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Feature count in area: 6, all in Kerry,
OSI/LPS Maps: 78, EW-KNP, EW-R
Highest Place: Purple Mountain 832m
Starting Places (9) in area Purple Mountain: Derrycunihy Church, Gap of Dunloe Head of, Gap of Dunloe Kate K, Killarney Hiking Parking Lot, Muckross Lake S, Shaking Rock W, Shamrock Farmhouse B&B, Tomies Lough Leane NW, Torc Waterfall CP
Summits & other features in area Purple Mountain: Cen: Purple Mountain: Purple Mountain 832m, Purple Mountain NE Top 757m, Shehy Mountain 762m, Tomies Mountain 735m, Tomies Mountain North Top 568m SW: Eagles Nest: Eagles Nest 334m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Eagles Nest, 334mHill Nead an Iolair A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
, Kerry County in Munster province, in Binnion Lists, Eagles Nest is the 1091th highest place in Ireland. Eagles Nest is the most southerly summit and also the most easterly in the Purple Mountain area.
Grid Reference V92100 83700,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 78 Place visited by: 31members, recently by: annem, maoris, colinwh, eamonoc, Carolyn105, SmirkyQuill, Taisce, chelman7, jgdarcy, hivisibility, Fergalh, daitho9, FrankMc1964, mullaghteelin, thomas_g
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: EglsNs, 10 char: EglsNest Linkback:
Gallery for Eagles Nest (Nead an Iolair) and surrounds
for Eagles Nest (Nead an Iolair):
Wet Rough Scramble to a Scenic Treasure
Summary created by ciarraioch
13 Apr, 2014
Park at the carpark for Dinish Cottage on the Killarney-Kenmare Road at Muckross Lake S (V95033 84689). Head down along the tarred walking trail along Muckross Lake towards Dinish. Just before the bridge to Dinish at A (V93791 85183), swing left on the trail through the trees to the old bridge at the Meeting of the Waters. Travel over this bridge heading west until clear of the shrubbery. Now the fun begins - don't even consider it after wet weather! Avoiding the swampy ground, make your way south westwards along rocky ridges as best you can towards the mountain, aiming for the little lake at B (V92935 84560). As rough as it has been to here, it gets rougher! Find a line up the steep wooded and overgrown hill as best you can, involving a more or less continuous scramble. We took a line that brought us to the little col immediately to the west of the summit. Tough going! Great views of the lakes and back up the valley to the Upper Lake and the Black Valley. It is hard to believe that the main Ring of Kerry road passes through the valley - from this vantage it looks untouched by human hand. Once on the ridge travel east to the summit and then further east along the ridge to a wonderful viewing point over the Long Range.
Although a very low hill in height, this is a tougher expedition than most.
Sean Higgisson gives a good account of a similar route in one of his books.
The attached photo, taken with an old Blackberry does not really do it justice.
Picture: Eagle`s nest from Driochead An tSeanchora
The Eagle best seen when not wet.
by eamonoc
3 Jul 2023
After recent dry spell and reading some previous comments about Eagles Nest, decided to visit this hill, although at a mere 334m it looks intimidating. If you approach from the path near Dinish Cottage and over the Driochead An tSeanchora after leaving wooded area the Eagle`s nest dominates the view Souththwards, an obvious fault line on the hill is visible from here, headed for same over some extensive boggy ground. At foot of the hill was able to follow some clearly visible deer tracks up from here, being very careful about foot placement as there was a lot of long reed grass about. The angle of the slope was never really steep and provided a moderate climb to the upper slopes and summit area, where I disturbed a herd of wild goats and the biggest red deer stag I have ever seen in Ireland. Views from the top were incredible, after soaking in the views headed back down towards upward route feeling very satisfied at having summited one of the hidden treasures that abound in this area. A must visit, but after a prolonged dry spell. Linkback:
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Finest views in Kerry?
by Conor74
17 Jul 2014
Yes, that's a brave comment, but think this has to be right up there. Followed ciarraiochs direction to the foot of the mountain, but instead of heading up the gully towards the summit we veered south to take a steeper gully to the dramatic "prow" of the mountain, the top of which is shown in ciarraioch's photo. We entered a wooded gully that starts near C (V92839 84013) and emerges near the top at D (V92867 83942). This is a steep section and once you have started up this gully you really are committed to it. The slippery rocks suggest that it usually contains water, we were there after a very dry spell. The views from the top of this area are stunning. From there it took 15 or 20 minutes to get to the summit proper, again fantastic scenery. For the descent we headed north initially but found that way barred by a steep section, so we made our way back around to the east of the mountain. The vegetation is tough going, the lack of grazing means you can be waist high in grass with lots of holes and hollows underfoot. Made it back to the car in 3 hours all told, though again this was after a very dry spell so could make a beeline across wetter lands near the lakes. Linkback:
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Picture: Some of the devastation in evidence below Eagles Nest
Fire devastation sadly now in evidence
by Fergalh
14 Jun 2021
Followed Ciarraiochs excellent route up and down to the col and from thence to the summit. Sadly some of the fire devastation is much in evidence around the bridge. Would like to add this is a tricky hill as there is a lot of water on and off the slopes it so really only for the experienced hillwalkers and expect some heartache as it is not easy whatsoever. Although echoing conor74's comments worth it for the views which are splendid in all directions Linkback:
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Picture: The kingdom
Tough but worth it
by thomas_g
28 Apr 2017
This was much tougher than I expected, I was sure I'd be up and down in 2 hours. Well it's been two hours 30 mins and I'm still sitting up on top. The views are really that good. It's been dry now for nearly 3 weeks so route choice was not an issue, but the way the ground moves around under your feet as you walk across, is very disconcerting. I shall post my gpx later so there is a defined route to follow. If you don't mind some mild scrambling and high grass, take a few hours and come and visit the eagle. Linkback:
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