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Dunkerron Mountains Area , Cen: Mullaghanattin Subarea
Feature count in area: 65, all in Kerry, OSI/LPS Maps: 78, 83, 84, 85, EW-KNP, EW-R
Highest Place: Stumpa Dúloigh 784m

Starting Places (66) in area Dunkerron Mountains:
Ballaghasheen Coilte, Ballaghasheen Pass Viewpoint, Ballaghbeama Gap, Bohacullia, Bridia Valley End, Cahersavane Road, Cahersavane Schoolhouse, Cloon Lough NE, Cloon Lough SE, Coad Cemetery, Coad Road End, Com an Chiste, Coomaclarig Bridge, Coomnahorna River, Coomyanna Bridge, Dereenavurrig, Derreendarragh Church, Derrynane Quay, Dunkerron Mid, Eagles Lough Access Trailhead, Esknaloughoge Forest Trailhead, Fermoyle Farm, Foot Stick Ford Road, Gap of Dunloe Head of, Glashaknockbrassel Stream, Glasheenoultagh Stream, Gortaclohane Lane End, Gortaclohane Lane NE Branch, Gortagowan Wood, Gowlane School Ruin, Gowlanes Wood, Graces Landing, Inchimore West, Isknagahinney Lough E, Kenmare Bridge, Knockanamadane, Knockanaskill N, Knocknasullig, Knocknsallagh Bridge, Laghtacallow, Lissatinnig Bridge Boreen, Looscaunagh Lough W, Lough Barfinnihy CP, Lough Brin S, Lough Coomeen SE, Lough Dromtine NE, Lough Dromtine SE, Lough Fada N, Lough Iskanamacteery N, Lough Iskanamacteery NW, Lough Reagh N, Maghanlawaun Bridia Valley, Molls Gap, Ochtiabh Road, Poulacapple, River Owroe Source, River Sneem Fermoyle Loop, Rossacoosane Mid, Sahaleen Bridge, Scarriff Island, Shamrock Farmhouse B&B, Sneem, Tooreenboy Lough, Tooreennafersha Mid, Tooreennafersha South, Waterville Promenade

Summits & other features in area Dunkerron Mountains:
Knocknagantee Near West Top 628m
Cen: An Bheann Mhór: An Bheann Mhór 674.7m, An Bhinn Láir 514m, Coomcallee 648.9m, Beann na Stiocairí 673.1m, Coomnahorna 590m, Glanbeg 485.8m, Slievenashaska 578m, Slievenashaska South Top 565.4m
Cen: Knocknagantee: Knockmoyle 682.1m, Finnararagh 667m, Cnoc Breasail 591m, Knocknagantee 674.3m, Knocknagantee West Top 553m, Coomnacronia 636m, Coomura Mountain 666m
Cen: Mullaghanattin: An Cnoc Riabhach 534m, Beann 752m, Beann Far SW Top 636.2m, Beann NE Top 692m, Beann South Top 639m, Beann SW Top 657m, Sallagh 570m, Mullaghanattin 773m, Mullaghanattin East Top 594m, Sallagh South-West Top 543m
E: Kenmare: Gortamullin 205m, Knockanaskill 356m, Letter South 362m
N: Knocknacusha: Knocknacusha 547m
NE: Knocknabreeda Ridge: Crossderry 489m, Knocknabreeda 569m, Mothaillín 506m
NE: Knocknagapple: Bascadh 595m, Bascadh West Top 569m, Boughil 631m, Cnoc na gCapall 639m, Knocklomena 641m
NE: Stumpa Dúloigh: Broaghnabinnia 745m, Knockaunanattin 569m, Knockaunanattin West Top 466.1m, Stumpa Dúloigh 784m, Stumpa Dúloigh SE Top 780m, Stumpa Dúloigh SW Top 663m
SW: Caherdaniel: Farraniaragh Mountain 468m, Eagle Hill 155m, Reenearagh 162m, Beenarourke 304m, Knocknasullig 117m, Cahernageeha Mountain 498.7m
SW: Coad ( Castle Cove ): Beenrour 418m, Eagles Hill 549m, Mullaghbeg 509m
SW: Coomduff: Coomduff 244m
SW: Deenish: Deenish Island (2) 144m
SW: Esknaloughoge: Esknaloughoge 416m, Esknaloughoge North Top 420m
SW: Scarriff: Scarriff Island 252m
SW: Sneem: An Bheann Mhór 309.3m, Dereenavurrig Hill 261m, Knockanamadane 270m, Knocknafreaghane 316.5m, Knocknagullion 413m
SW: Staigue: Staigue Top 459m, Staigue NE Top 435m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Sallagh South-West Top, 543m Mountain Caora Bhán (mullach thiar theas) A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
For origin of name, see Sallagh / Caora Bhán., Kerry County in Munster province, in Arderin Beg, Irish Best Hundred Lists, Sallagh South-West Top is the 439th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference V70152 74431, OS 1:50k mapsheet 78
Place visited by: 48 members, recently by: Aongus, Sweeney, maoris, NualaB, Krzysztof_K, nupat, chelman7, Carolyn105, John.geary, Grumbler, annem, Colin Murphy, Wilderness, mountainmike, learykid
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.88752, Latitude: 51.907424, Easting: 70152, Northing: 74431, Prominence: 15m,  Isolation: 0.4km
ITM: 470130 574492
Bedrock type: Green sandstone & siltstone, (St. Finans Sandstone Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: SlghSt, 10 char: SlghSthWst

