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Donegal NW Area , N: Gweedore Subarea
Feature count in area: 8, all in Donegal, OSI/LPS Maps: 1, 10, 11
Highest Place: Tievealehid 429m

Starting Places (10) in area Donegal NW:
Altawinny Bay Road, An Chúirt Hotel, Cnoc Fola Carpark, Crockadillisk Bend, Crocknaneeve SouthWest, Cruit Golf Pier, Glasagh Road, Glassagh Beach, Procklis Lough, Teach Dixon

Summits & other features in area Donegal NW:
N: Gweedore: Moylemore (Owey Island) 102m, Carntreena 425m, Bloody Foreland 314m, Crocknaneeve 155.9m, Tievealehid 429m
S: Trawenagh: Croaghegly 245m, Trusklieve 175m
W: Arranmore: Cluidaniller West Top (Aranmore) 227m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Crocknaneeve, 155.9m Hill Cnoc na Naomh A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
Ir. Cnoc na Naomh, 'hill of the saints' [], Donegal County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Cnoc na Naomh is the 1470th highest place in Ireland. Cnoc na Naomh is the second most northerly summit and also the second most easterly in the Donegal NW area.
Grid Reference B87827 32040, OS 1:50k mapsheet 1
Place visited by: 13 members, recently by: benjimann9, eamonoc, Lauranna, dregish, finkey86, Fergalh, sandman, jackill, Garmin, chalky, Harry Goodman, wicklore, David-Guenot
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.191643, Latitude: 55.135404, Easting: 187827, Northing: 432040, Prominence: 109m,  Isolation: 4.5km
ITM: 587779 932022
Bedrock type: Whitish quarztite with pebble beds, (Ards Quartzite Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Crcknn, 10 char: Crcknnv

Gallery for Crocknaneeve (Cnoc na Naomh) and surrounds
Summary for Crocknaneeve (Cnoc na Naomh): Small hill, big views
Summary created by wicklore 13 Apr, 2014
   picture about Crocknaneeve (Cnoc na Naomh)
Picture: Crocknaneeve from the north, the whaleback of Muckish behind
Crocknaneeve enjoys a position which gives excellent views south across to the Errigal-Aghla ridge of hills and the mighty whaleback summit of Muckish. It also allows lovely views at sunset on clear evenings out to sea and nearby Bloody Foreland. One approach from the north is as follows: Use the minor road at T Dixon (B87888 33001) to reach a junction of a bumpy track at A (B87820 32438). A few hundred metres up this track will bring you to the summit area. There is a large cross and altar near the summit, and there are Stations of the Cross along the road and around the hill.

From the south find a small abandoned white farmhouse just alongside the minor road around B (B873 316), with room for one car nearby. From there it is a quick, easy ascent on open ground up to a flat area,; then a short stroll through boggy, uneven terrain to reach the road. Follow it for one or two hundred metres until you meet the road/track junction mentioned above. This will lead you straight to the summit and the cross.

There appears to be access issues on one of the minor roads to the north of the hill at C (B87447 32700), where a resident stated that she didn’t want anyone – local or visitor- using the road.
Member Comments for Crocknaneeve (Cnoc na Naomh)

   picture about Crocknaneeve (Cnoc na Naomh)
Picture: Beautiful sunset with Bloody Foreland in silhoutte
Road was blocked by a frustrated resident
by wicklore 13 Apr 2014
June 2012. Having earlier climbed Bloody Foreland I decided on a last minute jaunt up Crocknaneeve. As the light was fading I took advantage of a minor road/ potholed track to reach a point just below the summit. I left the car at A (B87820 32438) and walked the short couple of hundred metres up to the summit. The summit area is heather and bog, and has a large cross and an altar. The cross can be powered up and illuminated by dozens of bulbs attached to it, at special religious events I presume. The views from this hill are fabulous, especially at sunset. To the south the whole range from Errigal to the Aghla’s was glowing a beautiful pink as its quartzite caught the last of the suns rays. To the west the setting sun cast Bloody Foreland into silhouette while the sky and sea glowed orange and pink. This is definitely a hill to walk at sunset!

Be warned – when I drove back down I decided to complete the loop of the minor road. I had started on the minor road no problem at T Dixon (B87888 33001). However when I came down at the other end of the road at C (B87447 32700) I found a car parked in the middle of the little road, blocking my way. The main road was about 30 feet away. I waited patiently but no one appeared. I knocked on the nearby house and had a difficult conversation with the resident. She told me that this end of the road is not public and that I would have to go back the way I came. I asked her about the large Stations of the Cross points that were situated along the road and asked was it not a public road as clearly it’s well-used for this purpose. She said no, it’s not public, and that she parks her car there to keep people from going up this way. The road is marked as a yellow minor road on the map and would have the appearance of being public. However I had no choice. The main road was literally 10 metres away but I had to turn tail and drive the potholed and difficult 2km back to where I had started. Clearly there are local issues here and this blow-in wasn’t going to get involved! Perhaps this issue will resolve itself to the satisfaction of everyone at some point, but until then avoid trying to head up at C (B87447 32700), and use the other end of the looped road for access instead. Linkback:
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   picture about Crocknaneeve (Cnoc na Naomh)
Picture: The summit and its cross as seen from the flat area to the W
Nice stroll with rewarding views
by David-Guenot 12 Jan 2014
Climbed this small hill on 14. June 2013. There is a small abandoned white farmhouse just alongside he minor road S of the summit, somewhere around B (B873 316), and room for one car nearby. From there it is a quick, easy ascent on open ground up to the flat area which can be seen on the picture; then a short stroll eastbound through boggy, uneven terrain (old turf cuttings I believe) will take you to a winding road track. Follow it for one or two hundred metres until you see a small track to your right -which can be seen to the right of the cross on the picture- that will lead you straight to the summit and its wooden cross. As I made it to the top, the wind had suddenly grown stronger and the bit of rain that had started falling had almost turned into hail, with the mist coming down too, so I could not really enjoy the coastal scenery to the N, which must be great on a clearer day. And as usual, it cleared up just after I left the summit ! Was able to enjoy nice views during the ascent and descent though, towards Cnoc Fola to the W, Taobh an Leithid to the S and the Seven Sisters to the SE, including the almost perfect triangle shape of mighty Errigal.
A friend of mine who lives in the area had advised me to climb one of the lanes starting N of the hill from Min Larach, but as I could not define which lanes were private or not, I decided to start from the SW and it happened to be a good idea (no fence nor gate to cross). He also told me there was an annual local pilgrimage/procession up to the cross, but I cannot remember which part of the year it takes place. I will update this comment as soon as I get the answer (has anyone heard about it ?).
Not much to say about the climbing, not as prominent as Cnoc Fola, but a short, easy walk offering rewarding views for such a low summit !! Linkback:
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   picture about Crocknaneeve (Cnoc na Naomh)
Picture: Mighty Errigal to the south
Fantastic views from this small hill
by wicklore 13 Apr 2014
Crocknaneeve is a small simple hill that is very easy to access. What it lacks in its own quality it more than makes up for in the fantastic views it offers. This photo show Errigal and Mackoght to the south at sunset. Errigal can be considered as one of Ireland's iconic mountains, and this photo shows why! Linkback:
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   picture about Crocknaneeve (Cnoc na Naomh)
Picture: Summit Cross.
Coastal Hill
by sandman 14 Aug 2017
Thank you for the excellent directions wicklore .... just to say the car still blocks the lane at point D even at 8.00am Linkback:
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