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North East Midlands Area , S: Westmeath South West Subarea
Feature count in area: 25, by county: Meath: 6, Cavan: 7, Westmeath: 5, Monaghan: 3, Leitrim: 1, Louth: 1, Longford: 2, OSI/LPS Maps: 26, 27, 27A, 28, 28A, 28B, 34, 35, 36, 41
Highest Place: Cornasaus 339m

Starting Places in area North East Midlands:

None for this area

Summits & other features in area North East Midlands:
Boyne Valley: Hill of Ward 111m
Cen: Ballyjamesduff: Aghalion Hill 249m
Cen: Oldcastle: Mullaghmeen 258m, Slieve Na Calliagh 276m, Spire of Lloyd 131m, The Hill of Mael 241m
E: Kingscourt: Carrickleck Hill 173m
N Cen: Cavan Town: Shantemon 218m, Slieve Glah 320m, Tievenanass 261m
NE: Ballybay: Bunnanimma 268m
NE: Carrickmacross: Corduff 243m
NE: Castleblaney: Mullyash Mountain 317m
NE: Cen Bailieborough: Cornasaus 339m, Taghart South 290m
NW Cen: Arva: Bruse Hill 260m
NW: Aughavas: Lugganammer 190m
S Cen: Crookedwood: Cruckboeltane 199m, Knockeyon 214m
S: Westmeath South West: Knockastia 200m
SE: Boyne Valley: Hill of Slane 160.4m, Mount Oriel 251m, Tara 155m
W: Ardagh: Bawn Mountain 200m
W: Drumlish: Corn Hill 278m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knockastia, 200m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Westmeath County in Leinster province, in Binnion Lists, Knockastia is the 1402th highest place in Ireland. Knockastia is the most southerly summit in the North East Midlands area.
Grid Reference N24537 43380, OS 1:50k mapsheet 48
Place visited by: 27 members, recently by: Carolyn105, Bernieor, madfrankie, Johnnylayne, dregish, tonibm, abcd, finkey86, ceadeile, TommyMc, melohara, TommyV, moggy40, moggy40t, Lauranna
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.631532, Latitude: 53.440156, Easting: 224537, Northing: 243380, Prominence: 106m,  Isolation: 7.2km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 624481 743404
Bedrock type: Massive unbedded lime-mudstone, (Waulsortian Limestones)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knc200, 10 char: Knockastia

Gallery for Knockastia and surrounds
No summary yet for this place .
Member Comments for Knockastia

   picture about Knockastia
Picture: Knockastia trig.
Panoramic views.
by paddyhillsbagger 1 Feb 2014
Followed Fergalh's excellent directions up to the top. Overgrown path may need trimming to get through in growing season. Took my 5yr old granddaughter along for the adventure but she got a little scared with the high winds at the top. Smiles afterwards however. Fine views all round. Linkback:
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Behind quarry
by Fergalh 18 Feb 2019
At Moate take road to the pretty village of Rosemount. Drive through village and turn left around west side of mountain. At quarry there is a sign for site of old church (A (N24010 43352)) proceed up this overgrown path to the top cross through gap into field turn right and proceed to top than cross through gap in fence to field the promentary with trig pillar is clearly visible.
. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockastia
Picture: Trig looking out on the Westmeath countyside.
Most central hill in Ireland??
by TommyV 5 Jul 2019
Heading North from the little village of Rosemount will bring you near this hill. I found parking beside an old abandoned house at B (N24222 42974) and proceeded to walk up a road which leads to a house where the owners of the land reside. They were out cutting the lawn and had no problems showing me the best way to access the hill through their land. 15 minutes later I was back at the car. It dawned on me that this must be the most central hill in Ireland and so possibly the best place to view the plains of the midlands. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockastia
Picture: No hunting or shooting
Hunting and shooting forbidden
by ceadeile 17 Jan 2018
The path described by FergalH is now, January 2018, very overgrown. There are many thorn bushes in particular which make it a somewhat dangerous for your eyes. A simpler approach is to park at the disused quarry gate at C (N24035 43266) and walk 100m NW along the road to D (N23968 43330) where a double locked gate has a sign saying that hunting and shooting are forbidden. So, secure in the knowledge that you are unlikely to be hunted or shot, the well maintained field beyond the gate makes for pleasant underfoot conditions as you ascend to the top of the hill. If you keep close to the perimeter fence of the quarry and then follow the line of the stone wall uphill above the quarry you will come to another gate built into the stone wall. There are two strands of barbed wire to be negotiated then to access the field where the hilltop is located. Linkback:
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Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
Height layer: © MapTiler
MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.