Gallery for Sallagh South-West Top (Caora Bhán (mullach thiar theas)) and surrounds
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Member Comments for Sallagh South-West Top (Caora Bhán (mullach thiar theas))

   picture about Sallagh South-West Top (Caora Bhán (mullach thiar theas))
Picture: A cairn is hatched! Cloon Lough in the valley behind
Not an easy bag!
by Geo 15 Jul 2018
So you've done the "Pocket", and found it pretty tough, big climbs but big rewards, Fine, Good for you!
Want a touch more challenge?
Ever wondered what those little 'uns in the middle of the Dunkerrons might be like?
What about doing a horseshoe from the other side and in an clockwise direction instead?

Cloon Horseshoe is the one for you, however be ready for a finale like no other...

Park beside the Lough, Cloon that is (See the Mullaghanattin Short Summary for access details, I won't repeat them here)

Climb for what seems an eternity up to Beann NE (fantastic airy scramble to finish out on a gorgeous summit), make sure you've had your Weetabix, you'll need it.

Then the F A B U L O U S and unforgettable (especially if you get a super June day like we did) hop, skip and jump, along the ridge from one Beann to another, NE, then main top, then SW, then Far SW Top, just one beauty after another...

Then soak up the Sallagh's, but keep your energy, you've only warmed up! Technically there are no more summits to cross on this walk but there's Purgatory ahead. We took tea on Sallagh SW and I had to take the opportunity of being the first to comment. anyway back to our jaunt...

A twisting, turning mayhem of navigation through the Glacial lakes to the NW as you make for the SW ridge of Coomura to get yourself and your now screaming muscles up and over it's seemingly endless plateau (and it's summit if not ticked off, we had done it before so we left it out)

Over the hump of Coomura and head down it's NNE ridge. It's here that life, the universe and everything comes into play, you will question your ever taking up such a dumb recreation as hill-walking, rambling, mountaineering, ticking off VL's or whatever the hell it was got you here. You may cry, You may scream with rage and hatred for this god-forsaken land, and you may live to see the end of it...

At the col when all hope is lost you turn NE to continue to slither down and get your sorry butt to the south west of the lakeside and the track you have seen but can't bloody find, through a hell of bracken and overgrowth, why don't those bloody sheep eat it all to ground level?

Hope has been lost, but redemption is at hand, all of a sudden a man made stony track materialises out of the wilderness and gets you along the lake, & the weary and brave soldier you are gets a second wind as you see your auto awaiting you, and the promise of a pint later or a cooling bathe for your aches or both, and suddenly a whole day of ups and downs are worth it.

You'll be unlikely to meet anyone else up there, maybe a small chance on the high Beann's, and the Sallagh's are a place you'll have solitude but for the rocks.

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(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.