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Twelve Bens Area , SE: Glencoaghan Loop Subarea
Feature count in area: 34, all in Galway, OSI/LPS Maps: 37, 44, EW-CON, MSW
Highest Place: Benbaun 729m

Starting Places (48) in area Twelve Bens:
Angler's Return, Barr na nÓran Road, Ben Lettery Hostel, Bogville Road, Bridge St Clifden, Bundorragha Estuary Cross, Bunnageeha, Cannaclossaun, Connemara Mountain Hostel, Connemara National Park Visitor Centre, Dernasliggaun, Doire na bhFlann North, Doughruagh CP, Emlaghdauroe Bridge, Emlaghdauroe South, Fee Lough SW, Foher, Glasbeg Stream, Glashmore Bridge, Glencoaghan River Bridge, Glencraff Road End, Gleninagh River, Illaunroe North, Illaunroe South, Inaghbeg Path, Kylemore Abbey Exit, Kylemore River, Letterfrack Lodge, Lettergesh Beach, Lough Anivan Bend, Lough Auna S, Lough Fee East, Lough Nacarrigeen S, Lough Tanny, Muck Lough NW, Nambrackkeagh Lough, Owen na Baunoge River, Owengar Bridge, Owenglin River, Owenwee River, Pollacappul Lough E, Pollacappul Lough W, Shanvally, Skeaghatimull, Ten Bens Cottage, Tooreennacoona River, Western Way Cnoc na hUilleann, Western Way Inagh Cottages

Summits & other features in area Twelve Bens:
Cen: Lough Auna Hills: Cregg 297m, Townaloughra East Top 216m
Cen: Polladirk: Bencullagh 632m, Maumonght SW Top 454m, Diamond Hill 442m, Knockbrack 442m, Maumonght 602m
E: Glencorbet: Benbaun 729m, Benbrack 582m, Benbaun 477m, Knockpasheemore 412m, Benfree 638m, Muckanaght 654m
N: Doughruagh: Altnagaighera 549m, Benchoona 581m, Benchoona East Top 585m, Currywongaun 273m, Doughruagh 526m, Doughruagh South Top 525m, Garraun 598m, Garraun South Top 556m, Letterettrin 333m
SE: Glencoaghan Loop: Bencollaghduff 696m, Benglenisky 516m, Benlettery 577m, Bencorr 711m, Bencorr North Top 690m, Bencorrbeg 577m, Binn an tSaighdiúra 653m, Benbreen 691m, Benbreen Central Top 680m, Benbreen North Top 674m, Derryclare 677m, Bengower 664m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Benbreen, 691m Mountain Binn Bhraoin A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Binn Braoin [TR], 'Braon’s peak'), Galway County in Connacht province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam, Irish Highest Hundred, Irish Best Hundred Lists, Binn Bhraoin is the 127th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference L78311 51547, OS 1:50k mapsheet 37
Place visited by: 392 members, recently by: Josephineobrien, rosduke, Nailer1967, patman1974, knightsonhikes, marymac, GerryCarroll, maryblewitt, Aidan_Ennis, Marykerry, Dee68, discovering_dann, srr45, DarrenY, SFlaherty
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.834523, Latitude: 53.500006, Easting: 78311, Northing: 251547, Prominence: 186m,  Isolation: 0.5km
ITM: 478290 751567
Bedrock type: Pale quartzites, grits, graphitic top, (Bennabeola Quartzite Formation)
Notes on name: This peak is particularly impressive when viewed across the abyss of Mám na Gaoithe from Bengower. Braon can mean 'drip' or 'drop', but may be a personal name here. It is the basis of the surnames Ó Braoin and Mac Braoin, anglicised as Breen and McBreen.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Bnbrn, 10 char: Benbreen

Gallery for Benbreen (Binn Bhraoin) and surrounds
Summary for Benbreen (Binn Bhraoin): Steep-sided, rocky summit in the western Bens of Connemara
Summary created by markmjcampion, simon3, Colin Murphy 15 Mar, 2021
   picture about Benbreen (Binn Bhraoin)
Picture: Benbreen and its south face.
Benbreen is a multi-topped summit W of the much-lauded Glencoaghan Horseshoe. Like all the Bens it's v rocky but the only one with a lot of loose scree - just on the obvious route between it and Bengower. It's a hill that's nearly always climbed in conjunction with others - usually long days out on the Glencoaghan or Owenglin horseshoes. Views from the top are impressive over the other bens and associated valleys along with the Maamturks and W towards the sea.

