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Ballyhoura Mountains Area , N: Galbally Subarea
Feature count in area: 12, by county: Limerick: 11, Cork: 1, OSI/LPS Maps: 73, EW-G
Highest Place: Seefin Mountain West Top 528m

Starting Places (16) in area Ballyhoura Mountains:
Annaslinga, Ardpatrick, Ballinlyna Bridge, Barrabunocka Bridge, Combaun Woods CP, Darby's Bed, Darragh House, Farahy River, Galbally, Glenanair Bridge, Greenwood, Kilfinane Motte, Lissantrelick Paradise Hill, Seefin Mountain Loop Car Park, Sheehan's Glen, Thomastown Wood

Summits & other features in area Ballyhoura Mountains:
Cen: Kilfinnane: Ardnageeha 361.8m, Fear Breagach 369m
E: Ballyarthur: Ballyarthur Hill 353.3m
N: Ballylanders: Slievereagh 464.5m
N: Galbally: Duntryleague Hill 278m
S: Ballyorgan: Carrigeenamronety 400.9m, Coolfree Mountain 436.8m, Seefin Mountain East Top 510m, Seefin Mountain West Top 528m, Seefin South-East Top 504m
W: Carron: Carron Mountain 446.7m, Little Carron 440.2m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Duntryleague Hill, 278m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Limerick County in Munster province, in Binnion Lists, Duntryleague Hill is the 1214th highest place in Ireland. Duntryleague Hill is the most northerly summit and also the second most easterly in the Ballyhoura Mountains area.
Grid Reference R78100 28329, OS 1:50k mapsheet 73
Place visited by: 56 members, recently by: Tuigamala, Padraigin, patman1974, Deise-Man, ciarraioch, aidand, DeirdreM, Moirabourke, jlk, cclair, Arcticaurora, Cunn2000, jollyrog, Krzysztof_K, westside
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.322529, Latitude: 52.406486, Easting: 178100, Northing: 128329, Prominence: 140m,  Isolation: 6.4km
ITM: 578054 628378
Bedrock type: Conglomerate & purple sandstone, (Slievenamuck Conglomerate Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: DntrHl, 10 char: DntrylgHil

Gallery for Duntryleague Hill and surrounds
Summary for Duntryleague Hill : Accessed by the Darbys bed loop walk
Summary created by jackill 18 Jul, 2014
Follow the R663 out of Galbally, heading west towards Ballylanders. Turn right up a byroad at A (R77711 27628) and continue for a short distance to Darby's Bed (R78086 27761) where there is a small car park, room for 5 cars. Follow the track uphill into the forest on the Darbys bed loop walk. At the first crossroads in the forest head north uphill on a smaller track turning right at B (R77977 28327) to reach the summit.
Member Comments for Duntryleague Hill

   picture about Duntryleague Hill
Picture: Any ideas?
Nice walk on Duntryleague
by hivisibility 13 Jan 2014
Duntryleague Hill is essentially a loop walk incorporating the Darby’s Bed loop near the village of Galbally, Co. Limerick. To access same take the Tipperary road leaving the impressive square in Galbally, a well kept village and always does well in the tidy towns competition. Leaving the village the road squeezes between the flank of Duntryleague on the left with spot height 194 on the right. At approx C (R796 284) the trail leaves the road left and takes a steep incline at the beginning. No place to park here but there are spaces some 200 metres approx back towards the village so care is required on the brief road section as it’s fairly busy.
The walk itself is pretty straightforward, just continue on the forest roadway which continues to incline upwards. There are nice views to be seen to the right as one progresses over the Golden Vale and then Slievereagh. Mostly forest to the left with little views. At one point the track gives you the choice of either going left of straight on, whichever way you go you’ll end up coming back the opposite way. Depending on which way you pick [ I prefer straight ahead ] , you will see a path branching either left/right depending on your direction. Short walk up to the summit from here.
There is a fine passage tomb to be seen and an unusual stone pillar [see pic]. Return back by the same route. A pleasant place for a nice family walk, not too taxing and if you're planning a trip to the Galtees you're not too far away from the Clydagh bridge car park so one might squeeze it in. Linkback:
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   picture about Duntryleague Hill
Picture: Darby's bed loop walk.
Loop walk on Duntryleague
by hivisibility 13 Jan 2014
To be seen on the way up. Linkback:
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   picture about Duntryleague Hill
Picture: Darby's bed
Megalithic tomb well worth a visit
by thomas_g 5 Aug 2016
The megalithic tomb complete with rather stony looking pillow is well worth a visit, especially if you like bilberries. Linkback:
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Numero Uno!!
by hivisibility 9 Jan 2014
Given the revised listings I appear to be the first to claim ascent here. Climbed here about a year and a half ago. Must look up my pictures and upload one soon. Linkback:
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   picture about Duntryleague Hill
Picture: Dolmen known as Darbys Bed
Darby's Bed
by TommyV 7 Mar 2023
Very straight forward out and back route to the Dolmen near the top of this forestry planted hill. I followed jackill's route from the small car-park on the South side of the hill. However if you would like to have a longer walk to stretch the legs then following the purple arrows along the Darby's Bed loop as mentioned by hivisibility is another option. Linkback:
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British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.