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Fermanagh & South Tyrone Area , N: Largy Subarea
Feature count in area: 15, by county: Fermanagh: 9, Tyrone: 7, Monaghan: 1, of which 2 are in both Fermanagh and Tyrone, OSI/LPS Maps: 11, 17, 18, 19
Highest Place: Belmore Mountain 398m

Starting Places (15) in area Fermanagh & South Tyrone:
Aghanaglack, Carn Road, Carrickreagh Viewpoint, Crackrawer Road, Cullen Hill, Derrin, Dooletter, Largy S, Largy W, Lendrum Bridge Windfarm, Pollnagollum, Screggagh Windfarm, Slievemore, Tempo, Tullybrack

Summits & other features in area Fermanagh & South Tyrone:
Cen: Tempo Hills: Brougher Mountain 317m, Derrin 268m, Stranisk 312m, Topped Mountain 277m
E: Aughnacloy: Rehagy Mountain 194m
N: Largy: Largy 230m
NE: Ballygawley Hills: Cappagh Mountain 286m, Slievemore 314m
S: Slieve Beagh: Slieve Beagh 380m, Slieve Beagh SE Top 373m
W: Derrygonnelly: Belmore Mountain 398m, Cullen Hill 201m, Knockmore 277m, Legg 343m, Tullybrack 386m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Largy, 230m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Tyrone County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Largy is the 1339th highest place in Ireland. Largy is the second most northerly summit in the Fermanagh & South Tyrone area.
Grid Reference H27361 65694, OS 1:50k mapsheet 17
Place visited by: 22 members, recently by: Oscar-mckinney, Carolyn105, trostanite, AntrimRambler, dregishjake, dregish, Colin Murphy, madfrankie, BogRunner1, eamonoc, LorraineG60, MichaelG55, jackill, Aidy, sandman
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.578075, Latitude: 54.538851, Easting: 227361, Northing: 365694, Prominence: 112m,  Isolation: 5.8km
ITM: 627304 865690
Bedrock type: Psammite & semipellite, (Mullaghcarn Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Largy, 10 char: Largy

Gallery for Largy and surrounds
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Member Comments for Largy

   picture about Largy
Picture: Views over the nearby countryside
A Quick Outing
by Aidy 20 May 2016
This hill is quite near home for me, and on a Sunday when I couldn't get away for a longer walk, it allowed me to salvage something, offering an extremely quick outing. I went up via a similar route as Fergalh, starting just a bit further east where a wide track has now been cut part of the way up the hill. Literally two minutes up the track, and another minute up the hillside and I'd reached the top. Views were nice but not spectacular. Lough Erne and Legg Hill/Navar viewing point could be seen, but were pretty distant, and almost lost in the haze on the evening I was there. Better than nothing though, and it got me out when otherwise I wouldn't have had the chance. Linkback:
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A hill with a lack of nothing !
by Fergalh 29 Dec 2021
Take the road east from Lack and take second right, then first right, drive past quarry and find a spot to park ( LargW (H26786 65272)). Then start from here, cross gap in fence and climb to top. Nice views in all directions.

Never, ever damage fences and beware of livestock. Linkback:
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British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.