Since their first appearance together on MountainViews I had wondered at the meaning of the good Doctors assistants nom de plume.
Unexpected it was to step off the 10.30am ferry from Baltimore on a murky Saturday and have the answer set in stone on Clear island.
St Ciaran was born here in the 4th century and as a young man travelled to Rome having heard about Christianity from some sailors. He returned to Clear Island, converted the people and built a church here. Ciarans father was a native of Ossory (Kilkenny) and St Ciaran founded a monestry there at Seir Kieran 30 years before St Patrick came to Ireland.
St. Ciaran also ministered in Kernow(Cornwall) where he is know as St Piaran.
He is celebrated on the 5th of March.
A sharp left turn out of the ferry port and an amble over broken lanes serenaded by the sound of holy exhausts to the cross roads, turn right uphill and then over the stile to your left.
Following a barely discernable wind turbine access road will bring you to the most southerly summit in Ireland.
Seascapes and islands , the three Calfs, Hare, Horse to the north, Sherkin to the east shielding The Stolen Village of Baltimore where arabic was spoken on the winding streets by corsairs intent on selling the locals into slavery in the seventeenth century, solitary Fastnet to the west and beyond the rolling Atlantic swell and America.
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