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Feature count in area: 44, by county: Tipperary: 36, Limerick: 8,
OSI/LPS Maps: 52, 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, 65, 66
Highest Place: Keeper Hill 691.6m
Starting Places (31) in area Midlands SW: Ballincurra Hill South, Ballyhourigan Wood Loop Walk, Barnane Lodge, Castlewaller Wood Forest Road, Coillte Knockanroe, Commanealine Wood, Commaun Beg North, Cullaun South, Cummer South, Curreeny Wood, Doonane Forest Carpark, Foildhine Mulkeir Rivers, Glenaneagh Park, Glenstal Wood CP, Gortagarry Hill West, Greenan Cross, Knockadigeen Hill SW, Knockanora East, Knockanully, Knockaviltoge East, Knockfune Wood Bend, Knockmaroe Wood, Knockmehill South, Knockteige SW, Nicker, Raven's Rock, Ring Hill West, River Doonane, The Lookout, Tobernagreana, Upperchurch
Summits & other features in area Midlands SW: Cen: Mauherslieve: Cummer 405m, Foilduff 400m, Knockmaroe 411m, Mauherslieve 543m E: Upperchurch Hills: Knockalough 427m, Knockaviltoge 364m N: Knockshigowna: Knockshigowna 212m NE: Devilsbit: Benduff 455m, Black Hill 228m, Devilsbit Mountain 480m, Gortagarry 458m, Kilduff Mountain 445m, Knockanora 433m NE: Templederry: Ballincurra Hill 403m, Commaun Beg 403m, Cooneen Hill 467m, Coumsallahaun 320m, Knockadigeen Hill 402m NW: Arra Mountains: Corbally Hill 339m, Tountinna 457m NW: Silvermine Mountains: Silvermine Mountains East Top 479m, Silvermine Mountains Far East Top 410m, Silvermine Mountains West Top 489m SE: Hollyford Hills: Falleennafinoga 388m, Foildarg 440m, Glenaneagh 420m, Gortnageragh 418m, Knockastanna 444m, Knockbane 433m, Lackenacreena 413m, Ring Hill 426m, Tooreen 457m SW: Slieve Felim: Cullaun 460m, Derk Hill 236m, Knockroe 204m, Knockseefin 235m, Slieve Felim 427m, Slieve Felim East Top 423m, Slieve Felim South Top 407m W: Keeper Hill: Bleanbeg 368m, Boolatin Top 446.6m, Keeper Hill 691.6m, Knockane 411m, Knockfune 452m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Knockshigowna, 212mHill
Place Rating ..
, Tipperary County in Munster province, in Binnion Lists, Knockshigowna is the 1381th highest place in Ireland. Knockshigowna is the most northerly summit in the Midlands SW area.
Grid Reference S00342 95806,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 53 Place visited by: 18members, recently by: Moirabourke, Arcticaurora, TommyV, johncusack, JohnRea, ronand, High-King, wicklore, cathalferris, conormcbandon, frankmc04, sandman, jackill, delboyir, eamonoc
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knc212, 10 char: Knckshg212 Linkback:
Gallery for Knockshigowna and surrounds
for Knockshigowna :
Summary created by aidand
22 Jan, 2014
Knockshegowna hill is situated a few miles south of Birr. The hill is privately owned and forms part of Fairymount Open Farm. The farm is open to the public though there is an entrance fee. There are a number of walking trails laid out, a small lake, picnic areas and a mountain bike trail. Full details are available on It's a pleasant enough place to visit, more for a family outing than a serious walk.
When you have a couple of the grandkids for the day then what better than tiring them out on a local hill? Knockshigowna is off the main N52 road and is easily spotted at night by it's illuminated large cross. I parked at the Fairymount Farm car park A (S000 957) where much renovation and other works are in progress. Following the Red Hill trail it was easy enough for the little ones who enjoyed the views from the top. The summit itself not only has the aforementioned cross but a trig, an ugly communication mast collection and a currently in progress downhill MTB platform and course which crosses the walking route and is at present a bit of a scar. No doubt the owner has big plans for the future and I suspect it is a busy spot when the cycling is in full swing. As it was we only met 3 other walkers on the day. The cafe was not staffed and there wasn't anyone about. Summer season will no doubt be a different experience but it's a pleasant spot to take the family. Linkback:
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Picture: Bikepark Ireland.
Fairymount Farm.
by sandman
28 Jul 2015
The owners, who were very welcoming, explained to me that as it got harder to make a living in agriculture they decided to use the isolated hill that their farm was located on to develop walking trails but alas walkers were as profitable as agriculture so they developed a fantastic facility for mountain bikes. The walking trails are no more but I was allowed up to the summit via the uplift road without a cover charge . In another part of the farm on the opposite side of the road from the bike park a cricket pitch complete with pavilion is located. Linkback:
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Picture: Trig and Cross at the Summit
Prominent little hill
by TommyV
23 Oct 2023
The mountain bike park on Knockshigowna is closed indefinitely due to the crazy nature of insurance and it's costs . This makes accessing the hill from the farm a no go unless you want to drive up to the farm and knock on the door and ask. I didn't want to go disturbing anybody on a Sunday afternoon so I instead drove around to the North side of the hill. At B (S00726 95994) there is a prominent bend to the left on the road, directly ahead is an entrance to a farm/house and on the right is a gate. There is room to park a car here, the gate has no lock and no private property sign, and it's actually possible to skirt in around the pillar of the gate without needing to open or climb it. There is a track that leads uphill through a wooded area for about 600 metres directly to the summit. As there is a small mast compound on the hill I assume that this is the access track for it and there should be no issue to use it to access the summit. In any case it's such a short jaunt, you will be up and down before you know it. As it's such a prominent hill, there are very good views at the top for such little effort. Linkback:
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