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Antrim Hills Area , W: West Antrim Subarea
Feature count in area: 27, all in Antrim, OSI/LPS Maps: 14, 15, 4, 5, 8, 9
Highest Place: Trostan 550m

Starting Places (3) in area Antrim Hills:
Donalds Carn, Rathlin Island Ferry Port, Whitehead Golf Club

Summits & other features in area Antrim Hills:
Cen: Central Antrim Hills: Carncormick 436m, Collin Top 429m, Crockalough 402m, Mid Hill 440m, Skerry Hill 459m, Slieveanorra 508m, Slievenahanaghan 418m, Soarns Hill 403m, Tievebulliagh 402m, Trostan 550m
Central Antrim Hills: Slievenanee 543m
N: North Antrim Hills: Carnanmore 379m, Croaghan 417m, Crockaneel 403m, Cross Slieve 206m, Knocklayd 514m, Lannimore Hill 207m
N: Rathlin Island: Kilpatrick (Rathlin Island) 134m
S: Islandmagee: Donalds Carn 141m, Muldersleigh Hill 131m
S: South Antrim Hills: Agnew's Hill 474m, Big Collin 353m, Black Hill 381m, Carnearny 319m, Douglas Top 402m, Slemish 437.9m
W: West Antrim: Long Mountain 215m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Long Mountain, 215m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Antrim County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Long Mountain is the 1376th highest place in Ireland. Long Mountain is the most westerly summit in the Antrim Hills area.
Grid Reference D00608 18180, OS 1:50k mapsheet 8
Place visited by: 19 members, recently by: ElaineM76, garybuz, Paddym99, Claybird007, trostanite, eamonoc, Fergalh, Wilderness, eejaymm, NICKY, slemish, LorraineG60, MichaelG55, sandman, Garmin
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -6.428609, Latitude: 55.000909, Easting: 300608, Northing: 418180, Prominence: 128m,  Isolation: 11.7km
ITM: 700535 918164
Bedrock type: Olivine basalt lava, (Lower Basalt Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Lng215, 10 char: LngMntn

Gallery for Long Mountain and surrounds
Summary for Long Mountain : Mountain, this is not !!
Summary created by Harry Goodman 31 Mar, 2015
   picture about Long Mountain
Picture: Looking NW towards the "high point" !
From the village of Dunloy go S off the B16 and at a staggered cross-roads A (D016 185) turn right up Mallaboy Lane, initially on a poor surface but soon on a concrete lane leading up to a number of houses. At this point seek to park without blocking the lane and, if possible with permission B (D00908 18117). Continue along on foot and, on a now rough track, pass through a gate out on to a flat barren heathland with some farm buildings on the right.. The MV listed high point lies lies about 300 metres NW from this point, within a small ring cotour at 210 metres but is unmarked on the ground nor by a spot height on the OS sheet. In all there are at least six 210 metre ring contours widely dispersed along 2 km of the long top of the hill, none of which has a spot height marked on the map. This "mountain" is certainly long and wide but has a barely perceptible rise which makes it hard to distinguish from the land around it. There are views E to the line of higher Antrim Hills.
Member Comments for Long Mountain

   picture about Long Mountain
Picture: Dunloy 2056 - unmarked triangulation pillar.
A very pleasant excursion
by trostanite 4 May 2021
Given that this was my last MV top in my local area of the Antrim Hills I wanted to make more of the walk than just a quick peak bag. The starting point was from the west at the entrance to Craigs Wood at C (C98642 15750). As forecast, the sun was shining nicely and my mood was high setting off. I followed the forest track until it came to an end at D (C99792 16487). From here I had to pick my way through recent forestry operations to emerge from Craigs Wood onto open mountain. I then made my way E towards my first point of interest which was a mass rock at ‘Rabbit’s Rock’, at E (D00754 16456). Nearby there is a small rocky ridge known as the ‘Lough Rock’ on OS maps, to the south of Lough Nacroon. I set off in this direction. This ridge and a further ridge to the north, known as Craignamallaboy, made for a very pleasant walk with nice views over the shimmering lough. At the highest point on this ridge, it was time to stop for lunch.