SE. Start at TenBen Ctg (L80525 48863) and follow the Glencoaghan horseshoe anti-clockwise [look up entry for Derryclare]. After descending Bencollaghduff to the col at A (L78831 52724) go SW up easy rock-strewn slopes reaching the summit after passing a couple of tops. If continuing on the horseshoe be prepared for a v steep descent via the infamous scree of the S face. Alternatively, backtrack to the col and head SE down the valley following the river and your nose back to the car. Indeed you could approach the hill this way too.
If horseshoeing in a clockwise direction you can avoid the scree by keeping slightly left where you can ascend over bigger rocks, following a v feint track.

W. If doing BB as part of the Owenglin Horseshoe, park at O'glin Rv (L74140 51352) and head first either to Benglenisky or Maumonght SW Top. Both routes intersect with the Glencoaghan H. so see above for brief details or see entries for Benlettery or Derryclare for more.

Notable tracks incl. track/3929, track/1511 and the uncompromising track/2731.
Member Comments for Benbreen (Binn Bhraoin)

   picture about Benbreen (Binn Bhraoin)
Picture: The view east over to Derryclare, with the Maamturks in the distance
csd on Benbreen
by csd 21 Oct 2007
I came and left Binn Bhraoin via Binn Gabhar. It's certainly a lot easier going down than up! Underfoot, scree slope makes it seem like you're climbing a 200-metre sand dune. Outstanding views of the entire Derryclare Horseshoe, Binn Ban, and most of the central Bens. Linkback:
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   picture about Benbreen (Binn Bhraoin)
Picture: Binn Bhraoin with Binn Gabhar to the left from Binn Dubh summit.
Fergal Meath on Benbreen
by Fergal Meath 6 Oct 2008
Our party of three did the Glencoaghan Horseshoe anti-clockwise last June, taking in 6 of the 12 Bens (Derryclare, Binn Chorr, Binn Dubh, Binn Bhraoin, Binn Gabhar, Ben Lettery). We left one car at the Ben Lettery Hostel (which I would recommend as a comfortable overnight before this big day out) and drove the other to a layby near the foot hills of Derryclare. It was 8.30am when we set off from here and we did not arrive back at the hostel until 5.30pm. We were lucky enough to have a calm overcast day - ideal for this walk. The picture, taken from Binn Dubh, shows the long top of Binn Bhraoin with Binn Gabhar to the left. Linkback:
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   picture about Benbreen (Binn Bhraoin)
simon3 on Benbreen
by simon3 27 Jun 2004
The summit of Benbreen is long and bumpy with various cairns – one writer describes it as “boomerang shaped”. The ridge from the summit south is covered in this reddish scree which continues down almost to the col at 470m, that col known as Maumnageeragh Linkback:
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   picture about Benbreen (Binn Bhraoin)
Picture: Binn Bhraoin South Face
aburden on Benbreen
by aburden 28 Feb 2006
After just climbing Gabhar, the climb up to the summit of Binn Bhraoin is tough. By staying to the left of the main scree field you can pick up a track that weaves up to the top. If you are doing the whole Chochan circuit, note that there are steeper climbs ahead. Linkback:
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   picture about Benbreen (Binn Bhraoin)
Picture: Looking west over Tievebreen Forest from Bin Bhraoín's summit
eflanaga on Benbreen
by eflanaga 3 May 2006
(See Binn Gabhar for first part of walk) After descending north-face of Binn Gabhar on to col (470m) at B (L78306 51167) the nine members of the Mid-Ulster Club undertaking the Glencoaghan Horseshoe started the ascent of the very impressive Binn Bhraoín with its three distinct tops. The 221m steep climb from the col is over loose shale and extremely rocky ground making the going tough, particularly in the hot weather conditions. A well-earned rest was taken on the main summit where GPS readings appear to confirm height at 691m. Here lunch was taken and plasters dispensed for blisters, one to a gentleman from Galway, accompanied by his friend, who we had met at the top of Binn Gabhar. We were to meet up with these two genial gentlemen at various stages of the walk during the day. The wonderful sunshine provided an opportunity for the mountains and valleys to present themselves in all their glorious splendour whether looking west across Binn Ghleann Uisce (Bengleniskey) and into the sun-drenched valley containing Tievebreen Forest. Northwest An Chailleach & Meacanach (Muckanaght) and north the imposing and impressive Binn Bhán were equally resplendent in the midday sunshine. To the northeast the Binn Bhraoín’s own ridge and its two other tops lead the eye to the sheer walls of Binn Dubh, BInn Chorr & Binn Doire Chláir that stand sentinel like to the north & east of the Glencoaghan Valley. Beyond these some of the Mamturks summits can be seen offering promises of more spectacular walking. From the main summit it is a relatively short drop, walk and climb up on to the Central Top. Linkback:
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Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.