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Arigna & Bricklieve & Curlew Area , N: Arigna Subarea
Feature count in area: 8, by county: Sligo: 4, Leitrim: 3, Roscommon: 2, of which 1 is in both Leitrim and Roscommon, OSI/LPS Maps: 25, 26, 32, 33
Highest Place: Carrane Hill 458m

Starting Places (8) in area Arigna & Bricklieve & Curlew:
Ballinafad, Carricknahorna, Carrownadargny, Keshcorran Caves, Knockateean Colliery, Leitrim Village, Scardan Waterfall, Tullynahaw Wind Farm

Summits & other features in area Arigna & Bricklieve & Curlew:
N: Arigna: Carrane Hill 458m, Seltannasaggart 428m, Seltannasaggart SE Slope 412m
SE: Leitrim Village: Sheemore 178m
SW: Boyle: Curlew Mountains 255m
W: Castlebaldwin: Barroe North 226m, Bricklieve Mountains 321m, Keshcorran 359m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Seltannasaggart SE Slope, 412m Hill
Place Rating ..
County Highpoint of Roscommon and in Leitrim/ Roscommon counties in Connacht province, in County Highpoint Lists, Seltannasaggart SE Slope is the third highest hill in the Arigna & Bricklieve & Curlew area and the 891st highest in Ireland. Seltannasaggart SE Slope is the second most easterly summit in the Arigna & Bricklieve & Curlew area. Seltannasaggart SE Slope is the highest point in county Roscommon.
Grid Reference G90396 19542, OS 1:50k mapsheet 26
Place visited by: 281 members, recently by: Miriamowens, hikingofireland, Petecal423, Leatra, claireod5, westside, sglennon, ciaranr, DarrenY, markwallace, ccartwright, agakilbride, JohnHoare, chelman7, NualaB
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.147446, Latitude: 54.124731, Easting: 190396, Northing: 319542, Prominence: 0m,  Isolation: 0.6km
ITM: 590361 819531
Bedrock type: Cyclothemic sandstone, siltstone, coal, (Lackagh Sandstone Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: SltnSE, 10 char: SltnsgSESl

Gallery for Seltannasaggart SE Slope and surrounds
Summary for Seltannasaggart SE Slope : Choice of routes to the Top of Roscommon.
Summary created by simon3, Harry Goodman 07 Oct, 2013
   picture about Seltannasaggart SE Slope
Picture: Walkers heading south down Seltannasaggart SE Slope.
This is a point in the map corresponding to the highest point in Roscommon, however there is no apparent natural feature marking it. There is a pile of stones approximately at the correct place. It is within an extensive windfarm.

Route 1 : From the east park at Kn Colry (G919 191) walk W and then NW up a stoney track leading to the Seltannasaggart (Corrie Mt.) open cast mine workings and a Wind Farm. About 1.5k along at a fork go left and follow to another junction. Turn left and walk about 100m S along the track before going left on to the grass and heathery ground for about 50m to the highest point in Roscommon. Note: as of 2013 it is possible to drive a car (carefully) to within about 90m of the summit.

Route 2: From the south west park, off road, at A (G895 179) and follow the marked Miner's Way NE up the grass and heather covered hillside for about 1.5k to meet a vehicle access track at B (G905 191). While the path up is quite indistinct at times, near the crest a small sunken ditch can be picked up on the right and can be followed up to the access track. Once there turn left and follow along for some 500m before going right, of the track, on to grass and heather covered ground for about 50m to the high point of Roscommon. If two cars are available a through walk combining routes 1 and 2 and then over Kilronan Mt. (the highest hill in Roscommon) C (G901 149) and down to the Arigna Mining Museum car park D (G924 144) makes for a satisfying day out.
Member Comments for Seltannasaggart SE Slope

   picture about Seltannasaggart SE Slope
Picture: Does this cairn mark the County Top of Roscommon?
County Top of Roscommon
by Gribster 4 Dec 2011
On Saturday 7 August 2010, I parked at Kn Colry (G919 191) where the Miner’s Way meets the road before setting off along the Miner’s Way uphill towards the wind farm. I passed close to the bases of several wind turbines before reaching a 90° bend to the right at E (G903 197) (still in Leitrim). I had MV’s grid ref for Roscommon’s County Top (F (G90251 19607) at that time) programmed into my Garmin, which took me into a gravel pit. I studied OS Sheet 26 at this point and compared it closely to the MV grid reference. Things didn’t look right. At this point, I used a ruler to mark my location on the map to discover that I was still in Leitrim. Not sure how precisely the county boundary has been drawn on the map, but I could see that I was about 100m from Roscommon. Even by allowing a 50m margin of error, I was clearly still in Leitrim. I returned to the junction, to study the map again.

My eyes were drawn from the map to see an unsupervised Rottweiler trotting towards me. I quickly scanned the 360° surroundings hoping to see its master, but there was no-one else around. He strolled up to me quite calmly, and I patted him on the head. I said, “Good doggy, good doggy...” certain that I only had seconds left to live. I walked calmly back towards where I’d parked. The dog walked alongside me like a bouncer escorting a troublemaker from a bar. We walked for a couple of hundred metres, then he stopped. I kept walking, and he stood watching me for a while. Then he galloped back towards the gravel pit. Despite the fact that I was still alive, I felt a strong sense of failure at that point. I decided not to give up on this County Top so easily. Into the GPS, I entered the grid ref of a point on the map which was clearly located above the 410m contour but also in Roscommon.

