Having earlier summited Knockfierna and Corronoher I assumed, wrongly as it transpired, that Ballyea Hill would be an easy additional top. I started from Ballingarry, walking as far as the previously prescribed access point at
A (R39791 35683). Since the last entry for this hill, the access track at the gate appears to have become completely overgrown and impassable. I continued for another 150m along the road and entered at the next gate ,
B (R39680 35595), which has a ‘Beware of the bill’ sign. The bull was benign and behind a wire fence. Had he been loose and I wearing a flowing red cape it would have been the least of my problems, as things would unfold. I ascended the good track to where it ended and then into a field. To the right there is a visible forest-edge track which has some thick gorse but nothing too bad. At the top of this track the problems really begin. 50m of the most painful and bloody hiking I can recall. I was on the point of abandonment when above the shoulder-height gorse and bramble appeared the summit trig like a siren on the rocks from an ancient epic tale. I headed for a large patch of fern which merely cloaked the brambles underneath. I circled four times to find a way to the verdant trig area. I couldn’t have come back the same way so picked up the track at
C (R39205 36222) , just east of the trig and followed through farmland to the road at
D (R39059 37000). I would not recommend this ascent route on any account. I didn’t meet the farmer at the farmyard where I gained the road on my descent so can’t vouch for any issues with access. Someone local must surely know of an easier route to this unassuming hill?
Linkback: mountainviews.ie/summit/1274/comment/23656/
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