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Feature count in area: 2, all in Clare,
OSI/LPS Maps: 63
Highest Place: Moveen Hill 136m
Starting Places (2) in area South Clare: Illaunadoon, Oldtown Hill
Summits & other features in area South Clare: SW: Kilkee: Moveen Hill 136m, Oldtown Hill 127m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Moveen Hill, 136mHill
Place Rating ..
, Clare County in Munster province, in Range Highpoint, Binnion Lists, Moveen Hill is the highest hill in the South Clare area and the 1491th highest in Ireland. Moveen Hill is the most northerly summit in the South Clare area and also the most easterly.
Grid Reference Q85720 57495,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 63 Place visited by: 17members, recently by: Tuigamala, chelman7, DeirdreM, jlk, Marymci, Colin Murphy, TommyV, thomas_g, FrankMc1964, hivisibility, liz50, conormcbandon, chalky, eamonoc, sandman
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
This hill is the highest point on the Loop Head peninsula and can be accessed via the Dunlicky Road about 4km south from Kilkee. Park at quarry entrance located at Ill'doon (Q85320 58397) and proceed up the hill to the SE for about 600m to the trig pillar at the summit. A much more enjoyable way to bag the summit is to take the Kilkee Cliff walk, starting at the Diamond Rocks Cafe, past the statue of Richard Harris and continue along the track to the highest point of the cliff, where the track rejoins the road. The views of the coastline along the track are tremendous. A further 2km walk along the road will take you to the quarry entrance. Linkback:
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Picture: Summit Trig.
by sandman
30 Jun 2014
Not often you locate a trig with the OS stamp as is on Moveen Hill . Unfortunately a quarry exists on this hill although it is not presently working which is a result of the economic downturn, instead of a rock deposit problem, but i am totally confused how such a quarry was given planning in the first place especially in an area of such natural beauty. The quarry entrance is located Ill'doon (Q85320 58397) which allows parking adjacent it is a short walk to summit A (Q85718 57488). Linkback:
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Easy Bag
by Fergalh
20 Aug 2014
Park at (Ill'doon (Q85318 58419) (Point B) )at entrance to quarry. Walk on edge of quarry to behind the quarry and proceed to summit where there is a trig pillar and fine views.
Point B: Ill'doon (Q85318 58419)Linkback:
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Picture: Summit trig on Moveen.
Fine views from the summit.
by hivisibility
31 May 2017
The summit trig on Moveen Hill. In the background with the telecom mast you can see Knockanore Hill on the Kerry side of the estuary. Linkback:
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Picture: Trig with Clare coastline in the background
Highest on the Loop
by TommyV
23 Mar 2019
As Moveen Hill is the highest point on the Loop Head peninsula, the views on offer are great for such little effort. As mentioned by sandman, through the quarry and then out onto the open hill is the easiest way to access it. I did notice alot of sections of the quarry fenced off with signs warning of Asbestos!! Linkback:
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