Afterwards I set off N down the ridge, and on reaching a red dirt track, headed east towards the Long Mountain MV high point. Rather than make directly for the high point I followed a quad track which left the dirt road NW at F (D00432 18128). I followed this NW to G (D00606 18371). At this point to my surprise, I noticed a triangulation pillar laying on its side, with flush bracket marking `OSNI BM 2056’. I wasn’t aware of a trig pillar on Long Mountain and there is none marked on any OS map. A short distance from the pillar there is also a small moss and heather-covered rocky mound which may be an overgrown cairn. I then set off towards the MV high point which was nearby.

From the MV high point I made my way from back along the dirt road to the cave, mentioned by Wilderness. From the cave I then walked to the corner of a small plantation where a stile at H (C99882 17886) made an easy crossing. I then made my way along the northern edge of Craigs Wood. The going was very easy underfoot all the way to I (C98810 17408) where there are two raths about 100m apart, each circle surrounded perfectly by faerie thorns. From there I made my way to J (C97918 17554), which is the location of the very impressive Broad Stone court tomb. The way back into Craigs wood was made at K (C98305 17162) where I joined up with a forest road to make my way back to my starting point. All in all, 12.5km distance at a leisurely 4 hours and a great afternoon’s walking.

I checked the Trigpointing Ireland website on my return and there was no record of a trig pillar on Long Mountain. I left a forum post on Trigpointing UK and they had a record of a ‘Dunloy 2056’ and that it had been destroyed. They said it must have fallen a long time ago if there was no recording of it on the OSNI map. I informed them of the grid reference so they could add it to their database. Interestingly, the area of the trig pillar is marked as the mountain top in the oldest OS first edition map and was named ‘Ballymacaldrack’. Linkback:
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   picture about Long Mountain
Picture: No shot from here!!!!
In the Rough
by eamonoc 31 Mar 2019
Visited Long Mountain on Wed 20th March, no problem parking on Mallaboy lane just before last house. Followed farm track up hillside, found myself surrounded by horses for a few minutes, made my way to MV`s Summit Coordinates and low and behold, discovered a golf ball buried in the ground. Should we call Rory!!! Linkback:
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   picture about Long Mountain
Picture: Darkness falls in Antrim...not much affecting the view
Just about conforming to the Trades Descriptions Act...
by Peter Walker 26 Feb 2014
The given name of the upland sprawl to the SW of Dunloy is only vaguely optimistic; it is indeed fairly long given its modest vertical stature. Quite broad too, to give it due credit. The 'mountain' bit is slightly pushing it, mind.

My ascent came at the end of a 'stolen Sunday afternoon out and about'; indeed, the shadows were almost as long as the hill by the time I found the road junction at (A (D016 185)) and turned the car up Mallaboy Lane. This is an initially unpromising thoroughfare, being barely surfaced and potholed to an adolescent's face kind of degree. But soon you're covering light coloured concrete, as relatively new houses built hereabouts have evidently warranted improvements in the road. I left the car at (L (D009 182)); the surface soon deteriorates, and while you could drive further polite 'No Parking' notices make it feel unwise. Continue up the track through a gate onto the squat brow of the hill; I was startled by some wild horses as the gloaming began to gloam even more extensively in this vicinity. Once you can see the houses on the far side of the ridge (or the base of the gathering of wind turbines ahead) turn right/north onto the trackless heathland of the top. I walked about 300m in this direction, squinting into the murk and taking in a good five or six potential highest points. I'm pretty happy that at least one of them was the right one...just don't ask me which.

The views are extensive but with a lot of foreground...see pic. Linkback:
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   picture about Long Mountain
Picture: Wind turbines in the distance
Afternoon stroll
by Wilderness 15 Sep 2018
I left my car in Dunloy village. As I walked up Mallaboy Lane to the last farm house there was a yellow warning sign: BEWARE OF THE GUARD DOG and CCTV. I proceeded past the house with caution and never saw the dog or anyone else.

It wasn't long before I got to the top which now has a number of wind turbines scattered around the hill.
There is a small cave at the bottom of the cliff at M (D0025 1775) , its worth a visit along with Lough Nacroon.

On my way back down passing the farm house I met the lady who lived there along with her black Labrador which I'm guessing is the so called guard dog. The lady was friendly enough and she didn't seem to mind that I was walking on the hill. The dog was uninterested.
Just beware that there is a warning sign of a guard dog on that location!!!! Linkback:
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EDIT Point of Interest

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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.