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Nephin Begs Area , Cen: Nephin Beg Subarea
Feature count in area: 28, all in Mayo, OSI/LPS Maps: 22, 23, 30, 31, CBW, EW-ACC, EW-WNN, EW-WNS
Highest Place: Slieve Carr 721m

Starting Places (24) in area Nephin Begs:
Altnabrocky Adirondack Shelter, Bellanaderg Bridge, Brogan Carroll Bothy, Bunnahowna Bridge, Bunnahowna River, Burrishoole Loop, Cloondaff Church, Deel River, Furnace Lough E, Glasheens River, Glendahurk Bridge, Glennamong Bridge, LFeeagh E Treenbeg Cottage, LFeeagh E Treenbeg School Ruin, Lough Avoher Hut, Lough Feeagh, Lough Gall NW Mayo, Loughanawillan Loughs Track, Mulranny Post Office, R312 Boghadoon, R312 Prughlish, Srahduggaun, Tarsaghaunmore River, Wild Nephin Wilderness

Summits & other features in area Nephin Begs:
Cen: Glennamong: Bengorm 582m, Bengorm NW Top 468m, Corranabinnia 716m, Corranabinnia SW Top 687m, Glennamong 628m, Glennamong East Top 415m, Tirkslieve 401m
Cen: Nephin Beg: Aroher Hill 285m, Lettertrask 279m, Nephin Beg 627m, Nephin Beg South Top 410m
E: Birreencorragh: Birreencorragh 698m, Birreencorragh South Top 564m, Birreencorragh West Top 551m, Buckoogh 588m, Bullaunmore 388m, Knockaffertagh 517m, Mount Eagle 427m, Srahmore 186m, Srahrevagh North 282m
NW: Slieve Carr: Bunmore 243m, Sheeanmore 282m, Slieve Alp 329m, Slieve Carr 721m, Tawnyanruddia 531m
SW: Maunthomas: Claggan Mountain NE Top 501m, Maumthomas NE Top 440m, Maumthomas SW Top 477m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Aroher Hill, 285m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Correen More, Mayo County in Connacht province, in Binnion Lists, Aroher Hill is the 1195th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference F96085 06996, OS 1:50k mapsheet 23
Place visited by: 18 members, recently by: poopoobasto, bogllama2210, Wilderness, FrankMc1964, justynagru, eamonoc, bryanmccabe, Fergalh, barrymayo, markwallace, IncaHoots, mountainmike, Garmin, sandman, chalky
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.585486, Latitude: 54.001816, Easting: 96085, Northing: 306996, Prominence: 112m,  Isolation: 2.2km
ITM: 496057 807005
Bedrock type: Psammitic schists, quartzites, (Anaffrin Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: ArhrHl, 10 char: Aroher Hil

Gallery for Aroher Hill and surrounds
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Member Comments for Aroher Hill

   picture about Aroher Hill
Picture: Looking back to Aroher Hill. Buckoo is the big hill behind it.
Short detour from Western Way/on way to Nephin Beg
by markwallace 3 Jan 2019
Aroher Hill (called Correen More on EastWest Wild Nephin map) is just off the Western Way at Letterkeen, and can also be quite conveniently included in an ascent of Nephin Beg from the RL Prager Centre (formerly the Brogan Carroll Bothy).

If taking the Western Way northwards from the car park at the Centre, after just under 2 kilometres, shortly after passing a barrier, take the first available break in the trees (around A (F964 073)) and start climbing the steepish, boggy hillside. There are crags off to the left, but there’s no need to go near them. An ascent of 180 metres takes you to the top of the hill, which has neither cairn nor other marking. Then the kilometre-long ridge heading northwest can be followed towards Nephin Beg. Initially, it’s a pleasant ridge walk with expansive views to each side, as well as a good view of the route forward to Nephin Beg. Then there are a series of short drops, each over exposed rock which has to be gone round or scrambled down, and is quite slow going. Finally, at the col with Correen Beg (according to EW. Not an MV-listed summit, but a useful point of reference for climbing Nephin Beg), you pick up the Letterkeen loop track, albeit doing it in reverse. The track leads straight up to Correen Beg through a break in the forest (this break is clearly visible ahead as you descend from Aroher Hill). The photo shows Aroher Hill from Correenbeg. Note the steep ground and exposed rock on the descent.

The going is easier over Correen Beg and Nephin Beg South Top (Cruckgarru on EW map), and over Nephin Beg itself. In fact, the ground around Aroher Hill was the roughest I met with on the entire 18.4km circuit which descended from Nephin Beg to the Bangor Trail and back to the RL Praeger Centre. Taking in Aroher Hill adds about 25 minutes to the route, compared to following the Western Way for another 1km and ascending Correen Beg from there. Linkback:
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   picture about Aroher Hill
Picture: View from summit looking SE at Lough Feagh/Furnace with Buckoogh and Tirkslieve visible either side
Coreen More
by bogllama2210 26 Jul 2023
I decided to investigate this hill as I thought it might be a good one to bring family and inexperienced hikers up given it's small size and easy access, and also to look at perhaps the best reason to come, the Coreen Caves. The caves are quite deep and Irish soldiers used them to successfully evade a much larger British force combing the Nephin Begs during the War of Independence.

The climb was a lot tougher than I expected and while short, uneven terrain hidden by thick vegetation combined with a very steep slope made it quite difficult, too much so for beginner climbers. I also couldn't find the cave entrance among the crags, you'd probably need a local to come with you if you want to explore the caves as there are no images or maps of how to locate them online. The view from the summit is good enough but there is better to be found in the other nearby Nephin Begs.

Overall, the climb isn't really worthwhile unless you bring someone who can bring you to the cave entrance. If you do climb it be sure to take measures to protect from ticks as you'll get bitten easily climbing through the long grass. Linkback:
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   picture about Aroher Hill
Picture: Summit Area.
From Car to Summit.
by sandman 28 Jul 2023
Following the sign for Letterkeen car park in the Wild Nephin Wilderness Area and as you reach same follow the forest road to the right sign posted Western Way. Continue on this gravel road keeping left at Coillte entrance to B (F95621 06545) where there is ample parking thus allowing you direct easy and quick access to the summit. Do not worry no gates or barriers exist to impede your entry or exit as this route is a right of way and can easily be driven by basically any motor vehicle. Linkback:
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Lough Avoher
by Barry 26 Jan 2015
Whatever about any local name for this hill, I'm fairly certain that it's Lough Avoher or Loch a' Bhothár - the lough of the road (Bangor Trail road). Check the OS Six inch for spelling. Linkback:
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(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.