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Bluestack Mountains Area , SW: Eany Beg Hills Subarea
Feature count in area: 45, all in Donegal, OSI/LPS Maps: 11, 6
Highest Place: Croaghgorm 674m

Starting Places (22) in area Bluestack Mountains:
An Leathchruach, Barnsmore Gap, Bensons Hill, Caldragh CP, Clogher South peak, Cruach Mhín an Neanta, Doobin, Eanybeg Water Bridge, Edergole Farm, Gaugin Mountain, Glennacree CP, Hillhead, Lough Finn West, Lough Magrath Beg NE, Lough Muck North, Meenaguse Lough, Sand Lough Forest Picnic Area, Scoil Náisúnta an Choimín, Sheskinlubanagh, Sruell Gap Farm, Sruell River Road, St Columbkilles Well and Altar

Summits & other features in area Bluestack Mountains:
Cen: Reelan Hills: Altnapaste 364m, Gaugin Mountain 565m, Lacroagh 403m, Boultypatrick 429m, Croveenananta 476m, Croaghubbrid 416m, Croaghugagh 410m
N: Fintown Hills: Aghla Mountain South Top 589m, Aghla Mountain 593m, Scraigs 426m, Croaghleheen 385m
NW: Glenties: Cloghercor South 301m, Derkbeg Hill 332m, Drumnalough Hill 282m
S: Belshade: Croaghgorm 674m, Croaghgorm South-West Top 597m, Croaghgorm East Top 594m, Ardnageer 642m, Ardnageer SW Top 626m, Banagher Hill 392m, Croaghbane 640.9m, Croaghgorm Far South-West Top 561m, Cronamuck 444m, Croaghbarnes 498.8m, Glascarns Hill 578.3m, Meenanea 435m
SE: Barnesmore: Brown's Hill 496.4m, Cloghervaddy 402m, Croaghagranagh 440m, Croaghanirwore 546.1m, Croaghbrack 401m, Croaghconnellagh 523m, Croaghnageer 569.1m, Croaghnageer East Top 543.5m, Croaghnageer North-East Top 521m, Croaghonagh 451m
SW: Eany Beg Hills: Binbane 453m, Binbane NE Top 439m, Lavagh Beg 650m, Lavagh More 671m, Binnasruell 505m, Carnaween 521m, Cloghmeen Hill 429m, Silver Hill 600m, Cullaghacro 476m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Lavagh More, 671m Mountain An Leamhaigh Mhór A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
Ir. An Leamhaigh Mhór [], poss. 'the big place of elms’, Donegal County in Ulster province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam, Irish Highest Hundred, Irish Best Hundred Lists, An Leamhaigh Mhór is the second highest mountain in the Bluestack Mountains area and the 159th highest in Ireland.
Grid Reference G93537 91012, OS 1:50k mapsheet 11
Place visited by: 209 members, recently by: rosduke, Nailer1967, knightsonhikes, Aidan_Ennis, westside, discovering_dann, Moirabourke, Arcticaurora, Claybird007, gwazy77, Juanita, CaminoPat, Daingean, therealcrow, chelman7
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.101067, Latitude: 54.767011, Easting: 193537, Northing: 391012, Prominence: 193m,  Isolation: 1.1km
ITM: 593496 891007
Bedrock type: Feldspathic psammite; quartzite, marble, (Lough Eske Psammite Formation)
Notes on name: It might seem surprising that two major peaks get their name from trees normally found at valley level. However, the tree in question may well be the wych elm, which is the only native Irish elm. It tolerates quite rocky soil and grows in upland areas, particularly in the NW. Even so, the name probably referred to a place on the lower slopes of the range.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: LvghMr, 10 char: LvghMore

Gallery for Lavagh More (An Leamhaigh Mhór) and surrounds
Summary for Lavagh More (An Leamhaigh Mhór): Fine summit in the heart of the south Donegal wilderness
Summary created by markmjcampion, Colin Murphy 11 May, 2023
   picture about Lavagh More (An Leamhaigh Mhór)
Picture: Lavagh More with the Struell Gap to the L and Lavagh Beg to the R
Lavagh More is a broad summited hill of rock and grass just to the west of the Bluestacks of S Donegal. It is a commanding feature of the Reelin river valley and is part of a very fine circuit including some of the high Bluestacks to the SE. Views are confined to local hills but are fine nonetheless.

