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Mizen/Sheeps Head Area , S: Cape Clear Subarea
Feature count in area: 19, all in Cork, OSI/LPS Maps: 84, 85, 88, 89
Highest Place: Mount Gabriel 407m

Starting Places (15) in area Mizen/Sheeps Head:
Ahakista Pier, Brow Head Watch Tower, Cahergal, Carr Clós Dún Óir, Coosacuslaun Bay, Derrylahard East, Durrus Village, Kilcrohane, Letter Cillin CP, Mount Corrin Road, Mount Gabriel Road, Quarry, Sheeps Head Turning Point, Sherkin Island Pier, Sui Finn Car Park

Summits & other features in area Mizen/Sheeps Head:
NE: Mizen NE: Derrylahard East 301m, Knockaughna 268m, Mount Corrin 284m, Mount Gabriel 407m, Mount Kid 296.1m
NW: Sheeps Head: Ballyroon Mountain 239m, Caher Mountain 338m, Fahane 233m, Gouladane 303m, Seefin 345m
S: Cape Clear: Cnoicín an tSeabhaic (Clear Island) 160m
S: Knockomagh: Knockomagh 197m
S: Sherkin: Slievemore (Sherkin Island) 101m
SW: Mizen SW: Brow Head 108m, Knockaphuca 237m, Knockatassonig 207m, Knocknamaddree 313m, Lackenakea 164m, Mizen Peak 232m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Cnoicín an tSeabhaic, 160m Hill
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cnoicín an tSeabhaic [], 'little hill of the
, Cork County in Munster province, in Binnion, Irish Islands Lists, Cnoicín an tSeabhaic is the 1464th highest place in Ireland. Cnoicín an tSeabhaic is the most southerly summit in the Mizen/Sheeps Head area. It's also the most southerly summit in Ireland.
Reachable "On Foot " Y
Grid Reference V97225 22082, OS 1:50k mapsheet 88
Place visited by: 35 members, recently by: Marykerry, chelman7, rollingwave, Fergalh, nickywood, pdtempan, GoldCircle, jlk, newpark-cc, markmjcampion, jimmytherabbit, Aongus, eamonoc, DenisMc, Toolio , Island visited by 61 members.
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
, I visited this island: NO
Longitude: -9.47889, Latitude: 51.442748, Easting: 97225, Northing: 22082, Prominence: 160m,  Isolation: 4.1km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 497197 522155
Bedrock type: Sandstone & subsidiary mudstone, (Sherkin Formation)
Notes on name: This peak, located in the townland of Cill Leice Fórabháin, is unnamed on OS maps. The old lighthouse stands on this hill.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Cncían, 10 char: CncínantSb

Gallery for Cnoicín an tSeabhaic and surrounds
Summary for Cnoicín an tSeabhaic : Land Ho!
Summary created by jackill 03 Jul, 2010
   picture about Cnoicín an tSeabhaic
Picture: Looking to the summit from the signal towers
A 45 minute ferry trip from Baltimore will bring you to Clear Island. From the harbour take the first turn left uphill and follow the road to the cross at A (V97022 22299), turn right and go uphill to a gate at B (V96971 22029). Cross the stile and follow a rough track to the summit.
A non-functioning wind turbine sits a short distance from the summit.
Views over the whole island and across the sea to the mainland are magnificient.
Member Comments for Cnoicín an tSeabhaic

   picture about Cnoicín an tSeabhaic
Picture: Looking east to Sherkin and Baltimore
Kernowclimber, your secret is out!
by jackill 17 Jun 2010
Since their first appearance together on MountainViews I had wondered at the meaning of the good Doctors assistants nom de plume.
Unexpected it was to step off the 10.30am ferry from Baltimore on a murky Saturday and have the answer set in stone on Clear island.
St Ciaran was born here in the 4th century and as a young man travelled to Rome having heard about Christianity from some sailors. He returned to Clear Island, converted the people and built a church here. Ciarans father was a native of Ossory (Kilkenny) and St Ciaran founded a monestry there at Seir Kieran 30 years before St Patrick came to Ireland.
St. Ciaran also ministered in Kernow(Cornwall) where he is know as St Piaran.
He is celebrated on the 5th of March.
A sharp left turn out of the ferry port and an amble over broken lanes serenaded by the sound of holy exhausts to the cross roads, turn right uphill and then over the stile to your left.
Following a barely discernable wind turbine access road will bring you to the most southerly summit in Ireland.
Seascapes and islands , the three Calfs, Hare, Horse to the north, Sherkin to the east shielding The Stolen Village of Baltimore where arabic was spoken on the winding streets by corsairs intent on selling the locals into slavery in the seventeenth century, solitary Fastnet to the west and beyond the rolling Atlantic swell and America. Linkback:
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   picture about Cnoicín an tSeabhaic
Picture: View of summit cairn and old turbine
Not a CLEAR route to the top!!
by Dessie1 21 Aug 2013
I climbed this hill (as the usual by the awkward way) starting at the roadway to the old lighthouse.I left the lighthouse and tried to head directly NE for the summit cairn through fields of gorse along the coastline.After 3 fields I got completely stuck in waist high gorse (in shorts not a good idea!) so decided to backtrack to the main road to the lighthouse and take the route that everyone else had taken to the summit.So much for trailblazing! Excellent views from the summit and crystal clear skies made the roundabout journey worth the effort. Linkback:
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   picture about Cnoicín an tSeabhaic
Picture: Clear views
Great island
by TommyV 30 Oct 2018
Starting at the quay where the ferry will drop you at C (V95437 21741) there is a marked looped walk taking in some of the best scenery on the island including the cliffs on the South side. We left the waymarked trail at two points, one at D (V96485 21339) to investigate the obvious signal tower that can be seen regularly along the walk and also a small detour at E (V96968 22076) to climb to the summit of Cnoicin an tSeabhaic, the highest point on the island. On the way back there is a lovely little museum that is worth stopping off at F (V96274 21998) as it has some great history on maritime and on the building of Fastnet Rock lighthouse. Linkback:
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Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.