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Galty Mountains Area , W: West Galtys Subarea
Feature count in area: 24, by county: Tipperary: 18, Limerick: 8, of which 2 are in both Limerick and Tipperary, OSI/LPS Maps: 66, 74, EW-G
Highest Place: Galtymore 917.9m

Starting Places (19) in area Galty Mountains:
Aherlow House Hotel, Annaslinga, Attychraan Loop Trail, Cahirabbey Upper, Carrigeen, Clydagh Bridge, Combaun Woods CP, Combaun Woods Track, Galtyway Climb Black Rd, Glengarra Woods, Kilmoyler Railway Boreen, Kings Yard, Lake Muskry Trailhead, Lissantrelick Paradise Hill, Lisvernane, Pigeonrock Behanagh Rivers fork, Scaragh Reservoir, Scarragh Wood S, Scarragh Wood W

Summits & other features in area Galty Mountains:
Cen: Central Galtys: Cush 641.2m, Galtybeg 799.2m, Galtymore 917.9m, Greenane 801.3m, Greenane West 787m, Knockastakeen 581.6m, Knockeenatoung 601.3m, Lough Curra Mound 600.4m, Seefin 446.6m, Seefin North Top 444.1m
E: East Galtys: Laghtshanaquilla 629.4m, Laghtshanaquilla North-East Top 598m, Slieveanard 437.8m, Slieveanard NE Top 448.5m, Sturrakeen 541.7m
N: North Galtys: Slievenamuck 369m
W: West Galtys: Benard 479.5m, Carrignabinnia 822.9m, Knockaterriff 691.6m, Knockaterriff Beg 679.3m, Lyracappul 824.9m, Monabrack 630.1m, Slievecushnabinnia 774.8m, Temple Hill 783.1m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knockaterriff, 691.6m Mountain Cnoc an Tairbh A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cnoc an Tairbh [OSI], 'hill of the bull'), Bull Hill, Cruach a' Tarbh, Limerick County in Munster province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam Lists, Knockaterriff is the 126th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference R84837 21639, OS 1:50k mapsheet 74
Place visited by: 275 members, recently by: StJohn, Josephineobrien, NualaB, nupat, orlaithfitz, RonanS, patman1974, Aidan_Ennis, Padraigin, discovering_dann, conrad1179, davidrenshaw, ochils_trekker, DarrenY, MichaelG55
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.223235, Latitude: 52.346602, Easting: 184837, Northing: 121640, Prominence: 51.1m,  Isolation: 0.7km
ITM: 584790 621690
Bedrock type: Thick-bedded pale-red sandstone, (Galtymore Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Kncktr, 10 char: Kncktrf

Gallery for Knockaterriff (Cnoc an Tairbh) and surrounds
Summary for Knockaterriff (Cnoc an Tairbh): Up the Turf Road
Summary created by jackill 30 Dec, 2013
   picture about Knockaterriff (Cnoc an Tairbh)
Picture: Looking down on the Knockaterriffs from Lyracappul
One way to climb this mountain is by taking the second road to your left on the Dublin side of Kilbeheny where there is a signpost marked "Galtycastle".
Follow this minor road uphill ignoring the turn-off to the right (also signposted Galtycastle) and taking the left hand fork up a cul de sac at the Y junction after it.
After travelling a further 2 kms on this tarred road you will come to a locked gate. Parking here is very tight for even one car on the roadside.
Walk through the gate and over a small concrete bridge to the left. Follow a rough track past a shed and up the Blackrock river valley to its end.
This road was used as an access point for the turf cuttings on the mountains surrounding it during the Second World War. the turf was used to fire the boilers in the nearby Mitchelstown Creamery.
Then walk north east uphill to the col between Lyracappul and Knockaterriff Beg and from there to the summit.
Descent from Knockaterriff to the south is possible , however it is steep and slippery so care is needed.
Member Comments for Knockaterriff (Cnoc an Tairbh)

   picture about Knockaterriff (Cnoc an Tairbh)
simon3 on Knockaterriff
by simon3 15 Jun 2003
This picture is taken from the source of the Pigeonrock River which runs between Knockaterriff and Temple Hill. The river is deeply incised further down this very quiet valley. To the left is Knockaterriff, while you can see on the right towards the top of the picture, part of the long ridge which extends SE from Temple Hill. On this occasion I reached this area by crossing this long ridge, starting from near Benard which is an interesting, solitary place in its own right. However I expect you could reach the Knockaterriff area more directly by going up one of the roads that lead north off the main road near Kilbeheny. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockaterriff (Cnoc an Tairbh)
simon3 on Knockaterriff
by simon3 15 Jun 2003
The valley between the Knockaterriffs (on the left in the picture) and Lyracappul South East contains this stream, “Blackrock River”. A ruined track, marked on the OS 1:50k map, crosses it to the left of the picture and then does a zig-zag onto Lyracappul South East (lower right of the picture). Like other south facing valleys on the Galtees this one is more V shaped than the valleys on the north side. Note the outcrops on the left, which are under Knockaterriff. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockaterriff (Cnoc an Tairbh)
Picture: Knockaterriff from the slopes of Monabrack
A short winter horseshoe walk
by peter1 29 Dec 2013
A perfect winter's day to climb two peaks that are off the main Galtees ridge and that I hadn't climbed before. I parked at a small grass layby at grid ref A (R858 201) (see track info too). The ascent of Knockaterriff from the south is very straightforward and at a fairly easy angle. I descended into the Blackrock River valley north of the summit, omitting Knockaterriff Beg, (having climbed it before!). The descent from Monabrack to the Blackrock valley is quite steep though the going is good. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockaterriff (Cnoc an Tairbh)
Picture: Deep valleys to the east and west
More prominent from the south
by Bunsen7 5 Mar 2022
This picture taken from Farbreaga in the western Knockmealdowns shows Cnoc an Tarbh as a prominent lump at the centre of a wider loop. There are deep sided valleys east west and south. In the picture the col connected to Lyracappul and Temple Hill is hidden from view. The sharper sided glen on the left (west) of the lump is Pidgeon Rock glen. You can make a nice loop around the surrounding peaks, including Monabrack. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockaterriff (Cnoc an Tairbh)
Picture: Cashel on Monabrack
Views from the turf road
by glencree 24 Apr 2022
We used Jackill's route above in reverse, parking at a grassy verge at B (R866 191) and walking to the end of the rough road. we climbed Knockaterriff from the start of Pigeon Rock Glen in a straightforward slog upwards, then crossed Knockaterriff Beg to reach the steep slope of Lyracappul. After admiring the views northwards over Aherhow from Carrignabinnia, we came down the shoulder to reach the col between Carrignabinnia and Monabrack where we picked up the turf track described above. This is a lovely descent, initially to the Black Rock river valley and over a ford to contour along the side of Knockaterrif. Although the track is indistinct on the map, it is well marked on the ground. The track picks up a beautiful sandstone wall and gives excellent views over to the Ringfort - cashel described in the Historical Environment viewer on This is at C (R857 206) and is marked on Barry Dalby's Galtee map. Linkback:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.