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Achill & Corraun Area , N: Slievemore Subarea
Feature count in area: 16, all in Mayo, OSI/LPS Maps: 22, 30, CBW, EW-ACC, EW-ACC
Highest Place: Croaghaun 688m

Starting Places (16) in area Achill & Corraun:
Achillbeg Island, Achillbeg Mid West Beach, Barneygappul Strand, Belfarsad Bridge, Breanaskill, Bunanioo Church, Cartron River, Clare Island, Doogort Beach, Fiodián na Circe, Keem Bay, Lough Acorrymore, Lough Gall, Minaun Mast, Rossnafinna Island, Tobercolman Cross Cemetery

Summits & other features in area Achill & Corraun:
Cen: Minaun: Minaun (Achill Island) 466m
N: Slievemore: Krinnuck (Achill Island) 214m, Slievemore (Achill Island) 671m
NW: Croaghaun: Benmore (Achill Island) 332m, Cornaclea Hill (Achill Island) 269m, Croaghaun (Achill Island) 688m, Croaghaun SW Top (Achill Island) 664m
S: Knockmore Achill: Achillbeg Island N Top (Achillbeg Island) 109.7m, Achillbeg Island S Top (Achillbeg Island) 108.5m, Knockmore (Achill Island) 337m, Tievereivagh (Achill Island) 286m
SE: Corraun: Knocklettragh 452m, Corraun Hill 524m, Corraun Hill Highpoint 541m
SW: Clare Island: Knockmore (Clare Island) 462m, Knocknaveen (Clare Island) 223m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Slievemore, 671m Mountain An Sliabh Mór A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. An Sliabh Mór [GE], 'the big mountain'), Binn Ghorm, Mayo County in Connacht province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam, Irish Highest Hundred Lists, Slievemore is the second highest mountain in the Achill & Corraun area and the 160th highest in Ireland. Slievemore is the most northerly summit in the Achill & Corraun area.
Reachable "On Foot " Y
Grid Reference F65034 08669, OS 1:50k mapsheet 22/30
Place visited by: 348 members, recently by: Josephineobrien, orlaithfitz, rosduke, LorraineG60, MichaelG55, colinpurcell, compassman, chelman7, DeirdreM, Aidan_Ennis, Marykerry, discovering_dann, maryblewitt, Dee68, garybuz , Island visited by 585 members.
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
, I visited this island: NO
Longitude: -10.059508, Latitude: 54.009677, Easting: 65034, Northing: 308669, Prominence: 582m,  Isolation: 3.2km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 465010 808680
Bedrock type: Psammitic and semi-pelitic schists, (Slievemore Psammitic Formation)
Notes on name: For a walk visiting the deserted village and megalithic tomb on the S side of Slievemore, see Siúlóidí Acla, walk E.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Slvmr, 10 char: Slievemore

Gallery for Slievemore (An Sliabh Mór) and surrounds
Summary for Slievemore (An Sliabh Mór): Achill's conical, stand-alone coastal peak with stunning vistas.
Summary created by markmjcampion, simon3, wicklore, scapania 14 Sep, 2023
   picture about Slievemore (An Sliabh Mór)
Picture: Slievemore rising above Doogort
Slievemore is a v distinctive, almost conical peak in the N of Achill Island. It's a steep-sided mix of grass and rock with no major difficulties although parts of the sharp ridge overlook plummeting cliffs, which could prove dangerous in bad weather. There are potentially magnificent views of Croaghan, the Inishkea islands and Belmullet peninsula, the Nephins and all the hills south to Mweelrea.

E. Park near the trail head at Dugrt (F67060 08874) [You could also begin by walking from the end of the beach at A (F67603 08973) giving fine views of the hill before you asend] Despite the track being intermittent, the way up is as obvious as it is steep but it's more steady than exhausting. Once off the road, head for the base of the obvious ridge to the S of the corrie and follow the heathery, rocky ridge until, after 650m of climbing, the summit ridge is reached. The trig point is about 200m to the W.Allow around 90 mins.
Either double back or continue on to the col at B (F62480 07392) before taking a lower trail back towards the start. You will pass the Deserted Village at C (F63190 07287) in doing so.
Another finish which would need 2 cars would be to continue along over Cornaclea and Croaghan, finishing in the vicinity of Keem (F56103 04465)...see track/2876 for details of this 19k route.

