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West Clare Area , NE: Burren East Subarea
Feature count in area: 14, all in Clare, OSI/LPS Maps: 51, 52, 57, 58
Highest Place: Slievecallan 391m

Starting Places (16) in area West Clare:
Abbey Hill, Ballyvaughan, Ballyvelaghan Lough, Ben Dash, Derroolagh, Feenagh, Fermoyle Cottage, Glenfort, Leimaphuca, Lough Gaelan, Murroogh, Murrooghtoohy CP, Slieve Callan Wind Farm, Slieve Elva, Slievecarron, Toberkieran

Summits & other features in area West Clare:
Cen: Ennistymon Hills: Clifden Hill 189m, Knocknalarabana 204m
NE: Burren East: Abbey Hill 240m, Bouleevin 222m, Knockanes 205m, Mullagh More 180m, Slievecarran 326m
NW: Burren West: Aillwee 304m, Gleninagh Mountain 316.1m, Slieve Elva 344m
S: Ennis Hills: Ben Dash 267m, Cloontohil 190m, Slieveacurry 255m, Slievecallan 391m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knockanes, 205m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Clare County in Munster province, in Binnion Lists, Knockanes is the 1395th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference R32855 97408, OS 1:50k mapsheet 52
Place visited by: 52 members, recently by: simoburn, dominic divilly, Barrington1978, mehiking, chelman7, JohnRea, amgall, eamonoc, Krzysztof_K, jimmytherabbit, JoHeaney, Damian120, peter1, obrien116, markmjcampion
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.00138, Latitude: 53.023446, Easting: 132855, Northing: 197408, Prominence: 120m,  Isolation: 1.9km
ITM: 532819 697442
Bedrock type: Fossiliferous limestone with Davidsonia, (Aillwee Member (upper))

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knc205, 10 char: Knockanes

Gallery for Knockanes and surrounds
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Member Comments for Knockanes

   picture about Knockanes
Picture: Go on, go on, go on.
You'll be wanting tea with that!
by paddyhillsbagger 12 Oct 2014
As exasie commented, Father Ted's House is visible from the top of this hill and well worth a visit before or after your climb. It's only a short drive away, A (R308 959), from the start point.
Be sure to book in advance however.
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Ah, go on! Linkback:
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Picture: Summit Area
Quick Bag.
by sandman 17 Mar 2015
If you park at B (R33388 97783) (room for one vehicle), you can access the hill thru the farm gate a few metres from you allowing you quick ascent to the summit. No access issues as the hill is located in The Burren National Park. Linkback:
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Lovely walk in the heart of the Burren
by Aongus 5 Aug 2020
I did the circuit Mullaghmore, Slieve Roe and Knockanes on Bank Holiday Monday. Lovely circuit in an amazing landscape with great views. I followed the Blue route from Loch an Gealláin to summit of Mullaghmore. While the Blue route drops left of Mullaghmore and returns to the start I continued on the short trip to Slieve Roe. A bigger drop to the next col followed by a good pull brought me to Knockanes. I went cross country and picked up the Blue route again under Mullaghmore.

This walk is mainly on exposed limestone, some very short and easy scrambles are required to overcome a few steps so care is needed!

A 3 hour walk to savour. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockanes
Remarkable scenery
by Damian120 12 Jun 2021
A good hike over the traditional Burren karst limestone. A few minor scrambles if approaching from the left. The views are astounding and offer up a picture-postcard setting that encompasses, Mullaghmore, Sliabh Rua and even Father Ted's house. Linkback:
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Easy peasy, Ted.....
by exaisle 15 Jul 2014
I climbed this and the nearby Mullaghmore recently.

Not much of a challenge, but the terrain and views of the Burren are fantastic.

The only other notable thing about Knockanes is that you can see Father Ted's house..... Linkback:
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British summit data courtesy:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.