For context, see my entry for Tawnyanruddia, where I described a three day trip starting and ending in Bangor Erris.
On the Sunday morning, after a tough day on the Saturday, I woke in a refreshed and optimistic frame of mind. I decided to continue on and try to summit Sheannmore and then Slieve Alp. My main reasoning being, well to be honest, would I ever have a better chance. The weather was so excellent, the conditions ideal, and I was already here in the midst of what I often hear is Ireland's most remote range.
With camp struck, and breakfast eaten, I went down the steep slopes in a generally westerly direction, crossed over the Bangor trail and on to a rock tor on a prominence at
C (F88427 12300). Here I left my heavy rucksack safely and easily found and made a beeline for the summit of Sheannmore. It was easy going,the vegetation closely grazed and the ground relatively smooth and before I knew it I was nibbling a soggy snack bar, melted in the sunshine, on a rock at the top.
The views are particularly good here, especially to the west and south, and it was a lovely place to spend a little time. I was very glad I did this hill, because although it's height is not considerable, it's remoteness is, and one would certainly work hard to tick it off for it's own sake
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