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Inishlacken: Heaven on Earth

Inishbiggle: A Great Day Exploring

Gearhane and Brandon Peak from Mullaghveal

Coomnacronia Finnararagh Coomura Mountain Knockmoyle Knocknagantee

Arderin: A charming summit despite its flaws

Sybil Head - short walk

Moydow: Elevation

Brandon Circuit

Carrowrevagh: Keep Out Signs

Carran: Repeating Farmer's request re. parking for Carran

Easy circuit for bagging Carran

UPDATE 1. Track not appearing in old version.

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South East Midlands Area   W Cen: Durrow Subarea
Place count in area: 31, OSI/LPS Maps: 28A, 28B, 47, 48, 49, 53, 54, 55, 59, 60 
Highest place:
Slievenamon, 720.2m
Maximum height for area: 720.2 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 711 metres,

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knockmannon Hill Hill Kilkenny County in Leinster Province, in Binnion List, Thick flaggy sandstone and siltstone Bedrock

Height: 315.0m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 60 Grid Reference: S37920 70983
Place visited by 17 members. Recently by: Pepe, Moirabourke, Arcticaurora, markwallace, dregish, conormcbandon, jlk, thomas_g, peterturner, jasonmc, jackill, chalky, sandman, paddyhillsbagger, eamonoc
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -7.438686, Latitude: 52.788891 , Easting: 237920, Northing: 170983 Prominence: 151m,  Isolation: 4.8km
ITM: 637861 671023,   GPS IDs, 6 char: Knc315, 10 char: KnckmnnHil
Bedrock type: Thick flaggy sandstone and siltstone, (Bregaun Flagstone Formation)

Knockmannon Hill is the 1127th highest place in Ireland.

COMMENTS for Knockmannon Hill 1 of 1  
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Many routes to the summit .. by group   (Show all for Knockmannon Hill )
No easy way in
by Pepe  19 Aug 2024
Attempted Knockmannon on Friday last and followed jackill's excellent instructions. However, when I followed the line of wooden poles leading upward from the third gate I could find no easy way into the forest. It's as if the forest is surrounded by a wall-like rampart of brambles and briars - fortress-like, almost.
Went along the forestry edge away to my right, but was gradually going downhill with no obvious entry to the trees. So off I went exploring the forestry edge to the left of the poles. This led to the highest open ground on Knockmannon, accessed by hopping two very adjacent fences.
Lo and behold, at the very high point of this open area there stands a mound of earth (detritus from nearby mast erection, probably) - this is right up against the forest edge. By balancing on one leg atop this mound I reckoned I was at least on a par with whatever high point lurks in the forest within.
I had a good gander all along the forest's edge for a few hundred metres in either direction and found it impenetrable so that good old mound became my high point for this trip. Incidentally, the field to the left of the poles (as you ascend) was home that day to a rather feisty herd of bullocks - avoid them if you can. I was lucky, they were way down at the far end of the field and by the time thay came prancing up to me I was at the fence within a quick leap to safety, phew. Linkback:
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Telecommunications tower on forested top .. by Fergalh   (Show all for Knockmannon Hill )
Walk Access no Problem. .. by sandman   (Show all for Knockmannon Hill )
(End of comment section for Knockmannon Hill .)

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Some mapping:
Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2400 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc