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North West Midlands Area , SW: Tuam Subarea
Feature count in area: 5, by county: Roscommon: 3, Galway: 2, OSI/LPS Maps: 32, 33, 39, 40, 46, 47
Highest Place: Slieve Bawn 262m

Starting Places (1) in area North West Midlands:

Summits & other features in area North West Midlands:
E: Roscommon Hills: Moydow 165m, Slieve Bawn 262m
N: Ballaghaderreen: Bockagh Hill 227m
SW: Abbeyknockmoy: Knockroe 168m
SW: Tuam: Knockma 167m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knockma, 167m Hill Cnoc Meadha A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
Irish name from Wikipedia, Galway County in Connacht province, in Binnion Lists, Knockma is the 1455th highest place in Ireland. Knockma is the most westerly in the North West Midlands area.
Grid Reference M36160 48374, OS 1:50k mapsheet 46
Place visited by: 44 members, recently by: DeirdreM, chelman7, oakesave, abcd, finkey86, dregish, TommyMc, annem, gjfrazer, murt100, peterturner, magnumpig, markwallace, MagdaK, bryanmccabe
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.962357, Latitude: 53.481755, Easting: 136160, Northing: 248374, Prominence: 138m,  Isolation: 16.2km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 536123 748400
Bedrock type: Thick-bedded pure limestone, (Knockmaa Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knckm, 10 char: Knockma

Gallery for Knockma (Cnoc Meadha) and surrounds
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Member Comments for Knockma (Cnoc Meadha)

   picture about Knockma (Cnoc Meadha)
Picture: Even the grand kids can climb this one!
Popular hill to walk.
by paddyhillsbagger 30 Jan 2014
Thank goodness I had previously scaled some of the minor tops on the new listing!
Knockmaa is a lovely little hill clearly visible from the N17 as you head North towards Tuam. Access is via a car park and walking trail off the R333 road at A (M355 495). Walk Sth to a cottage and follow the trail either left or right (it's circular) to it's highest point. Head Sth again off track up through the trees and you will climb up a rocky scree slope where the trig point and fine views can be had. It was very windy the day I took my then 4yr old granddaughter up back in 2005 and the grey hairs on my head hadn't started appearing! Linkback:
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Great reward for only a little effort.
by garrettd 28 Sep 2014
I climbed Knockma on my return from a walk in Joyce Country. I didn't know its name, I had no map and I wasn't even sure if it was a listed summit on Mountainviews. As the only prominent hill for miles around I had a fair guess that it was but it would have been well worth the effort in any case.

Park in the public car park and walk straight up the path with the (late 16th century?) tower house (a seat of the Kirwans, one of the seven tribes of Galway) remains on your left. When you reach the white cottage turn left where you'll see a number of interesting plaques. One commemorates Patrick Kelly (1822-1864), who led the famed Irish Brigade at the Battle of Gettysburg in July 1863. He was born in the immediate vicinity of Knockma and died one week into the 9 month siege of Petersburg, Virginia in June 1864.

The second plaque commemorates the 1968 epic movie 'Alfred the Great (starring Sir Ian McKellen, Sinead Cusack and Michael York among others)' which was partly shot around Knockma. According to Wikipedia, the idea was to make Castlehacket look as much like Wessex as possible, even etching a 200 foot long white horse into the side of the hill!

Follow the track as far as B (M359 489) and take the narrow worn track behind the "Knockma" sign straight uphill to the ridge. The outcropping limestone is reminiscent of the Burren (soon visible to the south west) and the summit ridge is rich in iron age antiquities including a fort and a massive cairn on which is perched the summit trig. Knockma is the reputed resting place of Queen Maeve of Connacht and the residence (still) of Finnbheara, the King of the Connacht fairies.

The views include the aforementioned Burren, the Maumturks, Galway Bay and Slieve Aughty Hills. The visibility on my visit was not the best but I imagine that peaks as far south as Keeper Hill would be discernible on a clear day in winter. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockma (Cnoc Meadha)
Picture: View west from Knockmaa
Beautiful Wooded Hill
by shaneanddearbh 27 Jul 2014
Knonkmaa Woods is a beautiful walk, about 4km long and takes about 1 hour at a casual pace. Fantastic views to the west of the Corrib and Connemara, Mayo to the North with the peak of Croagh Patrick visible on a good day. To the east there is a great view across North Galway. The road and path is well maintained and is accessible to all. The Cairn at the top is easily missed however. Near a ruin named 'Daithi's Leaba' (Davids Bed) there is a wall on top of a ridge. There is a gap in the wall and a path, this will lead you to the summit and to a great panorama. Fantastic Sunday walk for all. Highly recommend. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockma (Cnoc Meadha)
Picture: Castle Hackett I assume!
One for the family.
by TommyV 29 Oct 2018
Off the R333 there is parking at Castlehackett at C (M35604 49423). This is a simple trail loop around the the hill. Near the summit, branch off the trail at D (M36048 48461) at a wall along the ridge line to the ruins of an old castle, a stone cross and the trig point which sit on top of a large cairn before rejoining the trail and continuing the loop. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockma (Cnoc Meadha)
Picture: Summit Trig
Local Amenity.
by sandman 22 Apr 2014
Situated in a well developed and supported walking ammenity as mentioned by previous comment the summit trig sits atop a large cairn. (E (H36160 48371)) Linkback:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.