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Feature count in area: 9, all in Donegal,
OSI/LPS Maps: 2
Highest Place: Knockalla 363m
Starting Places (13) in area Donegal North: Coshia, Crocknagrauv, Crocknamarrow, Crocknapisha, Glenvar, Lough Cor Road, Lough Hanane, Lurganboy Wind Farm, Mevagh Cross, Narrow Step, Stella Maris Meevagh, Trá na Rossan, Trá na Rossan Hostel
Summits & other features in area Donegal North: Cen: Rosguill: Crocknasleigh 163m, Ganiamore 207m E: Fanad: Cashelmore 149m, Knockalla 363m, Murren Hill 227m, Crockdonnelly 152m, Craigcannon 357m, Drumavohy Hill 153m W: Horn Head: Croaghnamaddy 252m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Murren Hill, 227mHill Cnoc na Boirne A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cnoc na Boirne [OSI], 'hill of the rocky district' or 'hill of An Mhoirinn'), Donegal County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Cnoc na Boirne is the 1346th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference C21485 42402,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 2 Place visited by: 23members, recently by: eamonoc, Claybird007, k_der, paddyhillsbagger, Seamus-hills, NICKY, AntrimRambler, IndyMan, jimbloomer, sandman, Aidy, chalky, Fergalh, osullivanm, simon3
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.663153, Latitude: 55.22816, Easting: 221485, Northing: 442402,
Prominence: 192m, Isolation: 1.9km ITM: 621429 942381 Bedrock type: Whitish quartzite with pebble beds, (Slieve Tooey Quartzite Formation) Notes on name: The highest hill on Fanad N of Knockalla. The name of the hill appears to be connected with the townland of An Mhoirinn/Murren in Clondavaddog parish. The initial B- of the genitive may seem anomolous, given that the nominative has M-, but these are the forms which have been collected locally. OWEN: You know that old limekiln beyond Con Connie Tim's pub, the place we call the Murren? – do you know why it's called the Murren? (MANUS does not answer.) I've only just discovered. It's a corruption of Saint Muranus. It seems Saint Muranus had a monastery somewhere about there at the beginning of the seventh century. And over the years the name became shortened to the Murren. Very unattractive name, isn't it? I think we should go back to the original – Saint Muranus. What do you think? The original's Saint Muranus. Don't you think we should go back to that? (No response. OWEN begins writing the name into the Name-Book.) (Brian Friel, Translations, Faber & Faber, 1981)
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: MrnHl, 10 char: Muren Hil Linkback:
Gallery for Murren Hill (Cnoc na Boirne) and surrounds
for Murren Hill (Cnoc na Boirne):
Central peak with good views, easy climb after twisting road.
Summary created by simon3
27 May, 2014
Picture: Murren from the east.
Given transport, Murren can be reached from the nearby carpark beside the telecoms compound at A (C2153 4236), at the end of a winding tarmac single lane road. The summit and trig pillar are a brief, steep climb to the top.
Although only 227m Murren is centrally positioned in north Fanad and so has a good line of sight to much of the surrounding area. It is possible to create various interesting routes around the largish promontories nearby.
