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West Cork Mountains Area , W Cen: Knockbreteen Subarea
Feature count in area: 62, by county: Cork: 45, Kerry: 24, of which 7 are in both Cork and Kerry, OSI/LPS Maps: 78, 79, 85, 86, 88, 89
Highest Place: Knockboy 704.8m

Starting Places (48) in area West Cork Mountains:
Barley Lake North, Barrboy, Caha Pass, Carranmore, Carrigacappeen, Carriganass Castle, Castle Donovan Car Park, Clearagh House, Coolkellure House, Coomhola Bridge, Corrigatirra, Cousane Gap, Cummer Lough East Road, Derreencollig Wood, Derrynagree, Esk Boreen, Fuhiry Wood, Garinish Island Pier, Glasagarav River Bridge, Glasnacummeen Stream, Glengarriff, Glengarriff Nature Reserve CP, Gorteeniher Drimoleague Heritage Walk CP, Gortloughra River Road, Gougane Barra Oratory, Gougane Barra Park CP, Grousemount Wind Farm, Kealkill Village, Knockanuha, Knockbrack South, Lough Atooreen N, Lough Nambrackderg North, Lough Nambrackderg Wood, Lough Nambreacdearg, Mealagh Bridge, Molly Gallivan's Visitor Centre, Nowen Hill West Road, Owvane River Bridge, Pookeen North Top Road, Pooleen Wood Car Park, Priests Leap, Reenroe Bridge, River Roughty, Shandrum Concrete Silo, Sillahertane Stream, Slaheny River Horseshoe, Top of Coom, Turner's Rock Tunnel

Summits & other features in area West Cork Mountains:
Cen: Maughanaclea: Maughanaclea Hills East Top 470m, Maughanaclea Hills West Top 452m
Cen: Shehy More: Shehy More 545.6m, Shehy More SW Top 446m
E: Clearagh: Clearagh Hill 287m
E: Currane: Currane Hill 228m
N Cen: Douce: Douce Mountain 476m, Doughill Mountain 471m
N: Carran: Barnastooka 497m, Bealick 537m, Carran 604m, Carran Far NE Top 561m, Carran Far North Top 506m, Carran NE Top 555m, Carran South Top 567m, Knockantooreen 450m
N: Conigar: Conigar 566m, Conigar SW Top 566m, Foilastookeen 540m
N: Coomataggart: Carrigalougha 423m, Coomataggart 530m, Coomataggart SW Top 509m, Derrineanig 304m, Lackabaun 472m, Mweelin 487m
NE Cen: Carrigarierk: Carrigarierk 343m
NW: Barraboy: Barraboy Mountain 460m, Barraboy Mountain Far East Top 456m, Barraboy Mountain SE Top 409m, Derroograne 468m, Turners Rock 420m
NW: Knockboy: Caoinkeen 692.8m, Caoinkeen South-East Top 553.5m, Coomhola Mountain 472m, Knockboy 704.8m, Knockboy North Top 651.2m, Knockboy South Top 533.3m, The Priest's Leap 519m
NW: Knocknamanagh: Bird Hill 412m, Coomclogherane Top 449m, Gullaba Hill 603m, Knockbrack 440m, Knockbrack South Top 458m, Knocknamanagh 637m, Knocknamanagh NE Top 625m
S Cen: Dunmanway Hills: Cashloura 296.8m, Coolsnaghtig 295.8m, Inchanadreen 310m
S Cen: Nowen: Milane Hill 354.4m, Mullaghmesha 494.3m, Nowen Hill 535.2m, Nowen Hill Far West Top 405.2m, Nowen Hill SW Top 509m, Pookeen North Top 319m
S: Leap Hills: Carrigfadda 311.7m, Killeigh Hill 229m, Knockarudane Hill 169m, Knockscagh 195m
S: Skibbereen: Barryroe Hill 156m, Lick Hill 158m
W Cen: Knockbreteen: Knockbreteen 239m
W: Bantry: Knocknaveagh 282m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knockbreteen, 239m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Cork County in Munster province, in Binnion Lists, Knockbreteen is the 1309th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference W05108 58276, OS 1:50k mapsheet 85
Place visited by: 21 members, recently by: garrettd, jackos, DeirdreM, liz50, Taisce, chelman7, txantxangorri, LorraineG60, MichaelG55, Fergalh, eamonoc, Wildrover, conorb, hivisibility, mountainmike
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.375341, Latitude: 51.769326, Easting: 105108, Northing: 58276, Prominence: 104m,  Isolation: 4.7km
ITM: 505078 558341
Bedrock type: Massive & flaser-bedded sandstone, (Reenagough Member)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knc239, 10 char: Knckbrtn