I scanned the area for the Rottweiller. He was nowhere to be seen. I followed my GPS across bog to the new grid ref, stopping within thirty metres of a tiny pile of stones. I went over for a quick inspection to discover that it was a cairn-like structure – recently built, judging by the pink-flowered heather visible underneath through the gaps in the stones. I marked its position on the GPS and on the map. I was definitely standing in Roscommon, and close to the county boundary. I studied the topography, visualising the county boundary passing through. There were other points of similar height nearby, so I used the plumb needle on my compass to turn it into a rudimentary level. A quick – and very basic – levelling exercise revealed that the cairn “probably” marks the County Top of Roscommon, although this requires a more accurate method of verification. Using the GPS to an accuracy of 6m, the grid ref for this cairn is G (G90408 19523) and its elevation is 416m. The area around the cairn resembles virgin ground, although it is sited within 20m of a wind turbine access track. I added a nearby stone to the cairn, took a few photos, and left feeling satisfied that I’d completed the County Top of Roscommon. Linkback:
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   picture about Seltannasaggart SE Slope
Picture: Walking S on the Miner's Way down the SE Slope
The true Top of Roscommon !
by Harry Goodman 19 Dec 2011
I have read Gribster's comment with great interest. When I visited the SE Slope in June 2008 I used OSNI Sheet 26 (B Edition 2001) which placed the high point on the County Boundary as H (G90400 19550) and not I (G903 196), the then listed MV co-ordinates. This said the MV reference conveniently placed the high point at a track junction some 100m NW of my reading. As I was walking part of the Miner's Way at the time I found the track actually crossed the MV reference point en route and it was therefore a simple matter of leaving the track and walking the short distance out to my own reference point H (G90400 19550). This appears to lie within a 25m margin of error from that given by Gribster and the now accepted MV reference. At the time there was nothing marking the spot and I am glad to read that a small cairn of stones has since been errected. I also recall that the hummocky ground had a number of "contenders" for the highest point but a short stroll around will satisfy even the most fastidious walker that s/he has been to the Top of Roscommon! Intrigued by the apparent discrepancy between the original MV reference and the currently accepted one, I again studied my maps and have found that on an earlier version of Sheet 26 (dated 1981) the County Boundary high point was indeed located, just beside a track, at I (G903 196) (the original MV reference). I therefore assume that this was the map used to determine the earlier MV reference point. Indeed tracks at that time were not as well marked on the map, and pre-dated the laying of more substantial tracks to service the later established Wind Farm. Linkback:
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   picture about Seltannasaggart SE Slope
Picture: On the Top of Roscommon
Highest Point in Roscommon
by Harry Goodman 5 Dec 2011
I crossed Seltannasaggart SE Slope in June 2008 when walking part of the Miner's Way over the mountain. We started at Kn Colry (G919 191) which is the start of a stoney track leading up to the top.The views to the E over Lough Allen to Slieve Anierin and the Fermanagh/Cavan mountains beyond are extensive but were marred by an assortment of rubbish to the side of the track . The top of the mountain, which supports a Wind Farm is a mess as it is subject to open cast mining. Indeed the the high point for Seltannasaggart 426m is difficult to locate and without the help of a GPS virtually impossible. Maybe by now it has been mined out of existence !! Not so Seltannasaggart SE Slope. It is positioned on the downward slope just off of the track on the left. Nothing as yet marks the spot as a County Top but given the ready supply of rocks/stones in the area County Top Summiteers may decide to build a small cairn to mark the highest point in Roscommon. Return by the same roue or if two cars are available it is a very rewarding walk to continue down along the Miners Way and if time allows climb the nearby Kilronan Mountain J (G90100 14900) before descending to the Arigna Mining Museum and Centre K (G92400 14400). Linkback:
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County Top Log Book?
by three5four0 13 Jul 2010
Climbed (?) this county top on the return from Seltannasaggart. The look on my wife's face said it all really, regarding my diversion to include it in the days walk and my sanity for doing so. Should have said I needed a pee, and disappeared off the track to bag it!

Perhaps a cairn with a county tops log book installed within it, would provide a suitable reason / excuse to visit? Linkback:
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   picture about Seltannasaggart SE Slope
Picture: The top is here?
Cairn for Seltannasaggart SE Slope?
by paddyhillsbagger 5 Apr 2010
I have to concur with Harry Goodmans comment (and others on Seltannasaggart) regarding the desolate industrial landscape at the top of this mountain. However, when I went up (via the Miners Way which was very marshy) I found this rock with an arrow on it in the area of Seltannasaggart SE Slope. Now this has been put there either by the nearby quarry or the wind farm people but it is as good as a cairn you will get on this top! Oh, by the way, there is a high voltage cable by the rock, perhaps that is what the arrow is for? Linkback:
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