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Summits & other features in area North East Midlands: Boyne Valley: Hill of Ward 111m Cen: Ballyjamesduff: Aghalion Hill 249m Cen: Oldcastle: Mullaghmeen 258m, Slieve Na Calliagh 276m, Spire of Lloyd 131m, The Hill of Mael 241m E: Kingscourt: Carrickleck Hill 173m N Cen: Cavan Town: Shantemon 218m, Slieve Glah 320m, Tievenanass 261m NE: Ballybay: Bunnanimma 268m NE: Carrickmacross: Corduff 243m NE: Castleblaney: Mullyash Mountain 317m NE: Cen Bailieborough: Cornasaus 339m, Taghart South 290m NW Cen: Arva: Bruse Hill 260m NW: Aughavas: Lugganammer 190m S Cen: Crookedwood: Cruckboeltane 199m, Knockeyon 214m S: Westmeath South West: Knockastia 200m SE: Boyne Valley: Hill of Slane 160.4m, Mount Oriel 251m, Tara 155m W: Ardagh: Bawn Mountain 200m W: Drumlish: Corn Hill 278m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Hill of Ward, 111mHill Tlachta A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
From Tlachtaga daughter of a druid. Tlachtaga was reputedly buried on the hill., Meath County in Leinster province, in Local/Historical/Cultural Lists, Hill of Ward is the 1509th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference N73500 64500,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 42 Place visited by: 4members, recently by: Pepe, MickM45, tanseyman, Fergalh
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Mounted the style only to find a large shiny padlock on the gate and it was locked against me - maybe the key is held somewhere locally, as is the practice in nearby Lough Crew (is this a Meath thing?)
Walked two-three hundred metres east from the crossroads and entered a driveway from where the trig is visible to your right. Accessed the site from here though it involved some fence hopping. Linkback:
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Picture: Trig Pillar in sight
Short trek to summit
by Fergalh
14 Nov 2024
Parking for one car at gate to the south west a short drive from Athboy at a crossroads A (N735 644). Short walk to summit from stile through a field. Aerial photographs show the ring fort better than can be seen on ground although the rings are noticeable. The Spire of Lloyd and Tara Hill can be seen from the summit which has good views despite the small height Linkback:
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