE: Glencoaghan Loop: Bencollaghduff 696m, Benglenisky 516m, Benlettery 577m, Bencorr 711m, Bencorr North Top 690m, Bencorrbeg 577m, Binn an tSaighdiúra 653m, Benbreen 691m, Benbreen Central Top 680m, Benbreen North Top 674m, Derryclare 677m, Bengower 664m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Bengower, 664m Mountain Binn Gabhar A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Binn Gabhar [TR], 'goats’ peak'), Galway County in Connacht province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam, Irish Highest Hundred, Irish Best Hundred Lists, Binn Gabhar is the 173rd highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference L78301 50644, OS 1:50k mapsheet 37
Place visited by: 433 members, recently by: Josephineobrien, rosduke, Nailer1967, patman1974, knightsonhikes, maryblewitt, Aidan_Ennis, Marykerry, Dee68, discovering_dann, srr45, RosieMc, farmerjoe1, Juanita, Daingean
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.834022, Latitude: 53.4919, Easting: 78301, Northing: 250644, Prominence: 196m,  Isolation: 0.9km
ITM: 478300 750664
Bedrock type: Pale quartzites, grits, graphitic top, (Bennabeola Quartzite Formation)
Notes on name: Erroneously marked as ‘Glengower’ on the Discovery series map. On the summit of this mountain you will find thrift (or sea-pink) in bloom during the late spring, despite the fact that it is far inland.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Bngwr, 10 char: Bengower

Gallery for Bengower (Binn Gabhar) and surrounds
Summary for Bengower (Binn Gabhar): Steep rocky peak on the Glencoaghan Horseshoe circuit
Summary created by markmjcampion, JohnA, simon3, Colin Murphy 08 Apr, 2021
   picture about Bengower (Binn Gabhar)
Picture: Bengower from the south west.
A short drive from Clifden and close to Roundstone Bay, Bengower lies in the SW of the jumble of rocky peaks that comprise the 12 Bens. It is often summited as part of the Glen Coaghan Horseshoe or in conjunction with one or two adjacent peaks. The N side is very steep and requires some easy-grade scrambling but other approaches are more benign. The views from the top are excellent esp. the sweep of bens around to Derryclare, S to Cashel Hill and the huge blanket bog and innumerate lakes that surround it.

SE. Park at GCohan Brg (L80066 48563) [room for a few cars] and walk back the road to make your way onto Bengower's SE spur at A (L79679 48352). Head N over a prominent knoll and when you reach the col at B (L79437 49276) head NW over ever-steepening rocky/grassy ground until you meet a better-defined ridge at C (L78424 49990) and then head steeply N to the summit. Allow 1.5hrs+

S. Park at the hostel BenLet Hst (L77711 48234) and head over a stile in the hostel's W fence. From here it's a relentlessly steep pull on grassy terrain to the top of Ben Lettery and then an easy down-and-up to BG. Allow 1.5hrs

W. Park at spacious BrÓran Rd (L75012 49897) and head N for about 150m before turning right at the end of a former forestry plot. It's initially gentle and boggy but after about 500m the going is firmer and steeper until the summit of Benglenisky. An easy ridge walk takes you over to BG from here. Allow 1.25hrs

Notable tracks incl. track/2436, track/3929 and, if you've got a long summer day, track/2731.
Member Comments for Bengower (Binn Gabhar)

   picture about Bengower (Binn Gabhar)
Picture: View from Bengower north to Benbreen
Go down if you dare!
by Onzy 17 Mar 2014
The view shows the rather uninviting view from Bengower to Benbreen on a day with an interesting cloud inversion. This thankfully was not my route - I was headed for Benglenisky - but this is reputedly a tricky enough descent without being unable to see where it ends. Linkback:
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   picture about Bengower (Binn Gabhar)
Bare rock and scrambles
by simon3 21 Jan 2020
You may want to come off the ridge between Binn Gabhar (Bengower) and Ben Lettery, if you have left a car somewhere near Derryclare and have been doing the horseshoe. Below is a picture of the ridge between the two, Ben Lettery to the left and south, Bengower off the picture to the right. As you can see much of the ridge is bare rock or scree. If you turn SE, at D (L77870 50318), which is 650m SW of Bin Gabhar and still quite high on the ridge, you can miss the more awkward bits and come down mostly on heather at the right of this picture. Linkback:
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   picture about Bengower (Binn Gabhar)
simon3 on Bengower
by simon3 27 Jun 2004
Reaching Bengower, peak of the goat, from the north will be a surprise to you if you think there isn’t any scrambling in the Bens.

This is the summit cairn and what looks like a bit of a shelter. Linkback:
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   picture about Bengower (Binn Gabhar)
aburden on Bengower
by aburden 27 Feb 2006
View of Chochan Horseshoe Linkback:
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   picture about Bengower (Binn Gabhar)
Picture: Bengower (Binn Gabhar) North-Face
eflanaga on Bengower, 2006
by eflanaga 1 Apr 2021
As part of a walking weekend organised by The Mid-Ulster Walking club Binn Gabhar was the first peak tackled in a Glencoaghan Horseshoe Walk. Started the circuit at GCohan Brg (L80057 48570) - 33m(Derrynavglaun) which is located up lane (first left after Benlettery Youth Hostel on N59). Point is at a junction on lane where there is enough room to park a few cars without causing an obstruction. Nine of us backtracked for about three hundred metres past house on right and at end of fence turned right up onto lower slopes of Binn Gabhar. A fairly straight forward, albeit challenging climb over increasingly firmer and rockier ground as you rise, past level area at E (L78422 49990) (494m). Eventually spilled on to the wide top where there appear to be three high points vying for summit honours. The most obvious, and broadest, F (L78318 50642) (appears to be the highest as GPS reading here was 665m, while 658m & 661m respectively at two high points to the left (west) overlooking Binn Leitrí. Descent down steep north face was fairly difficult at times requiring some scrambling skills but all made it safe and sound onto col below Binn Bhraoín the next challenge in the walk. Linkback:
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Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.