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Picture: Summit area with large fence post nearby.
Rough ride!
by paddyhillsbagger
31 Aug 2014
Took the road Sth from Templederry, kept R at fork where the road climbed up the hill and became a rough unpaved dirt track. Not recommended if you value your car or have large ground clearance or 4x4. At crest of hill parked off-road at A (R956 667). Walked back down road 50m, clambered over field boundary and kept forest on my left. Another thick field boundary, head height with ferns, nettles and brambles, had to be crossed at end of forest where a boggy pasture was climbed Sth to reach a fence. Summit seems to be in the field 50m Nth of another clump of trees. Only summit detail is a large fence post by the forest. Linkback:
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