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Ballyhoura Mountains Area , Cen: Kilfinnane Subarea
Feature count in area: 12, by county: Limerick: 11, Cork: 1, OSI/LPS Maps: 73, EW-G
Highest Place: Seefin Mountain West Top 528m

Starting Places (16) in area Ballyhoura Mountains:
Annaslinga, Ardpatrick, Ballinlyna Bridge, Barrabunocka Bridge, Combaun Woods CP, Darby's Bed, Darragh House, Farahy River, Galbally, Glenanair Bridge, Greenwood, Kilfinane Motte, Lissantrelick Paradise Hill, Seefin Mountain Loop Car Park, Sheehan's Glen, Thomastown Wood

Summits & other features in area Ballyhoura Mountains:
Cen: Kilfinnane: Ardnageeha 361.8m, Fear Breagach 369m
E: Ballyarthur: Ballyarthur Hill 353.3m
N: Ballylanders: Slievereagh 464.5m
N: Galbally: Duntryleague Hill 278m
S: Ballyorgan: Carrigeenamronety 400.9m, Coolfree Mountain 436.8m, Seefin Mountain East Top 510m, Seefin Mountain West Top 528m, Seefin South-East Top 504m
W: Carron: Carron Mountain 446.7m, Little Carron 440.2m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Ardnageeha, 361.8m Hill Árd na Gaoithe A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
, Limerick County in Munster province, in Binnion Lists, Ardnageeha is the 1039th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference R68724 19773, OS 1:50k mapsheet 73
Place visited by: 37 members, recently by: aidand, paddyobpc, garrettd, Krzysztof_K, JohnRea, chelman7, Stephblewitt, maryblewitt, mlmoroneybb, sarahryanowen, wfinn30, John.geary, peter1, ilenia, FrankMc1964
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.459493, Latitude: 52.329145, Easting: 168724, Northing: 119773, Prominence: 114m,  Isolation: 2.1km
ITM: 568680 619824
Bedrock type: Greywacke & dark green shale, (Inchacoomb Formation)
Notes on name: Used to be called Keale Mountain previously in MV, but that is the name of a diifferent nearby hill
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Ardngh, 10 char: Ardnageeha

Gallery for Ardnageeha (Árd na Gaoithe) and surrounds
Summary for Ardnageeha (Árd na Gaoithe): An open summit makes a great viewpoint
Summary created by jackill 07 Sep, 2014
   picture about Ardnageeha (Árd na Gaoithe)
Picture: Looking north from the summit
Park at Bl-Lyna Brg (R68211 20181), a forest entrance with room for 2 cars. Walk uphill into the forestry on a good track taking the first right and continue to A (R68645 19999), this is the start of a machine track the skirts the forest on the east and the felled area on the east. Head uphill and south to the summit area which is covered by high grass and nettles.Excellent views of the Ballyhouras, the Galtys and the plains of Limerick to the north.
Note the summit position changed in September 2014 following a survey by Mountainviews.
Member Comments for Ardnageeha (Árd na Gaoithe)

   picture about Ardnageeha (Árd na Gaoithe)
Picture: The summits in there...honestly!!
Strictly summit baggers only!1
by hivisibility 23 Feb 2014
As I’m an unashamed summit collector at this stage the appearance of Keale Mountain onto my local 100 list meant it was going to receive a fairly quick visit, being so close to home. To access it you simply turn left at the square in Kilfinane town towards Ballyorgan, this crossroads is directly opposite the Ballyhoura Failte offices. Proceed to the next crossroads ( A “Y “ fork) and turn left, located at B (R675 218). Immediately after turning watch out for a single lane tarmac road on the left which rises steeply upwards. Take this road and continue on for some distance until you meet the Ballyhoura way at a forest barrier on your right,C (R692 207). Parking here for 2, possibly 3 vehicles with care.
To reach the summit continue straight up the track. This soon gives way to mature forest which is being felled at the moment. Keep going until you meet a forest road coming from your right. Turn left and then sharp right with good views over to Slieve Reagh, Féar Breagach, the Galtees on your left. Continue until you meet an obvious turning area for timber lorries and shortly after leave the track and turn right across an older felled area. Sadly however this is as good as it gets. If you really want to access the summit then continue walking west approx 150 metres, swing right and trash your way through the trees for almost 100 metres.
You’ll be rewarded with trees in your face in every direction. There’s no summit cairn to be seen [ well maybe some rocks under an enormous heap of moss! } which was an near as my GPS could calculate. Itch scratched, time to trash my way back to civilisation: but I won’t scratch this one for quite a while again. Linkback:
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   picture about Ardnageeha (Árd na Gaoithe)
Picture: The top at last.
Why do I obsess about the hills that kick my ass?
by chelman7 15 Feb 2022
I tried 4 different ways to reach the top. Finally succeeded (see Track 4608). Not pleasant, but mercifully short. Hill baggers and other nutters only. If you have patience, wait until Coillte log the trees, sometime in the next ten years or so. If you can't wait - bring a good briar beating stick, (or a flame-thrower). Linkback:
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   picture about Ardnageeha (Árd na Gaoithe)
Picture: The exciting summit of Keale.
Keale summit.
by hivisibility 22 Feb 2014
Keale summit Linkback:
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   picture about Ardnageeha (Árd na Gaoithe)
Picture: On the summit looking east to the old summit
Houston, we have a problem!
by jackill 20 Mar 2015
Every so often we have to correct summit position errors. In this case the height is also incorrect.
The actual summit is at D (R68724 19773) with 361.84 meters elevation
On the positive side this does mean it is much easier to access the top from the forest entrance at Bl-Lyna Brg (R68211 20181). Linkback:
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Get there soon
by thomas_g 5 Aug 2016
The machine track described by Jackill has become very overgrown and is rough going in spots. Bag this one soon if you're thinking about it. Linkback:
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EDIT Point of Interest
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(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.