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Achill & Corraun Area , NW: Croaghaun Subarea
Feature count in area: 16, all in Mayo, OSI/LPS Maps: 22, 30, CBW, EW-ACC, EW-ACC
Highest Place: Croaghaun 688m

Starting Places (16) in area Achill & Corraun:
Achillbeg Island, Achillbeg Mid West Beach, Barneygappul Strand, Belfarsad Bridge, Breanaskill, Bunanioo Church, Cartron River, Clare Island, Doogort Beach, Fiodián na Circe, Keem Bay, Lough Acorrymore, Lough Gall, Minaun Mast, Rossnafinna Island, Tobercolman Cross Cemetery

Summits & other features in area Achill & Corraun:
Cen: Minaun: Minaun (Achill Island) 466m
N: Slievemore: Krinnuck (Achill Island) 214m, Slievemore (Achill Island) 671m
NW: Croaghaun: Benmore (Achill Island) 332m, Cornaclea Hill (Achill Island) 269m, Croaghaun (Achill Island) 688m, Croaghaun SW Top (Achill Island) 664m
S: Knockmore Achill: Achillbeg Island N Top (Achillbeg Island) 109.7m, Achillbeg Island S Top (Achillbeg Island) 108.5m, Knockmore (Achill Island) 337m, Tievereivagh (Achill Island) 286m
SE: Corraun: Knocklettragh 452m, Corraun Hill 524m, Corraun Hill Highpoint 541m
SW: Clare Island: Knockmore (Clare Island) 462m, Knocknaveen (Clare Island) 223m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Benmore, 332m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Binn Bhreac, Mayo County in Connacht province, in Binnion Lists, Benmore is the 1098th highest place in Ireland. Benmore is the most westerly summit in the Achill & Corraun area.
Reachable "On Foot " Y
Grid Reference F54445 04745, OS 1:50k mapsheet 22
Place visited by: 92 members, recently by: JohnRea, farmerjoe1, LorraineG60, MichaelG55, chelman7, DeirdreM, arthur, abeach, Cobhclimber, a3642278, farmerjoe, Seamy13, magnumpig, Carolyn105, jimmytherabbit , Island visited by 585 members.
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
, I visited this island: NO
Longitude: -10.218962, Latitude: 53.971577, Easting: 54445, Northing: 304745, Prominence: 138m,  Isolation: 1.4km
ITM: 454428 804757
Bedrock type: Pelitic shists & psammitic wackes, (Achill Head Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Bnm332, 10 char: Benmore

Gallery for Benmore and surrounds
Summary for Benmore : A worthy little top.
Summary created by Harry Goodman 23 Jan, 2014
   picture about Benmore
Picture: Benmore, high point on left, with Clare Island beyond
Parking is available at A (F560 042) at Keem Strand. Follow a rough track W up the hillside and then SSE to gain the cliff edge on Moyteoge Head around B (F557 038). Turn off right and go NW along the rough but distinct track, which parallels but lies back from the edge, to C (F545 048). The top of Benmore lies about 100 metres SE up the grassy slope and provides fine views SE to Clare Island and W to Achil Head. Care is needed at the cliff edge. Given it's location it is most likely that this hill will be included in a walk out to Achill Head or on an approach to climb the greater tops of Croaghan SW Top and Croaghan. Descend by way of ascent or drop down E and follow the river SE back to the start.
Member Comments for Benmore

West of Keem
by Val Jones 27 Jun 2016
The walk along the cliff top taking in Benmore and out to the north west end is well worth doing, even if you don't go out on the Achill head ridge or take on the very steep climb up to Croghaun SW. The views are amazing, a good time to do it might be a fine summer evening when the sun shines in Croghaun's cliffs. A real feeling of being at the worlds end Linkback:
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   picture about Benmore
Picture: Looking down on Keem strand
Impressive Cliffs
by TommyV 8 Jun 2020
We took in Benmore as part of looped walk of Croaghaun but it's possible to make a walk of this all on it's own and it's a good plan B if the weather is unkind or there is cloud cover on Croaghaun. As mentioned by Harry Goodman the best placeto park is at Keem Strand. Linkback:
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(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.