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Feature count in area: 5, all in Derry,
OSI/LPS Maps: 4, 7, 8
Highest Place: Donald's Hill 399m
Starting Places in area Keenaght:
None for this area
Summits & other features in area Keenaght: Keenaght East: Binevenagh 385m, Donald's Hill 399m, Keady Mountain 337m Keenaght West: Gortnessy Hill 176m, Loughermore 396m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Keady Mountain, 337mHill
Place Rating ..
, Derry County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Keady Mountain is the 1085th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference C72910 24174,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 8 Place visited by: 24members, recently by: Paddym99, garybuz, Claybird007, dregish, dregishjake, Kilcoobin, Kilcubbin, eamonoc, Fergalh, eejaymm, trostanite, NICKY, LorraineG60, MichaelG55, Wilderness
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: KdyMnt, 10 char: KdyMntn Linkback:
Gallery for Keady Mountain and surrounds
for Keady Mountain :
Worth a visit, if only for the views.
Summary created by Peter Walker, Harry Goodman
23 Mar, 2015
Picture: Cairn on Keady Mt. with Binevenagh beyond.
Take a track starting at A (C72791 23577) and follow it up E and then N to a ruined TV or radio mast. Continue out NW over the broad grass and heather covered moorland top to gain a low ridge and fence some 200m ahead. At the fence turn left and follow it along noting a small but prominent cairn in the adjacent field on the right at B (C72891 24269). The actual high point of the hill will be a matter of debate and personal preference but appears to lie along the fence line or near the cairn. There are fine views across NW to Binevenagh and S to to Donald's Hill and the sharp prominent peak of Benbradagh. Just under 3km up and back.
Picture: View across to cairn, top right of picture.
Just where is the high point on this hill?
by Harry Goodman
23 Mar 2015
On 16 March 2015 I parked off road, on the grass verge. Nearby I then took take a track at A (C72791 23577) which wound up E and then N to a ruined TV/radio mast . Once there I headed NW across the hummocky moorland of grass and heather to a low ridge like crest ahead. This was topped by a wire fence which I followed along left before crossing it and making for a small but well made cairn at B (C72891 24269). From a visual perspective it appeared to me that the cairn may not sit on the highest point of the hill. This may lie nearby between the cairn and the fence or along the fence line. Exactly where will be a matter of opinion. I would also add that, in my opinion, the MV co-ordinate for the top of this hill, C (C729 241)based on Pt. 337 shown on OSNI Sheet 8, is incorrect and should read D (C729 242) with the latter reading being some 100m closer to the cairn. There are fine views across NW to Binevenagh and S to Donald's Hill and the sharp prominent peak of Benbradagh. In all the walk up and back was just over 3km including some time spent stomping around searching for the highest point. Linkback:
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