Parked in a small lay-by, just past the Carnaghan Presbyterian church, at
Pres Ch (C327 239) where there is enough room for one car to be parked off the road. Walked back past the church, turning left into a lane at
I (C328 241), and then right onto another lane at
J (C327 241). This lane way is unmarked on the satmap gps digital mapping. It is however, marked on both osni sheet 7 and osi sheet 2. Follow this lane up hill, turning right at
K (C322 245) and left at
L (C323 247) which leads you to a road junction at
M (C321 248), turn left and go through a gate. At around
N (C320 247), go through an open gate into a large field with sheep, follow the field round the spur to a gate into the next field at roughly
O (C315 246). Go through the gate and walk to the top of the field. From here you need to plot a line of least resistance , through the ferns and gorse, to get to the final summit slopes of Inch Top, persons with height issues will not enjoy the next 15 mins! Some of the wind-bush and ferns are chest height.
At around
P (C312 249) you arrive at an old over grown track, turn left along this, you will now be able to pick a route ahead (
Q (C311 249),
R (C31171 24999),
S (C311 250) may be of help), and no doubt with some relief, you make it onto the short heather of the summit slope. A short ascent leads to the summit trig point and mast, with great views of the surrounding countryside, and fine place to eat your piece.
The descent, there is a service track descending from Inch Top, however on two of the options we ended in the same field to the rear of a house on the East side of the hill. Anyone who has investigate that side will have noted the number of no trespassing signs, in the lanes off the main road. So, a descent by the way of ascent is the only way to be recommended.
PS those who who have had there legs scratched by gorse / windbush etc, may find Eurax cream stops the itching!
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