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Fermanagh & South Tyrone Area , Cen: Tempo Hills Subarea
Feature count in area: 15, by county: Fermanagh: 9, Tyrone: 7, Monaghan: 1, of which 2 are in both Fermanagh and Tyrone, OSI/LPS Maps: 11, 17, 18, 19
Highest Place: Belmore Mountain 398m

Starting Places (15) in area Fermanagh & South Tyrone:
Aghanaglack, Carn Road, Carrickreagh Viewpoint, Crackrawer Road, Cullen Hill, Derrin, Dooletter, Largy S, Largy W, Lendrum Bridge Windfarm, Pollnagollum, Screggagh Windfarm, Slievemore, Tempo, Tullybrack

Summits & other features in area Fermanagh & South Tyrone:
Cen: Tempo Hills: Brougher Mountain 317m, Derrin 268m, Stranisk 312m, Topped Mountain 277m
E: Aughnacloy: Rehagy Mountain 194m
N: Largy: Largy 230m
NE: Ballygawley Hills: Cappagh Mountain 286m, Slievemore 314m
S: Slieve Beagh: Slieve Beagh 380m, Slieve Beagh SE Top 373m
W: Derrygonnelly: Belmore Mountain 398m, Cullen Hill 201m, Knockmore 277m, Legg 343m, Tullybrack 386m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Derrin, 268m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Fermanagh County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Derrin is the 1244th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference H33600 49000, OS 1:50k mapsheet 18
Place visited by: 14 members, recently by: trostanite, dregish, LorraineG60, MichaelG55, jackill, AntrimRambler, Aidy, eamonoc, Harry Goodman, Peter Walker, chalky, Garmin, sandman, Fergalh
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.483584, Latitude: 54.388516, Easting: 233600, Northing: 349000, Prominence: 102m,  Isolation: 4km
ITM: 633542 849000
Bedrock type: Grey to red sandstone & mudstone, (Topped Mountain Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Derrin, 10 char: Derrin

Gallery for Derrin and surrounds
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Member Comments for Derrin

Bogs, fences and forests....
by Fergalh 1 Mar 2014
Take first left in Tempo village when coming from Enniskillen and drive to crossroads, turn right and stop at ( Carn (H33762 50208)). This is between new house and farmhouse go up through field to top of ridge. cross another ridge and 4 fences until you get to fence with forest. go short distance through narrow section of forest to another fence the top is 20 metres away. There is a lot of muck and bog on the top of this mountain ! An alternative route may be by taking the second road left out of tempo village, some of this can be seen when crossing ridges, however it is unclear as to how you would get through the forest which is thick and wide in places.

Always ask landowner permission to cross land, never ever damage fences and beware of livestock. Linkback:
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   picture about Derrin
Picture: Summit Area
Just a Hill.
by sandman 18 Mar 2014
I drove up the Edenmore Rd out of Tempo and parked at Tempo (H34029 49167) room for two cars. Continue in rd and cross fence at side of forest this allows you easy access to point adjacent to summit where forest area is not too wide as mentioned by previous comment A (H33658 49180).From car to summit straight line is less than 500m. Linkback:
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   picture about Derrin
Picture: A brief splash of sunlight
Exceeded My (Low) Expectations
by Aidy 21 Apr 2016
Sunday was a dull, overcast day, so I decided to bag a few of my local 100, saving better days for something other than what I thought would be less than exciting summits. Its all relative of course, and just being out walking anywhere is a pleasure, but the hills in this area are undeniably not the greatest. With low expectations, Derrin turned out to be not so bad. Taking Peter Walker's route from Track 2783 was an easy way up, and the hill provides pleasant views to neighbouring hills and further afield to Cuilcagh, Benbulbin, and the Navar viewing point near Legg Hill. The sun even broke through occasionally for the only time that day, to illuminate patches of the countryside below. Linkback:
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Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.