I was in this area on Sunday, on a quest to find the Great Pollet Sea Arch, with no plans to bag any summits, but looking at the impressive profile of Murren and its near neighbour, Dun More, who could resist? I found a place to park on a grass verge on the road almost immediately east of the hill, near the area marked as Rosskirk on the map. I popped through a gap in the roadside hedge, went over a little ridge, and crossed a burn before heading straight up the steep hill side. The masts, prominent from other directions, were hidden by the steep ascent on this side. On the way up I encountered goats and a peregrine falcon, with increasingly good views towards Portsalon and Ballymasocker Bay to the south, and across to Inishowen to the east. It really was steep going on this approach, but short, and soon the masts and trig pillar on the summit came into view. There were now great views north over loughs to the coast, and passing storms out as sea. Further west, was a vista stretching past golden beaches to Horn Head and the Derryveagh Mountains. Despite the poor forecast, I'd had great conditions on the way up, and the weather held to give me long enough to appreciate the views, until the rain and wind arrived with a fury. I forgot about continuing over to Dun More, instead retreating back down to the car. Brilliant little hill, which feels bigger than it is. Linkback:
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Picture: Murren Hill (left) Dun More (right)
Murren Hill
by Harry Goodman
10 Apr 2010
Starting at B (C20900 42900) my wife and I followed a stoney track uphill for about 400 metres to meet a tarred minor road at C (C20700 42450) where we turned left and followed the access road up to the TV Transmitter.This swings in almost a full 360 degree turn between the rocky promontories of Dun Beg and Dun More. Once up at the Transmitter it is a short climb up asteep escarpment to the Trig. Pillar. There is evidence of a high wire mesh surround which would in the past have restricted access to the top but this is no longer in place. Views from the top encompass the whole of NW Donegal from Malin Head in the NE , along the spine of hills on Innishown to the E and the Donegal Highlands to the W. In short this is a little gem of a hill well worth visting if you are in the area. You can be up and down well within an hour and for those minded to do it is even possible to drive right up to the TV Transmitter! The walk could also be more interesting by going "off-piste" and exploring the two rocky promontories of Dun Beg and Dun More and other areas of rocky terrain on the way up. The photograph was taken looking S across Kinny Lough to Murren Hill on left and the rocky crag of Dun More to the right. The access road up to the transmitter runs from right to left around the right side of Dun More and then around the back of Murren Hill to near the summit. Linkback:
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Picture: Ballymastocker Bay from the viewpoint near Saldanha Head
pdtempan on Murren Hill
by pdtempan
30 Mar 2009
In this view of Ballymastocker Bay, Murren Hill is the highest peak, right of centre. It is the highest hill near Fanad Head. The slightly lower but very prominent peak immediately to its left is Dun More. The village of Portsalon is at the far end of the strand. Linkback:
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Murren Hill
by three5four0
11 Apr 2010
There is room enough for one car to park by the minor road from Toome by a sharp bend and the access track at D (C206 424). More of this later! From here it is a quick walk to first the transmitter and then a short steep section up hill to the trig point and summit. This was our last hill of what was the first proper day of summer, and we were treated to the reddening of the sky and hills of a perfect sunset, spoilt only be the trasmitter. A fine end to a 4 hill day. Returning to the car we decided to follow the minor road down to the Portsalon road. This is the stoney track mentioned by Harry Goodman, this is marked on a lot of maps as a minor road, you know the yellow ones!, however it is not passable for anything other but a high wheeled 4x4. So good fun for us, but the end of the underside side of your car if you don't have a 4x4. Approach from Kindrum Lough side via Toome and return the same way or follow Harry Goodmans route and walk up and down the aforementioned stoney section, but don't attempt a drive through, unless your feeling lucky! Linkback:
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Murren.....a little gem.
by jsramsey1491
20 Oct 2018
Last Thursday, 18/10/2018, a few friends and I did a recce on Murren Hill and the surrounding area. We have over the past twenty years or so covered most of the county but this was the first time we have done anything in the north Fanad peninsula other that the Knockalla Ridge. I can honestly say that I and my friends were astonished with the panoramic views we were presented to us on the top of Murren. We started the walk from the car park close to the top of Murren and after climbing the 70 odd feet to the top of the hill we headed south to Dargan and then, following the high ground continued west, then north west and finally north east until we intercepted the service road to the masts on the top of Murren, a little over nine kilometers in all. In my opinion the views afforded to us on this walk are a match for anything that Donegal can offer. It may not have the altitude of walks in the Derryveagh or the Blue Stacks but it is elsewhere but , my goodness, it is a real little gem of a walk. I would thoroughly recommend it. Linkback:
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