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Nephin Begs Area , NW: Slieve Carr Subarea
Feature count in area: 28, all in Mayo, OSI/LPS Maps: 22, 23, 30, 31, CBW, EW-ACC, EW-WNN, EW-WNS
Highest Place: Slieve Carr 721m

Starting Places (24) in area Nephin Begs:
Altnabrocky Adirondack Shelter, Bellanaderg Bridge, Brogan Carroll Bothy, Bunnahowna Bridge, Bunnahowna River, Burrishoole Loop, Cloondaff Church, Deel River, Furnace Lough E, Glasheens River, Glendahurk Bridge, Glennamong Bridge, LFeeagh E Treenbeg Cottage, LFeeagh E Treenbeg School Ruin, Lough Avoher Hut, Lough Feeagh, Lough Gall NW Mayo, Loughanawillan Loughs Track, Mulranny Post Office, R312 Boghadoon, R312 Prughlish, Srahduggaun, Tarsaghaunmore River, Wild Nephin Wilderness

Summits & other features in area Nephin Begs:
Cen: Glennamong: Bengorm 582m, Bengorm NW Top 468m, Corranabinnia 716m, Corranabinnia SW Top 687m, Glennamong 628m, Glennamong East Top 415m, Tirkslieve 401m
Cen: Nephin Beg: Aroher Hill 285m, Lettertrask 279m, Nephin Beg 627m, Nephin Beg South Top 410m
E: Birreencorragh: Birreencorragh 698m, Birreencorragh South Top 564m, Birreencorragh West Top 551m, Buckoogh 588m, Bullaunmore 388m, Knockaffertagh 517m, Mount Eagle 427m, Srahmore 186m, Srahrevagh North 282m
NW: Slieve Carr: Bunmore 243m, Sheeanmore 282m, Slieve Alp 329m, Slieve Carr 721m, Tawnyanruddia 531m
SW: Maunthomas: Claggan Mountain NE Top 501m, Maumthomas NE Top 440m, Maumthomas SW Top 477m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Tawnyanruddia, 531m Mountain Slieve Carr South-West Top A name in English,
Place Rating ..
, Tomashiffin, Cormestity, Mayo County in Connacht province, in Arderin Beg, Irish Best Hundred Lists, Tawnyanruddia is the 471st highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference F90674 12181, OS 1:50k mapsheet 23
Place visited by: 42 members, recently by: benjimann9, wintersmick, abeach, nupat, NualaB, Carolyn105, Krzysztof_K, ochils_trekker, Geo, Colin Murphy, ryanguinness10, bria5n1, abcd, Sweeney, padstowe
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.669832, Latitude: 54.04727, Easting: 90674, Northing: 312181, Prominence: 23m,  Isolation: 2.5km
ITM: 490648 812190
Bedrock type: Banded, graded and X-bedded quartzites., (Bangor/Corslieve Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Twnynr, 10 char: Twnynrd

Gallery for Tawnyanruddia (Slieve Carr South-West Top) and surrounds
Summary for Tawnyanruddia (Slieve Carr South-West Top): Minor summit, major stage
Summary created by Peter Walker 21 Aug, 2016
   picture about Tawnyanruddia (Slieve Carr South-West Top)
Picture: Tawnyanruddia from the slopes of Corslieve to the east
Tawnyanruddia is a minor excrescence on a substantial spur running south-west from the remote massif of Slieve Carr, lacking the scale and distinction of the parent but sharing its remoteness and remarkable outlook.

Any approach to Tawnyaruddia is likely to be made as either a diversion on the way to/from Slieve Carr, or by adapting one of the northerly or southerly approaches to that summit. These will invariably be along the Bangor Trail, either from Bangor Erris at the northern end, or from the Brogan Carrol hut to the south at ( BrogC Bty (F96814 05574)). From the trail Tawnyanruddia can be climbed almost anywhere up its southern or western slopes: the ascent is steep but is otherwise free from difficulties. Alternatively it is a short sidetrip on the ascent of Corslieve from Scardaun Lough to the south.