SW. Park with permission at Sruell Gp (G92039 88718). Follow the new bulldozed track up to A (G93562 90117) and turn N. From here, the track winds steeply uphill to an end just shy of the 500m contour, but continuing in this direction soon deposits you on the summit slopes of Lavagh More. 2hrs

SW. Park at Meengus L (G89656 88482) beside an abandoned cottage - room for a couple of cars. Climb over the fence and head N to pick up the W spur of Binnasruel. From the summit continue NE for another 2km, passing between a number of small loughs in the col around point B (G92398 90288), From here, head steeply for the summit or visit the col to the WNW first. The climb is reasonably easy and the summit is a broad rocky/grassy area, marked by a cairn. Allow approx 2.5hrs

N. Park in the vicinity of LeathCrua (G93736 93562) [you may have to drive to the road's end and do a u-turn to scout a spot] and head S for the obvious peak of Lavagh Beg. It can be slippery so proceed with caution. After a steep pull up onto L Beg, enjoy the much easier prospect of dropping to the col and strolling up the grassy northern slopes of Lavagh More. 2hrs+

Notable tracks incl. track/3106, track/1457 and track/3243
Member Comments for Lavagh More (An Leamhaigh Mhór)

   picture about Lavagh More (An Leamhaigh Mhór)
Picture: Lavagh More From Quartz Mound On Ardnageer SW Top
A Knee Killer After A Long Walk
by Aidy 19 Aug 2014
I reached Lavagh More having already walked Ardnageer, Ardnageer SW Top and Croaghgorm, and virtually climbed Croaghbane and Glascarns Hill too at the start of the walk, although I turned west just shy of those two summits having done them before. It had been a long walk, and as I stood on Croaghgorm, Lavagh More looked formidably high, and incredibly steep from this angle. The drop down from Croaghgorm took its toll on already sore knees, and the climb up to the summit, although maybe not as big as it had looked, was indeed steep, requiring the use of hands at many points. I was relieved to reach a cairn marking a minor summit as the slope levelled out near the top, and it was a short walk from there to the highest point, also marked by a cairn, across gentler slopes. I had great weather for most of the day, but it had now turned wet and gloomy. As a result, the photo is one taken of Lavagh More from the white quartz mound near Ardnageer SW Top earlier in the day. The murky conditions didn't lend themselves to photography, but I could still appreciate the extensive views, particularly towards Slievetooey, Slieve League and Donegal Bay.

