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West Limerick Area , E: Ballingarry Subarea
Feature count in area: 5, all in Limerick, OSI/LPS Maps: 64, 65, 72, 73
Highest Place: Knockanimpaha 344m

Starting Places (4) in area West Limerick:
Ballingarry, Dairy Well, Knockfeerina Lane, Rathcahill Wind Farm

Summits & other features in area West Limerick:
E: Ballingarry: Ballyea Hill 214m, Corronoher 272.1m, Knockfeerina 288m
S: Templeglantine: Glenmore Hill 292m
W: Newcastle West: Knockanimpaha 344m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Corronoher, 272.1m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Limerick County in Munster province, in Binnion Lists, Corronoher is the 1232th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference R40990 31063, OS 1:50k mapsheet 65
Place visited by: 24 members, recently by: annem, Pizzagirl, chelman7, Krzysztof_K, garrettd, John.geary, JohnRea, sarahryanowen, mlmoroneybb, maryblewitt, FrankMc1964, Fergalh, omurchu, chalky, eamonoc
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.86823, Latitude: 52.42831, Easting: 140991, Northing: 131063, Prominence: 150.1m,  Isolation: 5.4km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 540953 631112
Bedrock type: Red conglomerate, sandstone & mudstone, (Old Red Sandstone (undifferentiated))

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Crnhr, 10 char: Corronoher

Gallery for Corronoher and surrounds
Summary for Corronoher : The only difficulty with this one is finding the summit trig!
Summary created by acorn 11 Mar, 2014
   picture about Corronoher
Picture: Well hidden summit trig on Corronoher
Corronoher lies north east of the Co Limerick village of Kilmeedy. There is ample parking at forestry entrance Dairy Well (R40192 30370) and no access issues. The forestry track is shown accurately on OS sheet 65. Once through the barrier follow the forestry road east with evidence of hurricane Darwin's visit very visible all around you. The track rises gradually swinging north then west to a fork at A (R41259 30954). Keep right at the fork and continue for 300m to a layby on the left at B (R41026 31132). Facing into the layby head to the right hand corner. Nothing for it now but to head into the trees and follow your nose to the high ground roughly SW. It's only a short distance to the trig point located on a mossy mound in a tiny clearing. No views save the trees. Your reward will be actually finding it !
Member Comments for Corronoher

Another one for summit baggers
by hivisibility 10 Mar 2014
Easiest way to access the summit is to park at Dairy Well (R402 304), outside the forest barrier. There is also another barrier right across the road with plenty of room for parking. Continue up the trail. Views are restricted but after approx 10 minutes you emerge where a large amount of treefelling has taken place. Good views over South Limerick / North Cork on a good day. Continue on this trail until you meet a fork at C (R414 309) and keep to the right. After about 5 minutes look out for a large clearing area [probably a turning circle] on your left.
Turn left here and keep to the right of the clearing, and scramble up the steepish bank into the trees. You are approx 80 metres from the summit from here. the trees are fairly close together here but somebody has kindly removed the lower branches so access is fine. Summit trig will be on your right on a mossy mound. Sadly no views as completely surrounded by trees. to return retrace your steps. 1 hour approx. Linkback:
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So the view is gone...
by geohappy 14 Apr 2014
I lived about 1km north of Corronoher from 1960-1971 and climbed it many times. At first there was no plantation or trig point, that happened in the mid 60's I think. There used to be excellent views across the county and even catch glimpses of the Reeks in Kerry. My grandfather was proud to have climbed it in his 80's. Linkback:
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   picture about Corronoher
Picture: Henry Ford would not be impressed
Trig hidden,as well as the Ford Fiesta similarly buried amongst dense forest
by eamonoc 12 Jun 2015
Here we go again, the Boggeraghs and a Fiat car and now a nice little hill in Limerick with a hidden trig and a Ford Fiesta for company. A question for acorn, geohappy and hivisibility did any of you see the car parked / dumped neatly in the middle
of the forest just above and to the left of the Layby mentioned in your very helpful directions. I had my teenage daughter with me on this
trip and again delighted as she was with reaching another obscure hill top in Ireland, she witnessed once again an unsavoury side of
a culture that exsists in this beautiful Island of ours. No apologies for my rant! Linkback:
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Hidden Fiesta.
by hivisibility 12 Jun 2015
Hi eamonoc, I had forgotten the car hidden in the trees. Yes it was there when I ascended. youre right about the descration of the hills. Sadly not the first out of place motor I've come across on my wanderings. I followed a trail of car parts up to Corran hill on the Nagles. Another car in an impossible location [ the effort it took to get there!!] on one of the Shannon summits, and a lawnmower in the absolute middle of nowhere in the Boggeraghs. Still none of these are a patch on Peter Walkers jetski on where the name escapes me now. Pity, but I suppose hardly surprising. Linkback:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.