Whatever way the bumpy summit with its crowning outcropping rock is reached, the huge view westwards over the Owenduff bog to the sea and Achill is simply incomparable...a scene of 'Last Man on Earth' magnitude.
Member Comments for Tawnyanruddia (Slieve Carr South-West Top)

   picture about Tawnyanruddia (Slieve Carr South-West Top)
Picture: View from the south of Tawnyanruddia across unspoilt bog
Take your time to enjoy
by wicklore 6 Jul 2015
5 years ago this August I climbed Tawnyanruddia on my way to Slieve Carr. I had camped the night before in a dilapidated tin hut on the Bangor trail below at A (F90646 11359) where the Bangor trail contours around the hill. I wrote about that singular experience back then as part of a summit comment for Slieve Carr. It was a hugely enjoyable and challenging way to experience this area of near wilderness. ( mtn_ct6053)

As isolated as Slieve Carr felt at the time, Tawnyanruddia felt even more so as it lacked a trig pillar and cairn or any other obvious human touches. A small rocky outcrop, eroded bog with granite stones peeking out, and windswept heathery grass marked the summit area. It was a straightforward 380m haul up from the Bangor Trail, with more and more astonishing views of the vast, uninhabited, Owenduff bog opening up as elevation was achieved. The sense of isolation on the slopes of Tawnyanruddia was palpable, and one that I’ve rarely experienced elsewhere. I found myself paying more attention to detail such as where I put my feet with each step or how much water I drank – partly because I was ‘in the moment’ and partly because there was an acute sense of the dire consequences of making a mistake and twisting an ankle or becoming dehydrated in this lonely place. There are some areas of exposed rock and scree on the southern slop which are easily avoided.

While Tawnyanruddia is easily reached from the Bangor Trail, or while descending Slieve Carr, it still requires a huge commitment of time and effort. I see that all other GPS tracks for Slieve Carr bypass Tawnyanruddia which reinforces my view that perhaps this is an area where more time and less haste is recommended. Of course Tawnyanruddia will no doubt now feature on future expeditions up Slieve Carr now that it has been ‘named’ as a summit!

It was with a mixture of entertainment and dismay that I saw the many efforts since 2010 by members to find the quickest and easiest way up Slieve Carr. The reputation for remoteness and near wilderness that this summit area holds was being dismantled gleefully with each new forest track and bridge discovered that would bring people closer and closer to the slopes of these hills. While adding to our options for accessing this area, it also takes something away. I say take your time, explore, enjoy!

I have included the link to my GPS route over Tawnyanruddia here: mvtrack1394 Linkback:
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   picture about Tawnyanruddia (Slieve Carr South-West Top)
Approach from the south.
by Colin Murphy 29 Aug 2022
Tawnyanruddia (centre of pic) seen from the Bangor Trail. Linkback:
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   picture about Tawnyanruddia (Slieve Carr South-West Top)
Picture: The rocky top of Tawnyanruddia
Arderin Beg, but nothing little about getting to it
by Geo 11 Jun 2023
One year ago, June 2022, I took the opportunity while on holiday in West Sligo to tick this one off. My ambition was much greater than my ability and the dreadful dampness of the Bangor Trail didn't get me close enough, quickly enough to make it in a single day trip.
Fast forward one year, and the dry spell of late May 2023 and I decided to make a weekend of it in the Mountains for the June holiday weekend.
I arrived in Bangor Erris on a Friday evening, parking outside the RC church as the 6pm Angelus was pealing and made camp on Knocklettercuss for my first night.
Next day in the heat, I diverted across to Sheann, then crossed the great bog southwards on its Eastern fringe, very glad of the dry conditions. My plan was originally to go up onto the spur to Slieve Carr and clockwise via Corslieve to Tawnyanruddia, but the heat of the day and the heavy pack on my back decided on the path of least resistance. I lunched and bathed my feet at B (F89122 16150) a few hundred metres upstream of what appears to be an old cottage being renovated (bothy perhaps?).
3 hours later I huffed and puffed my way to the top, dripping in perspiration, really feeling the affect of the heat. Glad to have attained it though, and I dropped back to the NW to a wee tarn where I had the benefit of a peat hags to shelter me for a 2nd night of camping. It turned out a glorious spot and I was treated to a stupendous sunset.
Next day I did the lesser trodden but yet not to be underestimated Sheannmore, followed by the amusingly moniker Slieve Alp. From here I made what I've promised myself is my last trip on the northern half of the Bangor Trail, resting for an hour at the so-called bothy adjacent to the over engineered marvel of the footbridge at C (F868 161). I was glad to get back to civilisation in Bangor 50 hours after I left it. Despite the dry weather, and the fact that the bogs and mountains of the Nephin Beg range were drier than camel's toenail, the trail was a morass not much better than when I trod it a year before.
My advice , for what it's worth to anyone who might listen is don't bother with the trail, wait til good weather and use the high ground, much easier and much better underfoot. Linkback:
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