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Feature count in area: 14, all in Wexford,
OSI/LPS Maps: 61, 62, 68, 69, 76, 77, EW-B, EW-B, EW-B2
Highest Place: Slieveboy 420m
Starting Places (16) in area Wexford: Askamore Cemetery, Ballymore Wood, Clone Strand, Clonegal, Coolmelagh Forest CP, Cummer Wood South, Gibbet Hill West, Mary Neal's Spout, Mount St Benedict's School, R746 Half Way House, Scroughmore Cross W, Slieveboy NE, Slieveboy SE, St John's Church, Tarahill House, Vinegar Hill
Summits & other features in area Wexford: N: Bunclody: Kilmichael Hill 269.3m N: Bunclody : Gibbet Hill 315m, Kilcullen Hill 218m, Slieveboy 420m N: Enniscorthy : Oulart Hill 179m, Vinegar Hill 116.6m NE: Wexford East : Carrigroe Hill 232m, Tara Hill 253m S: Wexford South: Bree Hill 179m, Camaross Hill 181m, Forth Mountain 237m SW: New Ross Hills : Carrickbyrne Hill 233m, Lacken Hill 193m, Slievecoiltia 268.5m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Bree Hill, 179mHill Cnoc Brí A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
There is a townland called Brí or Bree in the area [], Wexford County in Leinster province, in Binnion Lists, Bree Hill is the 1435th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference S93487 32907,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 68 Place visited by: 20members, recently by: jimhoare, geohappy, JoHeaney, simoburn, Noahq10, andodenis, Nakoz, jlk, conormcbandon, Barry28213, Pepe, jackill, Geansai, chalky, paddyhillsbagger
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: BrHl, 10 char: Bree Hill Linkback:
Gallery for Bree Hill (Cnoc Brí) and surrounds
for Bree Hill (Cnoc Brí):
A breeze of a walk
Summary created by wicklore
08 Apr, 2014
Picture: Bree may not fill you with Glee..
There is an approved access route starting at A (S93758 32578). Here there is a narrow trail with a signpost for Bree Hill showing walkers and cyclists. (Really only suitable for mountain biking). You can park just down the road at B (S93730 32513). Follow the narrow trail until you meet a forestry track. Turn right and then at C (S93676 32935) turn left into the trees and make your way through the trees uphill. This is an interesting experience and a bit odd due to some unusual tunnelling amongst the trees. Heading northwest you will emerge after a few hundred metres at the summit area and come out onto the bike track. The immediate summit area has been deforested and was (in August 2012) a quite overgrown flattish area. The bike/walker trail passes about 50 metres to the south of the summit highpoint which appears to be a small overgrown rocky outcrop in a general area of messy brambles and other greenery. This is a short walk taking about 40 minutes return. Limited views due to forestry and tangled growth around summit area.
The start point of this walk is a stroll along a quaint boreen past a ruin of an old cottage before emerging onto forestry tracks. A short walk that is more memorable for some unusual forestry and a tangled summit area than the views. You can find my gps track uploaded on MountainViews here: Linkback:
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Picture: What I saw on Bree
A Breeze
by eamonoc
11 Apr 2014
Climbed 4/4/204. Started at A (S93758 32578), on a very narrow boreen above the village of Bree. There is a brown wodden sign here with Bree Hill written on it, room to park here for one car. Headed up a good forest path and took the first right onto a larger forest track follwed this took another right at a fork in the path always heading uphill until just before a wooden bench is reached on the left. Headed left uphill into the forest following a faint track until a mountain bike course is reached higher up, went left here along this path and the summit area is the obvious high ground to the left of this path, there are a lot of fallen trees around the summit area. Total time car to car 37mins, distance approx 2.3km Linkback:
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