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Feature count in area: 28, all in Kerry,
OSI/LPS Maps: 78, 79, EW-KNP, EW-R
Highest Place: Mangerton 838.2m
Starting Places (30) in area Mangerton: Cummeenboy Stream, Derrycunihy Church, Dunkerron Mid, Garries Bridge, Gowlane School Ruin, Hidden Valley Pet Farm, Inchimore West, Kenmare Bridge, Killarney Hiking Parking Lot, Knockanaskill N, Knocknsallagh Bridge, Loo River Junction, Looscaunagh Lough W, Lough Barfinnihy CP, Lough Guitane E, Lough Guitane SE, Lough Guitane W, Lynes Farm, Mangerton Walk N CP, Mangerton Walk Start, Molls Gap, Muckross Lake S, Old Rail Level Crossing, Poulacapple, River Roughty, Rossacroo na Loo Forest, Sahaleen Bridge, Shaking Rock W, Shronaboy Farm MTB, Torc Waterfall CP
Summits & other features in area Mangerton: Cen: Dromderlough: Dromderalough 650m, Dromderalough NE Top 648m, Dromderalough NW Top 625m, Knockbrack 610m, Knockrower 554m, Shaking Rock 402m Cen: Inchimore: Inchimore 256m Cen: Mangerton: Glencappul Top 700m, Mangerton 838.2m, Mangerton North Top 782m, Stoompa 705m, Stoompa East Top 608m NE: Crohane: Bennaunmore 454m, Carrigawaddra 425m, Crohane 650m, Crohane SW Top 477m NW: Torc: Cromaglan Mountain 371m, Torc Mountain 534.8m, Torc Mountain West Top 479.4m SE: Esknabrock: Esknabrock 406m SW: Peakeens: Derrygarriff 492m, Derrygarriff West Top 382m, Foardal 409.8m, Knockanaguish 509m, Peakeen Mountain 554.7m, Peakeen Mountain Far NW Top 525.5m, Peakeen Mountain North-West Top 522.7m, Peakeen Mountain West Top 538.7m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Inchimore, 256mHill
Place Rating ..
, Kerry County in Munster province, in Binnion Lists, Inchimore is the 1273th highest place in Ireland. Inchimore is the most southerly summit in the Mangerton area.
Grid Reference V92200 73700,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 78 Place visited by: 15members, recently by: Taisce, chelman7, hivisibility, madfrankie, daitho9, Fergalh, Deise-Man, ciarraioch, Wildrover, thomas_g, eamonoc, frankmc04, chalky, vecnyhlad, Conor74
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
5 minute walk from tarred road with a layby, route very obvious and track leads across the land, very easy but very wet boggy land, nice views over Kenmare. Linkback:
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Picture: Misty Day
Short walk to summit
by Fergalh
16 Oct 2020
Park at In'Mor W (V915 739) and head over rough ground to summit beside fence. Sadly i visited on one of Kerry's many inclement days Linkback:
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