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Feature count in area: 19, all in Mayo,
OSI/LPS Maps: 22, 23, EW-WNN
Highest Place: Maumakeogh 379m
Starting Places (9) in area North Mayo: Bangor Trail Head, Carnhill, Carrowmore Wood, Erris Head, Portacloy Bay, Proesoon, Sralagagh West, Termon Hill Road, Tower Hill South
Summits & other features in area North Mayo: Cen: Pulathomas: Barnacuillew 260m E: Ballycastle Hills: Knockaghaleague 237m, Knockboha 186m, Maumakeogh 379m N: Benwee Head Cliffs: Benwee Head 255m, Barradeegin 229m, Glinsk 304m, Illanmaster 238m, Illanmaster Island 105m, Porturlin Hill 155m, Srahataggle 182m, Tawnaghmore 340m S: Bangor Erris Hills: Carrafull 269m, Knocklettercuss 370m, Knocknascollop NW Top 244m, Sheean 295m, Slieve Fyagh 335m W: Belmullet: Aghaglasheen 132m, Termon Hill 103m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Barradeegin, 229mHill Barr an Dígín A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Barr an Dígín [An tOrdú Logainmneacha (Ceantair Ghaeltachta) 2008], 'top of the little ditch'), Mayo County in Connacht province, in Binnion Lists, Barr an Dígín is the 1342th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference F86851 43193,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 23 Place visited by: 14members, recently by: gerrym, elizauna, FilHil, thrifleganger, Fergalh, IainT, sandman, Garmin, chalky, leader1, savage, IncaHoots, mendrit, quino70
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.739824, Latitude: 54.32491, Easting: 86851, Northing: 343193,
Prominence: 194m, Isolation: 2.9km ITM: 486825 843194 Bedrock type: Psammites with rare heavy mineral bands., (Benmore Formation) Notes on name: This peak has no name on OS maps. Has been called Doomara, though Doonmara is properly the name of a headland to the NE. Judging from OS maps and Bald's map, the name Barradeegin seems properly to refer to the top of the valley of the Gweedaney River, which is a little to the west, but the name has been borrowed for this hill in the absence of a better alternative.
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Brdgn, 10 char: Baradegin Linkback:
Gallery for Barradeegin (Barr an Dígín) and surrounds
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Add a Place Comment for Barradeegin, Barr an Dígín (1022) in Area: North Mayo, N: Benwee Head Cliffs, County: Mayo, N: Benwee Head Cliffs
With the cliff views in mind i decided to access this summit from Porturlin resulting in permission being sought from the farmer whose farmyard at A (F88347 42759) has gated access to the open hillside . If you do not wish to seek permission there are many spots allowing open access but the walk is thru heather with restricted views. The summit is flat and boggy with no great features but the cliff walk is fantastic. Linkback:
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