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Feature count in area: 12, all in Donegal,
OSI/LPS Maps: 11, 12, 6, 7
Highest Place: Culliagh SE Top 369m
Starting Places (9) in area Donegal East: Ardnabreena, Ballystrang School Ruin, Corlacky Burn, Edenacarnan East, Edenacarnan South, Garrangalta Rocks, Knockbrin, Labbadoo Wood, Sruthaunagallagh Stream
Summits & other features in area Donegal East: N: Raphoe: Binnion Hill 190m, Dooish Mountain 266m, High Bank 171m, Mongorry Hill 284m NW: Letterkenny Hills: Ballystrang 292m, Cark Mountain 364m, Culliagh SE Top 369m, Gregory Hill 336m, Knockbrin 259m S: Castlefinn Hills: Croaghan Hill 217m, Fearns Hill 231m, Meenavally 219m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Ballystrang, 292mHill
Place Rating ..
, Donegal County in Ulster province, in no lists, Ballystrang is the 1181th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference C11639 04956,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 6, 11 Place visited by: 12members, recently by: conormcbandon, dregish, eamonoc, David-Guenot, Aidy, sandman, IndyMan, Peter Walker, Harry Goodman, Garmin, kmoore, Fergalh
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Bly292, 10 char: Balystrang Linkback:
Gallery for Ballystrang and surrounds
for Ballystrang :
Another windfarmed summit
Summary created by Peter Walker
25 May, 2015
Like its near neighbours Cark Mountain and Culliagh SE Top, Ballystrang is an unassuming hill granted dubious character by an extensive adornment of wind turbines. An ascent is very straightforward and quickly accomplished.
Park at the foot of a windfarm access track at B'Strang (C10914 04534), where there is adequate space. Climb over the fence by the side of the gate on the left (stones left here to facilitate the manoeuvre). Climb up the road for a few hundred metres to a turn on the left (signposted to turbines 37 and 38). Follow this turn for another few hundred metres to turbine 38; here turn right and follow an overgrown low stone dyke up an easy grass slope to the summit.
The view is awash with swirling and non-swirling white blades, but a few of the higher Donegal summits poke up cheekily on the horizon.
The beauty of small hills like this is that even if they're not spectacular, they take little time or effort, and in cases like this are made even easier by wind farm access roads. The road here took me almost to the top, with only a short stretch of heather and grass to negotiate. I've done several small hills in Tyrone, Fermanagh, Derry and Donegal over the last few weeks as part of my local 100, and this was one of the better ones, with fairly good views around the neighbouring hills and down over Lough Swilly to Inishowen. Linkback:
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Windy spot
by Fergalh
3 Aug 2014
Park at B'Strang (C10914 04534). Climb up hill till first turn left (A (C11332 04568)) than walk as far as turbine no. 38. Turn right here and proceed 200 metres to top of hill. Always ask permission before entering wind farms. Linkback:
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