It had been my intention to go on to Lavagh Beg, but Lavagh More had done for my knees after the day's exertions. I made my way down on to the col between the two mountains and found I didn't have the legs for another climb. If the light and weather had been better, I might have forced myself, but it was now dark and raining heavily so there would be no more photographs. Instead, I dropped down northeast alongside a stream and made my way wearily across the bog to the road along the Reelan Valley, and back to the car at the old schoolhouse. I practically collapsed into the car, and was relieved that I hadn't continued up Lavagh Beg or I can't imagine what kind of state I would have been in. It'll keep for another day along with some of its neighbours that I haven't done yet. I was content though to have hiked four of the six highest Bluestacks in what had been a magnificent mountain walk. Linkback:
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   picture about Lavagh More (An Leamhaigh Mhór)
Picture: Lavagh More taken from above Sruell Gap saddle
eflanaga on Lavagh More
by eflanaga 10 Jun 2006
Climbed June 7th – Having dropped down from the summit of Ardnageer SW Top IC (G96330 90487) I made my way along the lower part of Croaghgorm’s northern flank, although did try to maintain some height as I traversed it in order to lessen climb onto saddle NE of Sruell Gap. Wonderful views north as I crossed towards Lavagh More over Croaghanard Lough into the northern part of the Reelan River valley, its beauty extolled by others below. Eventually dropped down onto col/saddle below the target mountain ID (G93903 90398) Picture does not do the height to be scaled on this SSE side of Lavagh More justice. The grass covered slope had quite a steep gradient and required hands on a few occasions for balance, yet surprisingly (for me) I managed to reach the lower part of the summit plateau in about 20 minutes. The top is quite broad and as described below the summit can be found with smallponds around it. The views from here were spectacular. The haze having lessened and the low lying cloud all but burned away by the increasing heat of the day allowed me clear views of the Derryveaghs with Snaght and, of course Errigal, prominent. To the south I could clearly make out the broad linear shape of Cuilcagh in the distance. Then it was ever onwards to Lavagh Beg the next summit in the circuit. Linkback:
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   picture about Lavagh More (An Leamhaigh Mhór)
Picture: Lavagh More with the Struell Gap to the L and Lavagh Beg to the R
gerrym on Lavagh More
by gerrym 9 May 2021
Lavagh More has a very large presence in the Reelin river valley, from where i have climbed it on several occasions. This is due to its separation from the long central ridge by the deep Struell Gap. I have tended to reach it as part of a route starting at Glascarns Hill and following the high ridge to the summit of Croaghgorm, before dropping down into the high Struell Gap (E (G939 904)). A succession of walking posts head through the gap on their way steeply downward, whereas the summit area of Lavagh More is a steep ascent of 15 minutes over good ground. There are a few rocky areas with small scree beneath but generally the slopes are of grass. When leveller ground is reached one can take time to look back and appreciate the views to Croaghgorm and the length of the Bluestack ridge which have just been walked. A short walk brings the first of two summit cairns, the top being blessed with a number of small pools of water in between.
The views are far-reaching - to little sister of Lavagh Beg and past Silver Hill and Carnaween to the end of the range, up to the Derryveagh mtns and out to sea past Maghera, Slieve League to Donegal Bay and the hills of Sligo. To finish the circuit of the high Bluestacks it is a short drop down to the col and an equally short climb to the summit of Lavagh Beg. I have also climbed up from Croaghanard Lough, along the NE spur, but this was on a day of mist and drizzle and midges so it did not endear itself to me - though the weather did clear on the summit and offered the views already described and provided an excellent camping spot.
Lavagh More is a hill different in character to the preceding rockier ground but it has a presence of its own and views to match. As it is part of perhaps one of the greatest circuits in the country could you ask for any more? Few if any other walkers are to be found on this or any of the surrounding hills, despite all their attractions. Linkback:
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   picture about Lavagh More (An Leamhaigh Mhór)
Picture: Lavagh More on the left, Lavagh Beg on the right
Murphysw on Lavagh More
by murphysw 9 May 2021
I climbed this last Sunday on an absolutely cracking day with the sun splitting the rocks. I turned off the R253 at F (G968 964), followed this road nearly to its end, took a left, crossed the Reelan river and turned left again. At the end I asked the landowner, a neighbour of my uncle, if i could park in his yard and then I set off. There are minor access difficulties getting from Mr. McAloon's farm onto the mountain beyond but it just requires patience and probing. Despite it being a Sunday afternoon I had the mountain all to myself with the exception of the blasted insect life. I have never seen the like of it! I never got a minute's peace as they buzzed into my eyes, ears and hair, and I made a great meal for the gadflys. This is probably to do with the fact that, unlike most of the Bluestacks, Lavagh More and Lavagh Beg are fairly boggy - a great habitat for flies and things. Indeed the sheep were hanging around above 500m were the flies were less in number. From the base Lavagh More is rather dull looking compared to Lavagh Beg, which actually looks a bit higher, but the views from More's broad summit are unreal. Errigal is plain to see to the north, as is Ben Bulben to the south and you also have a great panorama of Donegal Bay and the 'Rough Hills' of the Blue Stacks. After an hour lazing in splendid isolation on the summit (which has a small cairn to mark it) I descended to the pleasant col to bag Lavagh Beg as well. I decided not to bother with Binnasruell. My uncle, who grew up here, said the ground over to it is quite unpleasant. Linkback:
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   picture about Lavagh More (An Leamhaigh Mhór)
Picture: Lavagh More from the summit of Lavagh Beg
murphysw on Lavagh More
by murphysw 17 Jul 2005
I shot this picture of the rounded dome of Lavagh More's summit from the summit of Lavagh Beg. The 'Rough Hills' of the Blustacks can be seen rising behind it. Linkback:
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