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Feature count in area: 25, all in Kerry,
OSI/LPS Maps: 70, 71, 78, EW-DC, EW-DE, EW-DW
Highest Place: Beenoskee 826m
Starting Places (34) in area Central Dingle: Anascaul Village, Annascaul Lake, Ballyduff Grave Yard, Brandon Village, Cloghane Community Centre, Conor Pass, Doonore South, Doorah, Dromavally Mountain SE, Emlagh Cross, Emlagh Wood, Farrannakilla School, Glan Mountain, Glanteenassig Lane, Glanteenassig Wood CP, Glennahoo River, Hostel Cloghane Village, Killiney R560 Junction, Kilmore Lodge, Lios Pole Church, Lisduff Rath, Lough Camclaun, Lough Caum, Lough Doon CP, Lougher, Maum Cross, Maumnahaltora Cross, Minard Beach, Mullaghveal Farm, Owenascaul Estuary, Pedlars Lodge, Pilgrimage Trail Owenmore River, Sauce Creek Walkway Dingle Way, Teerbrin
Summits & other features in area Central Dingle: Cen: Annascaul Lake West: Cnoc na Bánóige 641.6m, Cnoc na Bánóige North Top 447.6m, Knockmulanane 593.2m, Knockmulanane West Top 563.5m Cen: Dromavally: Cummeen 477m, Dromavally Mountain 552m, Knocknakilton 423m N: Annascaul Lake North: Coombane 610m, Beenatoor 592m, Beenoskee 826m, Stradbally Mountain 798m N: Carrigdav: Carrigadav 240m N: Fermoyle: Farrandalouge 144m S: Annascaul: Beenmore 252m, Brickany 374m, Knockafeehane 301m, Knocknanacree 286m W: Ballyduff: Slievenalecka 458.4m, Beenbo 476.7m, Slievenagower 485.8m W: Slieveanea: An Cnapán Mór 649m, Knockmoylemore 493m, Croaghskearda 608m, Slievanea 628.7m, Slievanea NE Top 670.7m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Slievanea NE Top, 670.7mMountain Sliabh Mhacha Ré (mullach thoir thuaidh) A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
For origin of name, see Slievanea / Sliabh Mhacha Ré., Binn na Naomh, Kerry County in Munster province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam, Irish Highest Hundred Lists, Sliabh Mhacha Ré (mullach thoir thuaidh) is the third highest mountain in the Central Dingle area and the 161st highest in Ireland.
Grid Reference Q51586 06367,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 70 Place visited by: 183members, recently by: StJohn, srr45, Ansarlodge, orlaithfitz, rosduke, patman1974, Aidan_Ennis, Barrington1978, discovering_dann, Marykerry, maryblewitt, Dee68, farmerjoe1, jimmel567, SenanFoley
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -10.170955, Latitude: 52.189597, Easting: 51587, Northing: 106368,
Prominence: 265m, Isolation: 1km ITM: 451569 606422 Bedrock type: Cross-bedded sandstone, (Coumeenoole Sandstone Formation) Notes on name: This peak is actually higher than the top marked as Slievanea. Its steep cliffs plunge down to Loch Chom Calláin. Previously Coumanare Mtn in MV.
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: SlvnNE, 10 char: SlvnNETp Linkback:
Gallery for Slievanea NE Top (Sliabh Mhacha Ré (mullach thoir thuaidh)) and surrounds
for Slievanea NE Top (Sliabh Mhacha Ré (mullach thoir thuaidh)):
Highest of a series of magnificent peaks east of the Conor Pass
Summary created by markmjcampion, jackill
28 Mar, 2021
Picture: Slievanea NE Top from Slievenalecka
Slieveanea NE Top is the highpoint of a picturesque set of steep, grassy hills to the E of Brandon.The area to the S has a remote feel to it - the lakes in this area are a joy. While these hills are grassy on top and to the S, their N facing slopes are a different matter being home to much rock, cliffs and coums. The extent of them is only at times glimpsed from the road to the N as its contours don't allow for sweeping vistas. Views from the top are great incl. Brandon, local coums + lochs, and Beenoskee to the E.
SW. Start at the Conor pass's large car park Conr Ps (Q49040 05573).
Follow a distinct track E for 200m, leaving track as it swings sharply S - continue E uphill, skirting cliffs to your left. The route is gradual and without any great difficulty as long as you avoid these steep cliffs, first taking in Slievanea before dropping slightly ahead of an easy stroll to the summit. 1 hr+
W. Park at Lg Doon (Q50260 06107) - ample room. Walk/scramble up through the rocks keeping Pedlar's Lake on your right. TIt gets steeper after this and it's a good slog on firm ground to get to the summit of Slievanea. Thereafter it's easy. Allow 1.25 hrs
N. Park discreetly somewhere between KlMor Lg (Q52245 08884) and A (Q51806 08329). Leave the road at the latter point and heading S on reasonable but increasingly steep ground will have you on the summit in an hour.