Gallery for Knockbreteen and surrounds
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Member Comments for Knockbreteen

   picture about Knockbreteen
Picture: Maughanasilly Stone Row and the NW slopes of Knockbreteen
Extensive views for little effort
by David-Guenot 23 Apr 2014
Bagged this hill on a late, sunny afternoon on 25. March 2014, after a longer walk up Killane/Baurearagh/Turner's Rock. From Kealkill, head for Macroom and take a left turn at O'Sullivan Béara Castle (worth a stop). Keep left at next crossroads and carefully follow the narrow road that winds its way up to Lough Atooreen. There is room for one car along a bend, just before you reach the crossroads N of Lough Atooreen, on a grassy lay-by to the right, leaving enough space for another car to use it as a passing place if necessary. From there, head NW and turn right at the crossroads. There is a stone row on the right (shown on OS map) which is beautifully situated, offering different views over Lough Atooreen, the steep NW slopes of Knockbreteen (see pic), Knockboy and Conigar. Not to be missed !
Then walk up the road until you see a Béara Way stile on the right. Climb stile and uphill to the right up the firebreak clearing. The going is relatively easy though a bit wet in some places. As you reach the top of the ridge, the Béara Way makes a sharp turn left. Veer right instead, keeping the fence to your right and make your choice for the top amongst the several grassy humps that lay along the fence. I chose the one that lays about 150m from the Béara Way. The views are extensive over the surrounding countryside, with Bantry Bay clearly visible to the SW, and the outlines of Knockboy and Conigar to the N.
I then crossed the fence and followed the ridge to the W, finally enjoying the views over Lough Atooreen before I made my way downhill back to the car on steep, slippery ground, veering N (facing the stone row) for the last part of the descent to avoid steeper ground. The only difficulty consisted in finding a convenient place to cross the fence and jumping down the bank onto the road, only a few tens of meters away from the car. Allow about one hour return. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockbreteen
Picture: Conigar from the Knockbreteen ridge
Blessed with rainbows !
by David-Guenot 23 Apr 2014
After being blessed with daily rainbows during my stay on Inishowen in last November, there was another one waiting for me on top of Knockbreteen ! Linkback:
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   picture about Knockbreteen
Picture: St. Finbarr's Oratory the terminus of the Slí Bharra
Easy add-on from Slí Bharra waymarked way
by conorb 2 Sep 2019
We did the Pilgrim’s Way section of the Slí Bharra from Carriganass Castle to Gougane, Knockbreteen is only about 200m off the Waymarked trail.
Approximately 4.5km after leaving Carriganass Castle, the trail skirts a conifer plantation and makes a 90 degree turn to the Northwest.
Here you can leave the Slí Bharra and hop over the fence. Follow the ridge for about 200m and you will reach the peak. There are fine views back down to Kealkill and glimpses of Bantry Bay and the peninsulas around it. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockbreteen
Picture: View of Bantry Bay from Knockbreteen top
Be careful where you park
by garrettd 17 Jul 2024
The biggest challenge here was finding suitable parking. Eventually I decided to leave the car at the crossroads about 100m to the south west of the Maughanasilly stone row entrance. We climbed the hill and on our return were greeted by the biggest lumber lorry imaginable, sitting in front of our car unable to proceed. This double trailered behemoth was about the only vehicle that couldn’t have got past our parked car. The driver was gracious to be fair to him. I didn’t ask how long he’d been waiting for us. Probably no bad thing we weren’t out for a seven hour loop of the Borlin Valley! Linkback:
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Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.