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Dingle West Area , W: Blaskets Subarea
Feature count in area: 13, all in Kerry, OSI/LPS Maps: 70, EW-DW
Highest Place: Mount Eagle (2) 516m

Starting Places (27) in area Dingle West:
Ballinloghig, Ballybrack Mid, Ballydavid, Ballyferriter, Ballyoughteragh Cross, Béal Bán Carpark, Blasket Centre, Brandon Pilgrimage Trail, Cat Dubh Hostel, Coosavuddig Quay Brandon Creek, Coumeenoole Bay, Dooneen Pier, Dún Chaoin E, Eask Tower Path, Feoghanagh River, Foilatallav, Inis na Bró, Inis Tuaisceart, Kildurrihy, Kilmalkedar Cemetary, Maumanorig, Mount Eagle Lough, Old Town, Slea Head Carpark, Smerwick, Strand St Dingle, Tiduff

Summits & other features in area Dingle West:
Cen: Dunquin: Croaghmarhin 403m, Mount Eagle 516m
E: Dingle: Carhoo Hill 184m
N: Ballydavid: Beenmore 239m, Ballydavid Head 251.4m, Reenconnell 274m
N: Ballyferriter: Sybil Head 206m, Lateeve 318m
W: Blaskets: Croaghmore (Great Blasket Island) 292m, Tearaght Island 200m, Inishvickillane 135m, Inishnabro 175m, Inishtooskert (2) 172m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Inishtooskert (2), 172m Hill Inis Tuaisceart (2) A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Inis Tuaisceart [], 'northern island'), Kerry County in Munster province, in Binnion, Irish Islands Lists, Inis Tuaisceart is the 1448th highest place in Ireland. Inis Tuaisceart is the 4th most westerly summit in Ireland.
Reachable "On Foot " Y
Grid Reference Q23354 00825, OS 1:50k mapsheet 70
Place visited by: 18 members, recently by: Tom98, scapania, DavidWalsh, MichaelE, Colin Murphy, march-fixer, zanzibar, kernowclimber, sandman, mcrtchly, Conor74, Bernieor, dbloke, wicklore, Peter Walker , Island visited by 20 members.
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
, I visited this island: NO
Longitude: -10.580497, Latitude: 52.13155, Easting: 23354, Northing: 100825, Prominence: 172m,  Isolation: 5.2km
ITM: 423343 600883
Bedrock type: Fluvial, aeolian sandstone, conglomerate, (Smerwick Group)
Notes on name: The remarkable form of Inis Tuaisceart seen from the mainland, which resembles a recumbent human figure, has given rise to several names, such as An Fear Marbh ('the dead man'), 'the Bishop' and 'the Sleeping Giant'. To the south of the island's summit lies an early Christian structure known as Teampall Bréanainn or St. Brendan's Oratory.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Inshts, 10 char: Inshtskrt

Gallery for Inishtooskert (2) (Inis Tuaisceart (2)) and surrounds
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Member Comments for Inishtooskert (2) (Inis Tuaisceart (2))

   picture about Inishtooskert (2) (Inis Tuaisceart (2))
Picture: The summit of Inishtooskert
Atlantic outpost
by wicklore 9 Sep 2012
From the summit of Inishtooskert the grass and heather slopes lead gently down to the east. The grassy slopes end abruptly, at steep and rocky cliffs and crags. We accessed the island at at a point where a 10 metre scramble up the rocks brought us to the grassy slopes.The western side of Inishtooskert is fully exposed to the Atlantic, and has cliffs and sheer slopes that reach from sea level up to the 172 metre summit. Remains of two small settlements can be seen on Inishtooskert, including some old beehive huts. However there appears to be little or no shelter on the island, so life would have been very tough in bad weather.

My photo was taken looking NE to the summit, with the fierce west-facing side of the island to the left. Linkback:
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   picture about Inishtooskert (2) (Inis Tuaisceart (2))
Picture: Accessing Inishtooskert
Accessing Inishtooskert
by wicklore 9 Sep 2012
Inishtooskert has no pier, jetty or other manmade boat-landing appartus. Our boat, the Blasket Princess under the skillful command of Mick Sheeran, stopped a few hundred feet offshore, and we took turns loading into the dingy to be whisked to the islands' rocks. The dingy literally pulls up onto a sloping rock and Matt's able assistants aided us to individually clamber onto the sloping rock. From here it was a 10 metre scrambe using both hands to reach the slightly less steep grassy slope above. Another 20 metres of steep grassy slope and eventually the slope eased off, from where it is was a straightforward ramble over sheep-cropped grass and heather to the summit.

Sheep are kept on the island and are landed/collected from the same spot we used, meaning that it really must be just about the only place to access the island. A photo showing sheep being loaded can be seen here:;jsessionid=3525CABE4DD241AF635AFA8D201F0887.worker2en/A (Q368 317)1/imageDetails.html

The prescence of the sheep mean that the island doesn't have the long difficult heather and grass of Inis na Bro. However Inishtooskert does have an abundance of dead birds which are most likely the result of seagulls. The sheer amount of carcasses led many of the group to wonder if it wasn't mink or larger birds of prey at work. However the remains of wings and legs seems to be the trademark leftovers of a seagull feast.

My photo shows some intrepid MountainViewers on the landing rock as the dingy collects them to return to the boat. Not the most accessible island by a long shot! Linkback:
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   picture about Inishtooskert (2) (Inis Tuaisceart (2))
Picture: Building on one of the few flatish pieces of the island.
Oratory with a possibly grizzly story.
by simon3 5 Jun 2017
At around B (Q23335 00380) you will find a cluster of buildings, a minor monastic ruin, marked at St Brendan's Oratory. There is a round corbelled building, sunk well into the ground, with a hole, presumably for smoke, at the top.

The interior is seriously dirty with a discarded gas cylinder and other modern junk in it. According to Oileáin, David Walsh's 2004 book on the islands of Ireland, "There is a local story of how the widow of a recently departed, corpulent husband got him out through the awkward entrance. She took him out in pieces." Linkback:
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   picture about Inishtooskert (2) (Inis Tuaisceart (2))
Picture: View of rugged western cliffs from north east
Western Butress
by march-fixer 16 Sep 2012
This pleasant island has numerous habitation remains of the minimalist variety. How these hardy individuals managed to eke out an existence here leaves much to the imagination.

The western cliffs are severe and unyielding as can be seen in this photo looking south west from the col at the northern end of the island.
. Linkback:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.