S. Start from around D (F63994 07088) and head approx. N until you reach the ridge to the west of Slievemore. Then follow the ridge eastwards to the top. [2 hrs max]

Notable tracks incl. track/2745 and track/3363
Member Comments for Slievemore (An Sliabh Mór)

   picture about Slievemore (An Sliabh Mór)
Picture: The highest theft in Ireland?
wicklore on Slievemore
by wicklore 23 Mar 2009
simon3 shows the gold bauble on the trig pillar of Slievemore in his picture taken in March '08. Then Peter Walker refers to it in his post of October '08. Alas let me be the bearer of bad news-this photo, taken last week, shows the top half of the bauble missing. I doubt if it blew off. Judging by the graffiti covering the trig pillar, (and graffiti covering the bauble in simon3's picture) maybe it was only ever going to last a short while. A nice thought and effort from someone to put it there, and the usual human need for destruction displayed here too. Linkback:
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   picture about Slievemore (An Sliabh Mór)
Picture: The classic view of Slievemore
A thing of beauty
by paulocon 17 Jan 2013
Was lucky enough to spend a week down in Achill at the foot of Slievemore and took a few walks up this beautiful mountain. I completely fell in love with it and the surrounding landscape. For me, the only place to start the walk is at the far end of Sliver Strand in Dugort so you can enjoy that remarkable view along the strand and up to Slievemore towering over the beach. The route has been described already here and the climb, though steep, isn't overly challenging. Highly recommend dropping down the other side to the Deserted Village.

If anyone is interested, doing a series of articles on the 'Iconic Mountains of Ireland' and I featured Slievemore in the most recent one. You can see it at: Linkback:
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PadraigC on Slievemore
by PadraigC 4 May 2006
Traversing Slievemore from east to west must be one of the best ridge walks in Ireland. It is a fairly easy walk with tremendous views so the return on investment is great. With its position out on the west coast, the views north and south along the coast are very extensive. Perhaps Myles na Gopaleen had these views in mind when he wrote:

"Ag feachaint duit amach fuinneóg na láimhe deise, b'shiúd thíos uaith dúthaí mhaol ocrach na Rosann agus Gaoth Dobhair, Cnoc Fola thall agus Oileán Thoraigh amuí ag snámh mar luing mhór, abhfad i gcéin go taidhbhseach san mball a thig an spéir le fairge. Ag féachaint amach an doras duit, chífeá iarthar Chondae na Gaillimhe, slios mhaith de charraigreacha Chonamara agus amuí uait i bhfairge, Árainn Mhór, na tithe beaga geala i gCill Rónáin soiléir so-fheicse dá mbéadh an radharc go géar agat agus lá samhraidh ann. Ón fhuinneóig chlí chífeá an Blascaod Mór go lom doicheallach mar bheadh eascú uabhásach neá-shaolta ann, 'na luí go tláith ar bharr na dtonn; an Daingean abhus, na tithe ann cruinithe go dlúth le chéile." Linkback:
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   picture about Slievemore (An Sliabh Mór)
Picture: The Easter Egg of Slievemore
simon3 on Slievemore
by simon3 26 Mar 2008
Paddy Dillon [The Mountains of Ireland] includes Slievemore in a walk that goes over the Croughans and certainly that would be perfectly possible, however so far all of the contributors here as of March 2008 have described routes with just Slievemore as the target. One way to do it is to start from near the "Deserted Village" a line of decrepti stone built houses, now lacking roofs, which were abandoned around 1850.

Near there we met an interesting farmer who told us a bit about the area. At present Slievemore is owned by 557 people and is very much commonage. Around E (F6382 0833) (open to correction) there is a large white rock. From here, in penal times, a watch would be kept for the movement of the authorities. Mass was said in the Keem valley and warning could be given from this rock.

The photo shows the trig pillar as it is today, decorated with a firmly attached golden ball which must have appeared in the last year since Grayarea's pic of 2007 doesn't show it. What is the purpose of this giant bauble? My thoughts have ranged from a prankish gold painted buoy , through New Age replacement for the Mass to geophysical experiment. I haven't ruled out alien eggs either. Definitely a superior treatment of the largely redundant trig pillar, the species which have fared well as in the white painted one on Sugar Loaf near Glengarriff to cast down and broken as in Carnmore. Linkback:
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   picture about Slievemore (An Sliabh Mór)
Picture: Eastern Ridge
What an Island Gem
by srr45 2 Jan 2024
From Dugort Beach this is truly a superb climb up the eastern ridge with spectacular views of mayo and beyond. Definitely pick a good day with little wind and good visibility to enjoy this magnificent island beast. 2 hours up and back. Linkback:
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EDIT Point of Interest

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