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Comeragh MountainsArea, Cen: Comeragh Central
Feature count in area: 24, all in Waterford,
OSI/LPS Maps: 74, 75, 81, 82, EW-C, EW-K
Highest Place: Kilclooney Mountain 792m
Starting Places (25) in area Comeragh Mountains: Aughatriscar Bridge, Carey's Castle, Carrickaruppora S, Carronadavderg Wood, Colligan Bridge, Colligan Source, Coumduala Lough Path, Croghaun Hill CP, Douglas River Wood, Dromona Wood, Guilcagh Wood, Kilclooney Wood CP, Laghtnafrankee Road, Lough Mohra Rath Beag Loop Walk, Mahon Falls CP, Maum Road, Moanyarha, Moanyarha Bog, Monarud, Mountain View, New Quay CP, Nire Valley CP, Old Bridge Clonmel, Old Slate Mine CP, River Ire R676 L96761
Summits & other features in area Comeragh Mountains: Cen: Comeragh Central: Carrignagower 767m, Coumfea 741.9m, Coumfea North Top 728.3m, Coumfea West Top 711m, Croughaun Hill 391m, Curraghduff 750.1m, Kilclooney Mountain 792m, Knockaunapeebra 724.4m Cen: Knockanaffrin: Knockanaffrin 755m, Knockanaffrin South Top 628m, Knocksheegowna 675.7m E: Portlaw Hills: Donnell's Hill 242.8m, Tower Hill 238m N: Laghtnafrankee: Kilmacomma Hill 211m, Laghtnafrankee 520m, Laghtnafrankee SW Top 425m, Long Hill 404m S: Monavullagh Mountains: Bleantasour Mountain 402m, Coumaraglin Mountain 614.6m, Crohaun 484m, Milk Hill 451m, Seefin 725.6m SW: Drum Hills: Carronadavderg 301m, Dromona Hill 156m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Curraghduff, 750.1mMountain
Place Rating ..
poss. Ir. An Chorr Dhubh [], 'the black round hill', Waterford County in Munster province, in no lists, Curraghduff is the 79th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference S30500 11200,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 75 Place visited by: 126members, recently by: Kirsty, Carolyn105, Josephineobrien, farmerjoe1, JohnRea, pdtempan, jackos, MichaelG55, MickM45, Nailer1967, DeirdreM, Grumbler, deirdre007, JustMe, helenw7
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.554141, Latitude: 52.252155, Easting: 230500, Northing: 111200,
Prominence: 13.5m, Isolation: 1km ITM: 630442 611253 Bedrock type: Green thick-bedded conglomerate, (Treanearla Formation) Notes on name: Referred to as Curraghduff in the original Vandeleur-Lynam list. This is the name of the townland in which the peak is situated, but as Ir. corr means 'round hill', the townland name may well be derived from this peak. However, the anglicised form suggests Ir. currach, 'marsh' rather than corr, and even the local pronunciation noted at points to currach rather than corr, so the matter is unclear.
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Crghdf, 10 char: Curaghduf Linkback:
Gallery for Curraghduff and surrounds
for Curraghduff :
A summit surrounded by dry ground to the east and bog to the west
Summary created by jackill
07 Mar, 2023
Park in the Nire Valley car park(Nire (S277 128) )room for 20 cars, but note this fills up fast on weekends, walk up hill on a grassy then heatherly slope from the easten edge of the carpark following approximately a line of white wooden posts.
Walk through a small gate on a sheep fence and follow the track to the Windy gap(A (S30001 13400) ).
Do not cross the stile here but turn south east and follow the fence towards Carrignagower until the ground gets steeper and rockier, leave the fence and follow the track which goes west the cuts back to the east again to the wire fence. This avoids a tricky scramble up a large rocky outcrop.
Follow the fence on an easy upward slope then a sandy plateau to the summit cairn of Carrignagower.
Head south for approx. 500 meters on stony and sandy ground before turning south west with a slight uphill across bog for a further 500 meters to the summit of Curraghduff.
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