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Midlands SW Area , SW: Slieve Felim Subarea
Feature count in area: 44, by county: Tipperary: 36, Limerick: 8, OSI/LPS Maps: 52, 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, 65, 66
Highest Place: Keeper Hill 691.6m

Starting Places (31) in area Midlands SW:
Ballincurra Hill South, Ballyhourigan Wood Loop Walk, Barnane Lodge, Castlewaller Wood Forest Road, Coillte Knockanroe, Commanealine Wood, Commaun Beg North, Cullaun South, Cummer South, Curreeny Wood, Doonane Forest Carpark, Foildhine Mulkeir Rivers, Glenaneagh Park, Glenstal Wood CP, Gortagarry Hill West, Greenan Cross, Knockadigeen Hill SW, Knockanora East, Knockanully, Knockaviltoge East, Knockfune Wood Bend, Knockmaroe Wood, Knockmehill South, Knockteige SW, Nicker, Raven's Rock, Ring Hill West, River Doonane, The Lookout, Tobernagreana, Upperchurch

Summits & other features in area Midlands SW:
Cen: Mauherslieve: Cummer 405m, Foilduff 400m, Knockmaroe 411m, Mauherslieve 543m
E: Upperchurch Hills: Knockalough 427m, Knockaviltoge 364m
N: Knockshigowna: Knockshigowna 212m
NE: Devilsbit: Benduff 455m, Black Hill 228m, Devilsbit Mountain 480m, Gortagarry 458m, Kilduff Mountain 445m, Knockanora 433m
NE: Templederry: Ballincurra Hill 403m, Commaun Beg 403m, Cooneen Hill 467m, Coumsallahaun 320m, Knockadigeen Hill 402m
NW: Arra Mountains: Corbally Hill 339m, Tountinna 457m
NW: Silvermine Mountains: Silvermine Mountains East Top 479m, Silvermine Mountains Far East Top 410m, Silvermine Mountains West Top 489m
SE: Hollyford Hills: Falleennafinoga 388m, Foildarg 440m, Glenaneagh 420m, Gortnageragh 418m, Knockastanna 444m, Knockbane 433m, Lackenacreena 413m, Ring Hill 426m, Tooreen 457m
SW: Slieve Felim: Cullaun 460m, Derk Hill 236m, Knockroe 204m, Knockseefin 235m, Slieve Felim 427m, Slieve Felim East Top 423m, Slieve Felim South Top 407m
W: Keeper Hill: Bleanbeg 368m, Boolatin Top 446.6m, Keeper Hill 691.6m, Knockane 411m, Knockfune 452m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knockseefin, 235m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Limerick County in Munster province, in Binnion Lists, Knockseefin is the 1325th highest place in Ireland. Knockseefin is the second most southerly summit in the Midlands SW area.
Grid Reference R75482 45033, OS 1:50k mapsheet 65
Place visited by: 23 members, recently by: garrettd, chelman7, CusackMargaret, CusackCharlie, johncusack, JohnRea, LiamG1951, maryblewitt, sarahryanowen, Mugg, mlmoroneybb, John.geary, jgdarcy, FrankMc1964, PeakPaul
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.362227, Latitude: 52.556478, Easting: 175482, Northing: 145033, Prominence: 113m,  Isolation: 3.3km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 575437 645079
Bedrock type: Ankaramitic lava flows (alkali basalt), (Knockseefin Lava Flow Member)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Kncksf, 10 char: Knocksefin

Gallery for Knockseefin and surrounds
No summary yet for this place .
Member Comments for Knockseefin

Nicker Hill - OS error?
by conormcbandon 10 Jan 2015
Climbed this hill from the east after parking my car in Nicker and slipping through a quite obvious gap in the hedge. I'll post my GPS track soon. Followed the fence straight up the hill and went through a space in the fence to enter another field with the trig at it's top. Looking at the OSI map for this hill the spot height for the trig pillar seems to be incorrectly posted as 225 instead of 235 meters (it is posted here as 235). As time was on my side I first visited the ringfort to the north and then spot height 231 to the south east of trig pier which is a quite serene enclosure in the middle of the forestry. According to my (non-calibrated) GPS the height at the base of the trig plinth was 239 meters and at ground level in the centre of the forestry enclosure to the south east was 236 (a 3 meter difference in favour of the trig) which would tally with our interpretation of the OS map. I spent an hour donkeying around but it really is a quick 20 minute up and down from the road. Also this is farmland and there were cattle on it when I climbed, January 2015. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockseefin
Picture: Summit Trig.
235m Trig.
by sandman 18 May 2015
Access via field gate at A (R76101 44896) up to summit at B (R75482 45033) but be aware this route is thru working farm lands. Linkback:
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Making mountains
by jackill 13 Jan 2015
conormcbandon, well spotted.
This does appear to be an error on the 1:50000 map series.
The height we use on this hill comes from the older 6" maps from the 19th century which gives a trig height of 779 feet. Convert this to meters and you get 237.4392 and then allow for the change of datum from Poolbeg to Malin (difference of 2.7 meters) and you come up with a value of 234.7392 meters.
We round this off to 235 meters.

There are some inconsistancies in the 1:50,000 map series which we know the OSi are endeavouring to address in the more modern reprints. Linkback:
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Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
Height layer: © MapTiler
MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.