NE. Park at BlDuff Grv (Q54076 10096) and head first for Beenbo before following the ridge to the W.
Add a Place Comment for Slievanea NE Top, Sliabh Mhacha Ré (mullach thoir thuaidh) (155) in Area: Central Dingle, W: Slieveanea, County: Kerry, W: Slieveanea
From Coumanares summit looking across the high valley towards the Reeks.
Below is Loch Barrot in the foreground with Loch Meain and An Loch Dubh behind.
The broad shoulder of Gowlane sweeps down from the left toward Bearna na Gaoithe (yes it is windy).
Just left of centre is Banoge North reached by a steep climb up from the gap and then the long easy ridge over to Knockmulanane.The Iveragh Mountains are visible in the haze across the bay.
The summit of Coumanare is marked by a small cairn of stones. The sense of isolation you feel in the valley of the Coumanare lochs really is splendid - apart from a few old tracks and sheep folds it has largely escaped mans influence. Linkback:
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padodes on Slievanea NE Top
by padodes
21 Jan 2008
The approach to the NE Top is along a broad, grassy shoulder. Very soon the view to the NE (on right) beings to open up. The Coumanare Lakes are visible on the plateau below, but what really draws the attention forward is the flight of serried tops that rims the NW-facing corries. Slievenalecka, Slievenagower, Beenbo (Gob an Iolair), Binn an Tuair, and even An Com Ban are all visible from here. And then, slightly to the right, the dominating triangle of Beenoskee. In this remote upland area, if you like solitude, you are well served! Linkback:
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Picture: Slievanea NE Top from below
Steep and short ascent from the north
by mr_boggs
27 Mar 2021
I've just returned from a week on the gorgeous Dingle Peninsula, staying in a house at the bottom of the Conor Pass, with the north face of Slievanea NE top beckoning. If you want a more challenging way to start a walk in these Cnetral Dingle mountains you could try this. I started this walk from our farmhouse, crossing the road by the large sign you'll see as you wind uphill. The gate by the sign (B (Q518 084))leads up through not-too-boggy ground - it's a constant uphill pull up the south face, following a ruined wall for some of the way. It's steep but steady and will probably take around 45 minutes to get to the summit, which seemed to stay far clearer of clouds than the nearby Brandon group; I didn't see the top of Brandon itself once in 8 days. Great view east and south east from there, but I enjoyed the views behind too as I climbed - the lovely vista of brandon Bay surrounded by mountains. It's all easy walking once you're up on the tops. I trotted over to Slievanea and got picked up from the car park at the top of the Conor Pass but would have loved to head east to easily pick off the other summits - a walk for the future. Linkback:
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Binn na Naomh
by aidand
3 Mar 2023
I have often puzzled over the name appended to this fine peak. Referring to it as the NE Top of its much lower neighbour didn't seem right. East Wests new 1:25,000 scale map of Dingle West has the name Binn na Naomh (the Saints peak) for this peak. Can we please update Mountainviews with this name. Linkback:
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smulliga on Slievanea NE Top
by smulliga
6 Oct 2008
Started at waterfall (OS; C (Q503 062)) below Peddlers Lake. A few mins., to lake. Made our way to N-E ridge (OS; D (Q506 063)) and a 30 min scramble to top (OS; E (Q508 058)) 620m (not for the inexperienced can be steep.). Made our way N-E along shoulder to spot height (OS; F (Q516 064)) 670m great views on a clear day. Made our way S-W back along same shoulder to spot height (OS; G (Q508 052)) 568m in saddle, then S-W to spot height (OS; H (Q512 045)) 606m and out along spectacular and safe ridge S to Cruach Sceirde (OS; I (Q509 038)) 608m the panoramic views on clear day are is really something special. We then made our way back N retracing our steps to shoulder leading E to (OS; J (Q523 046)) 649m An Cnapán Mór rested for a few mins., with back to trigpoint bathing in hot Autumnal sunshine in October. We finished of our trek heading W, N-W making our way to (OS; K (Q492 056)) car park at top of Connor Pass and back along RHS of road to starting point (OS; C (Q503 062)). Took a leisurely 4 hr to complete circuit. Difficulty 2/5. Views 4/5. Do again 4/5. Linkback:
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