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Feature count in area: 9, all in Donegal,
OSI/LPS Maps: 2
Highest Place: Knockalla 363m
Starting Places (13) in area Donegal North: Coshia, Crocknagrauv, Crocknamarrow, Crocknapisha, Glenvar, Lough Cor Road, Lough Hanane, Lurganboy Wind Farm, Mevagh Cross, Narrow Step, Stella Maris Meevagh, Trá na Rossan, Trá na Rossan Hostel
Summits & other features in area Donegal North: Cen: Rosguill: Crocknasleigh 163m, Ganiamore 207m E: Fanad: Cashelmore 149m, Knockalla 363m, Murren Hill 227m, Crockdonnelly 152m, Craigcannon 357m, Drumavohy Hill 153m W: Horn Head: Croaghnamaddy 252m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Crocknasleigh, 163mHill Cnoc na Sleá A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cnoc na Sleá [An tOrdú Logainmneacha (Ceantair Ghaeltachta) 2008], 'hill of the spear'), Donegal County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Cnoc na Sleá is the 1459th highest place in Ireland. Cnoc na Sleá is the second most northerly summit in the Donegal North area.
Grid Reference C12366 42936,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 2 Place visited by: 39members, recently by: ChrisC, Lucky1, Wilderness, jimmytherabbit, markmjcampion, dregish, Q35on, ucampbell, finkey86, fingalscave, Seamus-hills, Fergalh, Aidy, nesa1206, IainT
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.806435, Latitude: 55.233267, Easting: 212366, Northing: 442936,
Prominence: 159m, Isolation: 3.1km ITM: 612312 942915 Bedrock type: Xenolithic facies, (Fanad Granite) Notes on name: Cnoc na Sleá is the modern Irish form. Arguably the Classical Irish form Cnoc na Sleighe is more faithful to the pronunciation.
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Crc163, 10 char: Crcknslgh Linkback:
Gallery for Crocknasleigh (Cnoc na Sleá) and surrounds
for Crocknasleigh (Cnoc na Sleá):
short hill with long views
Summary created by slemish
05 Mar, 2011
Picture: Crocknasleigh (L) in the classic Atlantic Drive photo
Crocknasleigh's coastal location means it punches well above it's weight in terms of views from its modest 163m summit. Much of the rugged North Donegal coastline is visible from here among an enormous swathe of Atlantic Ocean. The easiest route up is to start in the Youth Hostel car park (Trá Hos (C126 425)) and follow the track up past the hostel itself and then over open moorland to the summit cairn. There is a re-entrant (125m) on the northern side which has an interesting ruined look-out station from WWII. Crocknasleigh is one of the most photographed mountains in Ireland as it is the hill that features in the classic Atlantic Drive view as seen in Ireland tourist brochures the world over.
Picture: Looking west from Crocknasleigh towards Horn Head
slemish on Crocknasleigh
by slemish
30 May 2009
Climbed Crocknasleigh today for the first time in many years - absolutely glorious weather, very warm indeed for May. I parked at the Tra na Rosann youth hostel (Trá Hos (C126 425)) and from there climbed straight up the side of the hill over open sheep-cropped moorland, quite steep in places although nothing particularly strenuous. A small cairn marks the summit at 163m. On a clear day like today, the views are well worth it. Looking north, the vast expanse of Atlantic Ocean that opens ahead of you is breathtaking enough, but to the west the sheer cliffs at Horn Head and the distant Tory island provide a stunning backdrop. To the east, the Fanad peninsula and the Inishowen hills and to the south-east the craggy outline of Loughsalt Mtn. Ganiamore to the south-west with the unmistakeable outline of Muckish peeping over it. Make sure to take in the northern second summit (125m) with its WWII lookout-station. From here the hill drops steeply to the north, allowing fine views over Melmore Lough and the fabulously-named Murderhole beach. Total trip - about 1 hr. Linkback:
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Picture: View from the northern side, down on Boyeeghter Bay.
Not To Be Judged On Size
by Aidy
19 Apr 2017
A small hill, but as it can form part of an extended walk, has some very steep sides, and has some of the best views in the country, it cannot be judged by size alone. I started at the car park at the southern end of Tra na Rossan strand which I then walked along to reach the southern slopes of the hill. Its a short but steep ascent from the beach, and I was well rewarded with amazing views in every direction. I continued over the hill but had to retreat and probe for a way down as the northern side is extremely steep in places. There were great views down over Boyeeghter Bay and the "Murder Hole" beach, and it was this that tempted me on. I found a route down to the gap between Crocnasleigh and Gortnalughuge Hill and I ascended this second hill to the old coastguard lookout post. There was another extremely steep drop from there to the western end of Melmore Lough - I would hesitate to recommend this route to anybody unless they were extremely confident. It was worth it for me as I lingered at the Murder Hole for a great sunset. Luckily, I met another photographer there too who gave me lift back to the car park afterwards, avoiding a road walk back in the dark. A brilliant hill, and even better if done as part of an exploration of the area. Linkback:
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Picture: You can see the steep northern slopes of both hills here.
Sunset At The Murder Hole
by Aidy
19 Apr 2017
In my main summit comment I mentioned the steep northern sides of both Crocknasleigh and Gortnalughuge that I had descended to get to the Murder Hole at Boyeeghter Bay for sunset. This photo shows those steep sides, bathed in the light from the sunset. Its a beautiful spot and worth adding to the route if visiting Crocknasleigh, although some might prefer another route to the Murder Hole rather than coming down those steep slopes. It can be accessed from the road on the east side of the peninsula too. Linkback:
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Picture: Cnoc na Slea from Rosses Strand
Golden Glaze
by gerrym
26 Jul 2010
Late evening start with this one with the intention of camping overnight. Used the excellent carpark at Rosses Strand - there are No Camping signs here but i was heading well off from beach.
The beach still contained some hardy souls, with the pounding waves satisfying those in thier wetsuits. Walk the length of this beautiful beach and take a green track heading out along the Bay. Easy walking on sheep mown grass brought Rosses Point (A (C114 434)) where i set up camp for the night. A late dinner with views to a strikingly dark Horn Head, the sweeping glare of the lighthouse on Tory and the redness of the midnight sun far to the N, complimented by the sound of the Atlantic relentlessly striking home some 100ft below.
The night brought strong winds which tested the tent and my ability to get a decent sleep. An early start brought easy walking towards the summit. The golden sands of Rosses Strand were completey deserted and other golden stretches popped in and out of view as i climbed. A fence is followed to the summit and the small cairn. Views are impressive along the Atlantic coast in every direction - a lonely sailboat giving perspective to the vast area of water before me.
Return followed the fence down and then a direct descent to the beach, with another chance to savour the sand and surf before the carpark. A brilliant hill - taking little effort to summit but lots of effort to process the expansive views over a stunning coastline! Linkback:
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Picture: Murder Hole is a stunning place.
Melmore Head Loop Walk
by ucampbell
30 Jul 2019
I confess I didn't make it to the Summit. I did a 10km walk around Melmore Head from the Hostel carpark. I walked along the road and beaches up to Melmore then climbed up and around the headland to the Murder Hole beach. I then climbed upwards from here in an attempt to gain the ridge however it hadn't been part of my original plan so I turned back and I kept lower. The views from all aspects are stunning. Linkback:
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